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Ed 1½ YEAR
Course code 8601

Presented by
Hafiz Ahmed Ali
Tutor AIOU
 “When you do stuff that is real.”
 “It is like projects and things that take a long time.”
 “When kids work in groups or with partners and make big
 “It’s fun!”
After completion of this unit you will be able to:
• 1. Use the inductive and deductive methods of teaching in the actual classroom setting.
• 2. Use scientific method to enhance learning of their students.
• 3. Use problem solving approach to leaning for authentic learning of their students.
• 4. Select appropriate teaching technique as per context and content of the lesson.
• 5. Develop appropriate AV aids to foster inquiry.
• 6. Make informed decisions as to when the use of inquiry method will be most
Five Characteristics
Inquiry-Based Learning

1. Bloom’s Taxonomy
2. Asks Questions that Motivate

3. Utilizes wide variety of resources

4. Teacher as Facilitator

5. Meaningful products come out of  

inquiry- based learning
1. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Inquiry-based Learning
asks questions that come
from the higher levels of
Bloom’s Taxonomy.
6. Evaluation: appraise, argue, assess, attach, choose
compare, defend estimate, judge, predict, rate, core, select,
support, value, evaluate
5. Synthesis: arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct,
create, design, develop, formulate, manage, organize, plan,
prepare, propose, set up, write.

4. Analysis: analyze, appraise, calculate, categorize,

compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate,
distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test.
3.Application: apply, choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ,
illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, schedule, sketch, solve,
use, write.
2. Comprehension: classify, describe, discuss, explain,
express, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, report, restate,
review, select, translate,
1. Knowledge: arrange, define, duplicate, label, list,
memorize, name, order, recognize, relate, recall, repeat,
reproduce state.
2. Asks Questions that Motivate

Inquiry-Based Learning
involves questions that
are interesting and
motivating to students.
3. Utilizes wide variety of resources
Inquiry-based Learning utilizes a
wide variety of resources so
students can gather information
and form opinions.
4.  Teacher as Facilitator

Teachers play a
new role as guide
or facilitator
Teacher as Guide
Rather than teach content, you will manage team member
interactions so that teams stay focused and make progress. With
your careful encouragement, each team's problem, plan of action,
and outcome will emerge on its own, the unique product of its
members' collective strengths and interests. In your role of
facilitator, you will begin by briefing students on their projects they
will be doing. When team work begins, you will spend most of your
time observing team members to determine what problems they are
having working together and completing their assignments.
5.  Meaningful products come out of   inquiry-based learning
Learning in the Classroom
• Cooperative Learning
• Teamwork
• Excitement
• Presenting
• Movement
• "Inquiry" is defined as "a seeking for truth, information, or knowledge -- seeking
information by questioning."
• The inquiry approach is more focused on using and learning content as a means to
develop information-processing and problem-solving skills .
• Inquiry classrooms are open systems where students are encouraged to search and
make use of resources beyond the classroom and the school.
• An inquiry classroom is quite different from a traditional classroom. These
differences become increasingly obvious as the teacher and students become more
comfortable and experienced with inquiry learning.

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