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School of Mechanical Engineering

Universiti Sains Malaysia

EMC 322 Automatic Control
Performance Indices

Lecture 11 Chapter 5

Dr. Zahurin Samad

Tel.: 04-5996312
H/p: 019-4220332
Fax: 04-5941025
EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/2
 Explain in detail steady state error of
feedback control systems
 Student will learn
 Performance Indices (Section 5.7 pg 303-312)
 The Simplification of Linear System (Section 5.8
pg 312-315)
 Knowledge on control system, system
mathematical model & feedback control
system characteristics helps understanding
EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/3
Performance Indices
 A quantitative measure of the performance of a system is
necessary for the operation of modern adaptive control
systems, for automatic parameter optimization of a control
system, and for the design of optimum systems.
 A performance index is a quantitative measure of the
performance of a system and is chosen so that emphasis is
given to the important system specifications.
 A system is considered an optimum control system when
the system parameters are adjusted so that the index
reaches an extremum, commonly a minimum value.
 To be useful, a performance index must be a number that is
always positive or zero.
 Then the best system is defined as the system that
minimizes this index.
EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/4
Integral of the square of the error (ISE)
ISE   e 2  t  dt until steady state where T  Ts settling time

EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/5
Other Performance Indices
Integral of the absolute magnitude of the error IAE   e t  dt

useful for computer simulation

Integral of time multiplied by absolute error ITAE   t e t  dt

To reduce the contribution of the large initial error to the value of

the performance integral as well as to emphasize error occuring
later in the response.
ITAE provides the best selectivity of the performance indice
Integral of time multiplied by the squared error ITSE   te 2  t  dt

The general form of the performance Integral
I   f  e t  , r  t  , y  t  , t  dt

EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/6
Optimum coefficients for ITAE criterion for a step input
 The coefficients that will minimize the ITAE performance criterion for a
step input have been determined for the general closed-loop transfer
function. Y  s b0
T  s   n
R  s  s  bn 1s n 1    b1s  b0
 This transfer function has a steady state error equal to zero for a step
 Note that the transfer function has n poles and no zero.
s  n
s 2  1.4 n s   n2
s 3  1.75 n s 2  2.15 n2 s   n3
s 4  2.1 n s 3  3.4 n2 s 2  2.7 n3 s   n4
s 5  2.8 n s 4  5.0 n2 s 3  5.5 n3 s 2  3.4 n4 s   n5
s 6  3.25 n s 5  6.60 n2 s 4  8.60 n3 s 3  7.45 n4 s 2  3.95 n5 s   n6
EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/7

The response using optimum coefficients for a step input for ISE
EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/8

The response using optimum coefficients for a step input for IAE
EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/9

The response using optimum coefficients for a step input for ITAE
EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/10
Optimum coefficients for ITAE criterion for a ramp input
 The coefficients that will minimize the ITAE performance
criterion for a ramp input have been determined for the
general closed-loop transfer function.
Y  s b1s  b0
T  s   n
R  s  s  bn 1s n 1    b1s  b0
 This transfer function has a steady state error equal to zero
for a ramp input.
s 2  3.2 n s   n2
s 3  1.75 n s 2  3.25 n2 s  n3
s 4  2.41 n s 3  4.93 n2 s 2  5.14 n3 s   n4
s 5  2.19n s 4  6.50 n2 s 3  6.30 n3 s 2  5.24n4 s   n5
EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/11
The Simplification of Linear System
 It is quite useful to study complex system with high-order transfer
functions by using lower-order approximate models.
 Several methods are available for reducing the order of a system
transfer function.
 One relatively simple way to delete a certain insignificant pole of a
transfer function is to note a pole that has a negative real part that is
much more negative than the other poles.
 Thus, that pole is expected to affect the transient response
For example, G  s  
s  s  2  s  2 
K 30
We can neglect the impact of the pole at s  30  G  s  
s s  2
However, we must retain the steady - stae response of the system.
EMC 322 Automatic Control Lecture 11/12
 Student have learnt
 A performance index is a quantitative measure of the
performance of a system and is chosen so that emphasis
is given to the important system specifications.
 Various forms of the performance integral.
 ITAE provides the best selectivity of the performance
 Optimum coefficients.
 Several methods are available for reducing the order of
a system transfer function.
 Foundation for analyzing the performance of
control systems

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