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Assalamualaikum Wr.

morning Everyone...
How Are You Today?
• Mohammad Basit Nurjaman ( H1E020029 )
• Orlianita Ananda ( H1E020035 )
• Hilda Lutfiana ( H1E030053 )
Empathy as Domestic
What Is Empathy?
Akording to Cambridge Dictionary, Empathy is the ability to share
someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would
be like to be in that person's situation. And quote from Wikipedia ,
Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person
is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the
capacity to place oneself in another's position.

Hugging someone who is hurt is signal of the empathy

How About Indonesia?

Indonesia is one of the countries that upholds a sense of empathy.

This cannot be denied because Indonesia, which has experienced
difficult times during the colonization which lasted for up to 3.5
centuries, must struggle in adversity. fight together for independence
and happiness, train the Indonesian people to cultivate a sense of
empathy. "If We fight together, We should be happy together." And
this has become one of the driving factors that led to the culture of
empathy among Indonesian society
Did You Know?
Although Indonesia is often in the lower ranks, such as one of the countries
with the most amount of waste, the most pollution, the low level of education
and so on. However, with a high sense of humanity and empathy, Indonesia is
able to make Indonesia the most generous country. Reported by the Charities
Aid Foundation (CAF) Publications in the CAF World Giving Index in October
2018, Indonesia is the country with the highest level of sharing in the world.
Three behaviors are used to measure a country’s generosity: donating money,
helping a stranger and volunteering in the past month when the survey was
conducted. Indonesians' participation in volunteering stands as the highest in the world at 53 percent, while its people’s participation in donating money and
publications/caf-world-giving-index-2018 helping a stranger are at 78 and 46 percent, respectively. The country's overall
score is 59 percent.
Examples and Illustrations

The following are some examples that illustrate the concern of the Indonesian people for each other. In the
first picture, it shows residents of Jati Padang, South Jakarta, who are constantly providing basic foodstuffs
during the pandemic. Picture two shows sites, one of the donation sharing sites in Indonesia
that is able to make it easier for people to help each other, and we can also see how much donations have
been collected. and in figure three shows many volunteers who work voluntarily in the relief of victims of
natural disasters in Indonesia.
Summary of Class
Lesson Recap 1

Cap off a productive class with key summary

points students can easily remember.
Thank You!

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