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Chapter 4: Solids and Hexas

Creating and Editing Solid Geometry

Creating a Hexahedral Mesh using the

Solid Map Function
Copyright © 2009 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

Solid Geometry: What is it?

A solid is:
• A geometric entity that define a 3-dimensional volume
• Same as solids used in most CAD programs

Used in functions where defining a volume is required

• Hexa meshing (3D : solid map : volume sub-panel)
• Tetra meshing (3D : tetramesh : volume tetra sub-panel)

Especially helpful when dividing a part into multiple volumes

• A part can be divided into multiple, connected solids
• The connection between adjacent solids (topology) can maintain the
connectivity of mesh
• Aids visualization when dividing a part into simple, mappable regions
(used in hexa meshing)
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Solid Geometry: 3D Topology

Example: 2 connected solids in topology display

Solid faces Edges

• Selectable as surfaces • Selectable as lines

• Bounding Faces
• Shared Edges
• Green
• Green
• Belong to 1 solid
• Belong to 2 adjacent
faces of 1 solid
• Partition Faces
• Yellow
• Shared between • Non-manifold Edges
connected solids • Yellow
• Belong to:
• A partition face
- OR -
Fixed Points • 2 solid faces
• Selectable as points and 1+ surfaces
• Lie at the ends of edges
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Solid Geometry: Tools for Creating Solids

• Pull-down menus – File > Import > Geometry
• Toolbar > > Geometry
• HyperMesh will import solid geometry from file types that support solid data

Solids panel
• Bounding Surfs – Select surfaces that enclose a volume
• Drag – “Extrude" a cross section along a linear path
• Spin – “Extrude” a cross section via a circular path

Primitives panel
• Creates solid geometry of basic shapes:
• Square / Block
• Cylinder / Cone
• Sphere
• Torus
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Solid Geometry: Tools for Editing Solids

Surfaces panel
• Creates surfaces using various methods
• Can be used to split a solid
• Edges of the surface must be equivalenced to edges on the solid

Solid Edit panel

• Trim with… – splits a solid into 2+ solids using:
• Nodes
• Lines
• Planes
• Surfaces
• Merge – combine 2+ adjacent solids into a single solid entity
• Detach – disconnects connected solids
• Boolean – advanced trim & merge operations
• Union (Solid A + Solid B) – same as merge
• Intersection (Solid A x Solid B) – keeps overlapping portions of 2 solids
• Removal (Solid A – Solid B) – deletes the volume of one solid from another
• Cut (Cut Solid A with Solid B) – trims one solid with another solid
• keeps both solids, but they no longer overlap
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Solid Geometry: Tools for Viewing Solids

On the toolbar:

• Geometry Color – color geometry by component color or by

• Wireframe Geometry – set geometry to wireframe mode
• Shaded Geometry – set geometry to shaded surfaces mode
• Visualization Panel – Controls:
• visibility of edges & faces based on topology
• transparency of surface shading
• visibility of fixed points
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Solid Map: What is it?

• Location:
• 3D (page) > solid map (panel)
- OR -
• Mesh (drop down menu) > create > Solid Map

• What it does:
• Creates hexa-penta mesh in 1 or more volumes
• Each volume is defined by selecting a solid
geometry entity
• Easy to define shape for the mesh since only one
entity is selected
• Each volume must be a “mappable shape”
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Solid Map Volume: Mappable Shapes

• Solid Map requires solid geometry of mappable shapes

• Mappable shapes are defined as:
• 2 opposing faces (called “source” and “destination” faces)
• 1 or more faces that directly connect the source and destination
• These enclose the volume between the source and destination
• Called “along faces”
• “Drag direction”: the vector from the source face to the destination face
• A volume might be mappable in more than 1 direction


Source Drag
Face Direction
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Solid Map One Volume: Process

• Basic process of using solid map: one volume is:

1. Create solid geometry 2. Split the solid geometry into

mappable regions

3. Use solid map to create hex mesh on each solid entity

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Solid Map Volume: Tips and Requirements

• Source and destination faces

• Source face can be made of multiple surfaces
• Edges can be suppressed to make a single surface (if possible)
• Destination face must be a single surface

• Solid map will mesh the rectangular • Solid map will fail
region • Both sides have multiple
• Only 1 side has multiple surfaces (connection to the
surfaces (connection to the cylindrical regions)
meshed cylindrical region)
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Solid Map Volume: Tips and Requirements

• Edges and fixed points on along faces

• Hexa mesh will follow shared edges parallel to the drag direction
• Shared edges perpendicular to the drag direction cause solid map : volume to
• Suppress these edges
• Hexa meshes will ‘ignore’ fixed points along drag direction


Edges perpendicular to Solid map can now mesh

Suppress the edges
drag direction the part
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Solid Map Volume: Tips and Requirements

• Splitting solid geometry

• Try to divide the part into the fewest regions possible
• Less divisions = less work = less time
• Less divisions = larger regions
• More control over mesh size
• Not forced to use smaller mesh size due to small regions
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Solid Map Volume: Tips and Requirements

• Fillet control
• If needed, split the fillet surface along its length
• Suppress the original fillet edges

Create the
Split the fillet solid mesh
lengthwise Suppress the
original edges
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Solid Map Volume: Tips and Requirements

• Controlling mesh pattern with shell mesh

• Solid map : volume will use mesh pattern of shell mesh on the source face
• Use automesh panel (recommended but not required)
• Automatically associated with the surface
• Ensures connectivity with adjacent elements
• Can use other shell meshing panels (drag, spin, spline, etc.)
• Need to associate the elements to the surface before solid meshing
• Use node edit : associate panel to do this

Default Create shell Solid map uses the

mesh shell mesh pattern
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Solid Map Volume: Tips and Requirements

• Meshing adjacent volumes

• Mesh volumes that are immediately adjacent to volumes that have already been
• Ensures proper mesh connectivity if possible
• 2 start points will probably not result in matching mesh patterns
• Start with smaller volumes
• Mesh pattern of small volumes will be used on an larger, adjacent volume
• Must be connected to the source face of the larger, adjacent volume

Start with the Mesh pattern from the smaller

smaller region region is carried through the larger
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Solid Map Volume: Tips and Requirements

• Meshing adjacent volumes, continued

• Drag perpendicular to adjacent volumes
• Along faces are always rows/columns of quads
• Allows adjacent volumes connected by their along faces to be easily
connected & equivalenced
• Avoids discontinuities
• Manually specify the source & destination faces in solid map : volumes

All quad faces

Drag direction 1
Drag direction 2
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Demo + Do-it-yourself

Exercise: Creating, Editing and Hex-

Meshing Solid Geometry
• Page 143
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Chapter 5: Tetra Meshing

Volume Tetra

Standard Tetra

Checking Tetra element Quality

Re-meshing Tetra elements

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Tetrameshing: Standard Tetrameshing

• Standard tetrameshing uses 3D > tetramesh panel > tetra mesh sub-panel

• Process:
• Generate a surface mesh of shell elements
• Check quality and connectivity of the plate elements
• Generate the tetrahedral mesh
• Delete the original surface mesh
• Edit if necessary to obtain good quality
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Tetrameshing: Standard Tetrameshing

• Requirements for the shell mesh:

• Enclose one, and only one, continuous volume
• There can be no free edges. (Otherwise not a solid geometry)
• There can be no T-connected edges.
• There can be no duplicates in the mesh.
• Elements should not fold over and overlap each other
• Avoid very low minimum tria angles
• Avoid a large difference in size between adjacent elements
• Avoid a large difference is size between two sides of a wall thickness

• For quad elements in the shell mesh:

• Can split quads into 2 trias and create tetra elements under them
– OR –
• Can keep the quad element and create pyramids under them
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Tetrameshing: Standard Tetrameshing

• Floatable Trias:
• Adjacent tria faces on the tetrahedral mesh may have their diagonal reversed from
the shell mesh if tetras are better quality

- OR -

Shell Mesh Tetra Mesh


• Fixed Trias:
• Adjacent tria faces on the tetrahedral mesh always match the shell mesh

Shell Mesh Tetra Mesh

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Tetrameshing: Volume Tetrameshing

• Volume tetrameshing uses the tetramesh panel > volume tetra sub-panel

• Provides a quick method of generating a tetramesh

• Has some specialized options:

• Use Proximity – Creates smaller elements next to small features to make a
smooth transition from small to large
• Use Curvature – Will place more elements along curved surfaces based on user
specified settings
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Tetrameshing: Volume Tetrameshing

• Use proximity and use surface curvature options

No options Use surface


Use surface
Use proximity curvature and
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Tetrameshing: Quick Tetramesh

• Geom/Mesh page of the utility menu

• Provides a quick method of generating a


• Maintains specified minimum element quality


• Resulting tetramesh may deviate from the

geometry to maintain good element quality

• User can select “sacred elements” or “sacred

surfaces” to force the tetramesh to closely follow
the original elements/surfaces

• Click Help on the Quick Tetramesh panel for a

description of the inputs
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Exercise: Tetra meshing a Housing

• Page 166
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Chapter 6: Analysis Setup

Setting up Loading Conditions

Formatting models for Analysis

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Analysis Setup: What is it?

• Definition of all information for an analysis besides the mesh

• Specification of solver to be used
• Creation materials, properties, etc.
• Assignment of a solver specific format to HyperMesh entities
• Creation boundary conditions (constraints, loads, contacts, etc.)
• Definition of other required information (solution requests, general run
parameters, etc.)
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Analysis Setup: HyperMesh Capabilities

• HM is a“solver neutral” pre-processor

• Works with many different solvers
• Can convert between supported solvers
• Capable of assembly from input files of different solvers
• Can be customized to support other solver codes

• Can set up many types of analysis

• Structural (Stress, NVH, Durability, Non-Linear Structural)
• Radioss (Linear), Abaqus, Nastran, Ansys, Marc, nSOFT
• Manufacturing (Flow / Mold-Filling, Extrusion)
• Moldflow, CMold, HyperExtrude
• Safety (Impact / Crash, Occupant Safety)
• Dyna, Pamcrash, Radioss, Madymo
• Optimization (Topology, Topography, Shape, Size / Gauge)
• OptiStruct, Nastran
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Boundary Conditions: Supported Entity Types

• FE Loading
• Loads (constraint, force, pressure,
moment, temperature, flux, velocity, Forces
• Equations (mathematical link
between nodes)

• Contacts
• Group (defines contact between
• Contact Surfs (defines a list of
entities that can be used as master or
slave in a group)
• Reference Entities
• Sets (a simple list of a particular type
of entity)
• Blocks (a list of entities contained
within a box shape)
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Boundary Conditions: Supported Entity Types

• Coordinate Entities
• Systems (coordinate axes)
• Vectors

• Plotting
• Curves (X-Y data)
• Plots (a display of curves with axes) Systems

• Output Requests
• Loadsteps (combinations of load
• Output Blocks (request output from an
analysis for certain entities)

• Control cards (job-level, global parameters

for the analysis)

Plot with a Curve

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Boundary Conditions: Tools

• Analysis page
• Analysis page is devoted to setting up analyses

• User profile macro menus

• User profiles add macro menu pages with tools specific to that solver
• Abaqus – Step Manager, Contact Manager, Component Browser
• Ansys – Contact Wizard, Component Manager, etc.
• LS-Dyna – Name Mapping, Constrained Rigid Body, Content Table, etc.
• Nastran – Subcase Manager, Part Info, 1D Property Table, etc.
• Radioss Bulk / OptiStruct – Subcase Manager, Component Table, etc.
• Radioss Block – D01 Tool, Sections, Component List, Material table, etc.
• etc.
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Boundary Conditions: Loads on Geometry

• Loads can be created on geometry as well as FE entities

• Set the entity selector to a geometry entity
• Create the load
• Create the mesh
• Use the load on geom panel to map
the loads from the geometry to the

Create load on Create the Map the load to

geometry mesh the mesh
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Exercise: Setting up Loading Conditions

• Page 178
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Solver Formats: Interacting with Solvers

• HyperMesh interacts with many solvers

• Each solver has its own unique formats, terminology, etc.
• Example: compare nodes and elements in Abaqus and OptiStruct / Nastran
• 3 nodes
• 2 quad elements
• Format / structure is obviously different

Radios (Linear) Abaqus

GRID 1 0.0 1.0 0.0 1, 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0
GRID 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 2, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0
GRID 3 1.0 0.0 0.0 3, 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0

CQUAD4 1 1 1 2 3 4 1, 1, 2, 3, 4
2, 3, 4, 5, 6
CQUAD4 2 1 3 4 5 6
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Solver Formats: HyperMesh “Templates”

• HyperMesh can interact with different solvers by using “templates”

• The selected template tells HyperMesh what solver the model is for

• The template also tells HyperMesh how entities are formatted for that solver
• Each entity may have several available formats for that solver
• Each format has fields that make up its definition
• These fields may need to have values entered by the user

• Example: a component for Radioss (Linear) can be a PSHELL or PSOLID

• PSHELL: holds shell elements, ID = 1, material = 1, thickness 5.0
PSHELL 1 15.0 1 1 0.0

• PSOLID: holds solid elements, ID = 2, material = 1

PSOLID 2 1 0
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Solver Formats: Solver Formats for Collectors

• Collectors format is specified by loading a “card image”

Example solver keywords available as element types:

Type: Radioss (Linear) LS-Dyna Abaqus


Material MAT8, MAT9, MAT10 *MATL3, etc. BEHAVIOR, etc.
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Solver Formats: Solver Formats for Elements

• Elements format is specified by setting an “element type”

Example solver keywords available as element types:

Configuration: Radioss (Linear) LS-Dyna Abaqus


Bar CBEND B31, B31H, B33,
B33H, etc.
Quad4 CSHEAR S4R5, M3D4, M3D4R,
R3D4, DS4, etc.
Tetra4 C3D4, C3D4H, DC3D4,
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Solver Formats: Solver Formats for Loads

• Loads format is specified by setting a “load type”

Example solver keywords available as element types:

Configuration: Radioss (Linear) LS-Dyna Abaqus


Constraint QSET1, etc. ACCELERATION,
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Solver Formats: Tools

• Preferences > User Profiles…

• Loads the appropriate template for that solver
• Template can also be set manually
– Files pull down > Load > template file
– “g” on the keyboard (Global Panel)

• Sets the files > import > fe sub-panel to the

appropriate file type

• Loads a macro menu with tools specific to

working with that solver

• Customizes the HyperMesh menu

• Removes panels that are not used with that solver
• Removes controls inside a panel that are not used with that solver
• Renames some panels & controls in panels to match solver terminology
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Solver Formats: Tools

• Collectors pull-down and collectors panels

• Create
• Assign a card image to the collector being created
• Edit the card image fields if desired
• Assign a material to the collector being created
• Update
– Assign a material to an existing collector
– Assign and/or edit a card image of an existing collector

• Elem types > load types panels

• Set a “current element / load type” for an element / load configuration
• Any new elements / loads of that configuration created will have that element
/ load type
• Change the element / load type of existing elements / loads
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Solver Formats: Tools

• Collectors > Card Edit or toolbar >

• View / edit the card image of any entity in the model
• Includes entities that are not collectors (nodes, elements, loads, etc.)

• Model Browser
• Right click a collector and select edit card
• View / edit the card image of the selected collector

• Preferences > graphics

• template labels type
• Activate the graphic displayed names of entities in solver (template)
terminology rather than HyperMesh (solver neutral) terminology
• Helps keep track of what is in the model
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Solver Formats: Tools

• Solver Browser
• Displays solver-based cards in a tree format
• Uses organization & structure of the represented
• Performs basic actions involving cards
• Create new cards
• Delete existing cards
• Edit attributes of existing cards
• Solver Browser can be found in the View pull-down
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Solver Formats: Tools

• Summary panel
• Displays a text window with various types of information about the model
• Helps to review the model and make sure all information has been entered

Summary Type Included Information

Components Component Name, ID, Material Name, Thickness, Mass,
Center of Gravity Component Name, ID, Mass, X, Y, Z
Elements Type of Elements, Element Configurations
Error Checks Load Collector, Load Steps, Components
Loads Load Collector, ID, FX, FY, FZ, Magnitude
Moment of Inertia Moment of Inertia
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Solver Formats: Process

1. Create the entities needed for your model

• Keep in mind what is needed for the solver and analysis being used
• Entities need to be properly organized in collectors
• All entities in a collector share the same attributes

2. Load the proper card image or type where needed

• Generally use the Setup/collectors, elem type, or load type panel
• Elements and loads will always have a type
• Sometimes collectors may not need a card image
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Solver Formats: Process

3. Enter values in the card images as required

• Use or Collectors > Card Editor panels to check card images
of all collectors
• Some card images require other entities to be selected as a reference
• Example: Dyna requires a component’s card image to point to a property
collector for thickness information, etc.

• The goal in formatting for analysis is:

• All entities have the proper formats (card image / type)
• Card images of all entities have necessary information entered

• Understand the details of how HyperMesh interacts with your solver

• Refer to the External Interfacing portion of online help for details
• Altair has training classes for interfacing with some solvers
• Contact Altair support for additional questions
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Exercise: RADIOSS Linear Statics Setup

• Page 187
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Chapter 7: Connectors Weld



Area contact

Replace parts
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Connectors: What are they & why use them?

• Geometric entities that define connections between other entities

• Used for welding, bolts, adhesives, etc.
• Link geometry or FE entities
• Can be “realized” into FE representations of welds, etc. for any supported solver
• rigids, CWELDs, MAT100s, ACMs, etc.

• Connectors allow for easy and rapid:

• Creation of FE welds, bolts, adhesives, etc.
• interactively or from:
• XML file
• MCF (master connectors file)
• Spot welds only
• Switching between different FE configurations of
welds, bolts, adhesives, etc.
• Part swapping and reconnection
• Replacement by names or IDs
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Connectors: Types of Connectors

• Spot • Bolt
• Connections at a point • Connections at hole locations
• Spot welds, rivets, etc. • Bolts

• Trim Mass
• Non-physical mass
• Simplification through replacement of parts
with mass only or add mass to existing part.
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Connectors: Types of Connectors

• Seam • Area
• Connections along a length • Connection of areas
• Seam welds • Adhesives
• Connects geometry only
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Connectors: Terminology

• Link Entities - The entities that are being connected

• User can explicitly define link entities or specify a search tolerance
• Can be components, elements, surfaces, nodes, or tags
• Typically components are linked

• Connector Location - Where the entities are linked

• Nodes – created at the node location
• Points – created at the point location
• Lines – created for the line
• line may be split into multiple projection locations as specified by the offset,
spacing, and density values
• Elements – created at the element location (adhesives only)
• Surface – created at the surface location (adhesives only)

• Connector Realization – The creation of the finite element representation of that

• Rigids, springs, etc., or custom configurations such as ACMs, CWELDS, etc.
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Connectors: Terminology

• Connector State – Whether an FE representation of a connector has been created

• Unrealized - The initial status of the connector entity upon creation
• Realized - The status only if creation of the FE weld representation at the
connector was successful
• Failed – The status if the creating the FE weld representation at the connector
was not successful

• # of Layers – number of FE weld layers to attempt to generate for the connector

• 2T, 3T, etc.

2T Weld 3T Weld
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Connectors: Terminology

• Connect When: – Specifies when the link entity information is added to the
• Now - Allows you to add link entity information now.  For this option, you must
select the connect what entities and num layers to successfully create a
• At FE Realize - The link entities to the connector are determined while realizing
the connector.  The link entities are determined by the projections and proximity
from the connector location.  

• Re-Connect Rule – Defines method for connector re-attachment during part

• None - If a link entity is deleted, the link entity is removed from the connector
• By ID - If a link entity is deleted, the connector retains the ID of the link entity, and
will to a new entity with that ID upon realization
• By Name – Same as the by id rule except that the entity name is retained
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Connectors: Tools

• File >> Import >> Connectors… – Import Master Weld Files to automatically
create connectors

• Auto Connectors…
• Mesh / Geom page of utility menu
• Same as File > Import > Connectors
• Gives additional options

• Connectors module
• 1D page >> connectors
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Connectors: Tools

• Connectors Module
• Spot
• Bolt create, edit, and realize
• Seam that style of connectors
• Area
• Apply Mass – adds a mass value to entities
• Used to represent mass of parts that are not present in the model
• FE Absorb – Create new connectors from existing elements of recognizable FE
representations of welds, bolts, adhesives, etc.
• Add Links – Add link entities to existing connectors
• Unrealize – Delete FE representations of welds / bolts / adhesives associated
with existing connectors
• Compare – Checks the MCF against displayed model file
• Quality – Check for duplicate connectors, combine connectors, check quality of
realized elements
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Connectors: Tools

• Connector Browser – Hierarchal browser that

provides information and the ability to edit

• Shows;
Type of Connector
Link Information
State of connector

• Editable
• Edit link entities, export mwf files, etc

• Found in Tab Browser Area

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Connectors: Tools

• Visualization – Controls how connectors are displayed

• Color connectors by state, layers, or component
• Visibility by state or layers (can turn the display on or off)
• Control size of connector display
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Demo + Do-it-yourself

Exercises 1,2 and 3: Connectors

• Page 199-225

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