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Can I create a branching

diagram on PurpleMash?
Last lesson, you researched animals and gathered information on them. This is so
you could make your own branching diagram.

Branching diagrams are used to help identify things, or to classify things.

You did the research last lesson but incase you didn't I've uploaded the data onto
the next slide. Think carefully about which question you are going to ask first - I'd
start with a question that only has 2 options for the answer. Think about the
invertebrates or type of blood question.
If you didn't manage to complete the research, I've attached a completed grid here
for you to use with your branching diagrams.
Animals ˃
Research Polar Clown
Lion Butterfly Chicken Crocodile Snake Goldfish Frog Octopus
questions bear fish
e or invertebrat invertebrat invertebrat
vertebrate vertebrate vertebrate vertebrate vertebrate vertebrate vertebrate
invertebr e e e
blooded warm warm cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold
or cold- blooded blood blooded blooded blooded  blooded blooded blooded blooded blooded
herbivore carnivore carnivore herbivore herbivore carnivore carnivore carnivore carnivore omnivore carnivore
Fur or
feathers, fur fur hair feathers scales scales scales scales skin skin
Do they
Instead of writing and drawing your own diagram, you will be using Purple Mash.
I've set a 2do on there for you and in the next couple of slides I'm going to talk
through how it works.

When you log onto Purple Mash, you will see a 2do and you need to launch the
2do. You should see a page like this. The pink box at the top will contain your first
question. You click the box, and then move on.
When you click the box, you
will see this 2Question card

In the question text box, you

must write the first question. Do
not tick the final answer card
box as this is only for the LAST

In the choice button boxes, you

write either yes or no before
moving onto the next question
so click ok!
Once you have put the
question in and the
answers, you should get
something that looks like

You then decide what

your next question is
going to be!
Top tips

-Tick off the questions on your sheet as you go so you don't ask the same thing

-Word questions so they can only have a yes or no answer - eg, "Is it warm
blooded?" rather than "does it have warm or cold blood?"

-don't panic! It's really easy to delete a mistake on PurpleMash!

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