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In our country, study skills
 Uncommon term

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

In our country, study skills
 Students generally study without
knowing how to study

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

In our country, study skills
 Are not usually taught as a course
 Students learn it here and there, bits
and pieces
 Students with inborn talent usually
But studyskills
are something
you canlearn
Study Skills, Muhammad Munir
UIU has taken a premier
 Role in training their students on
study skills

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir


Study Skills, Muhammad Munir
What is Study Skills?
 Skills, qualities, expertise that are
required for study

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

Teach You
Study Skills Will
 Tips and Techniques on
how to study
■ How to study right

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

Study Skills Will Teach You
 Tips and Techniques on how
to study
■ How to study right
■ How to study smart, not hard

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

Teach You
Study Skills Will
 Tips and Techniques on
how to study
■ How to study right
■ How to study smart, not
■ How to study effectively

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

Why learning Study Skills?
 Essential for acquiring good grades

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

Why learning Study Skills?
 Essential for acquiring good grades
 Helps in career success

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

Why learning Study Skills?
 Essential for acquiring good grades
 Helps in career success
 Needed for learning throughout one's life.

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

Study Skills
HELP Students?
If you have
 Exam/Assignment Phobia

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

If you have
 Time-out stress

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

If you have
 Panic attack in exam

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

If you have
 Problems understanding

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

If you have
 Problems understanding

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

If you have
 Fearful dreams

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

If you have
 Memory blank-outs

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

If you have
 Struggle increasing grades

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

If you have
 Shyness in participating
class discussion

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

If you have
 Habits of loosing or
searching for misplaced
study materials

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

Study Skills can help
 Making your student life

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

Types of Study Skills
■ Task Organization Skills
■ Time Management Skills
■ Note taking skill
■ Reading skills
■ Memorization skills
■ Exam preparation &
Answering skills
Study Skills, Muhammad Munir
of Successful Students
TEN Habits of Successful Students

They deal with study in a
serious / professional manner.
They treat study like doing a job
and they give it high priority.

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

TEN Habits of Successful Students

They come to the class prepared
with study materials.

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

TEN Habits of Successful Students
They attend to the class regularly. If

they are absent / miss any class, they
do the following:
I. They call or email instructor informing
they will be absent/missed the class and
ask if there is any quiz, assignment given.
II. They pickup/collect handouts/assignment
given by instructor
III. They come early for the next class to
collect notes, or to discuss with the

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

TEN Habits of Successful Students

They pay attention during
lecture regardless and they take
lecture notes.

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

TEN Habits of Successful Students

They are good in time
management, they submit their
homework early or on time.

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

TEN Habits of Successful Students

They study regularly but they do
not study long hours.

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

TEN Habits of Successful Students

They follow study plan/

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

TEN Habits of Successful Students

They follow the rules, they read
instructions but are not shy or
afraid of asking questions

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

TEN Habits of Successful Students

They learn from poor test grades
and are motivated to improve

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

TEN Habits of Successful Students

They take care of their body
and mind.

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

Team Work
 Write 5 study tips you
follow or you found it
effective. (You can not copy
the tips we talked already)

Study Skills, Muhammad Munir

To know Your Learning Style
Answer the Following Question

How do you study for a test?

A) You read notes silently, read headings in a
book, and look at diagrams and illustrations.
B) You read loudly and repeat yourself
questions and facts. You ask someone to ask
you questions.
C) You test things, take self-test, make models or

Slide # 39 3/12/21
3 Types of Learners

Visual Kinesthetic Auditory

They learn best by:
 Seeingwhat they are learning
 Taking Notes and siting in front
 Watching something

They are not good at: Tips to improve their learning:

 Reading books  Highlight/underline important points
 Listening long lectures  Visualize the content
They learn best by:
 Listeninglectures
 Discussing with each other
 Reading loudly

They are not good at: Tips to improve their learning:

 Dealing with reading  Ask lots of questions
materials  Explain your thoughts to others
They learn best by:
 Trying/putting things into
 Hands-on exercise
 Field trips

They are not good Tips to improve their learning:

at:  Ask lots of questions
 Explain your thoughts to others
 Dealing with theories
When you Study
 Are you a


Night Owl

Slide # 44 3/12/21
Are you a Night OWL?

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Or an Early BIRD?

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One Advice
 If you are

Be an

Night Owl

Try Changing
your Habit

Slide # 47 3/12/21
Fine tuning your study
About Study Area…
 Make sure your study area
■ Is a quiet place
■ Has good lighting,
■ Has proper ventilation,
■ Has a comfortable chair, and
■ Has a table to spread your study
■ Keep your study materials in your hand

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