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Remaining Agile on Virtual

Project Management Conference @ PSU

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

● Lisa Komidar
○ Project Engineer Manager, FusionStorm
○ 25 years at PSU until June 2017.
○ PMI CAPM, PMI ACP, Scrum Master
● FusionStorm Expert Services
○ A flexible, customized, high touch, supplemental engineering support contract focused on
improving the customer experience by delivering exceptional day two operational support.
Expert Services provides on-demand access to SMEs, process development, automation,
daily infrastructure monitoring, reporting, proactive management and remediation.
○ Customers and engineers globally.

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

● What is Agile
● Agile values
● Key principles for today’s discussion
● What it means to be a “Distributed Team”
● Importance of “Forming” and “Storming”
● Communication tips and tools
● Team motivation in a virtual workplace
● Facilitation tips
● Collaboration tips and tools

Discussion is encouraged!

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Tips and Tools

Tips Tools

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

What is Agile?

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Agile Values

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Key Principles
● 12 Principles total
● Today’s focus
○ 4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
○ 5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they
need, and trust them to get the job done.
○ 6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a
development team is face-to-face conversation.
■ Some sites specifically mention co-located teams

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Distributed Teams
Agile Principles recommend that teams be co-located in a collaborative

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Distributed Teams
Today’s reality according to “The 2015 State of Scrum Report” 74% of those
responding to a survey are like this

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Team Development Cycle

Critical for building

commitment to
decisions and

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Forming & Storming
Important for developing good communication habits and build commitments

● Hold kick off meeting in person when

● First iteration in person when possible

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Forming & Storming
● Team members share the vision
● Team members understand all of the tasks
● Procedures developed as a team
● Cultural awareness

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Virtual Icebreakers
● Set Goals for the Ice Breaker
● Make people comfortable
● Determine how much time you can afford
● Consider individual locations
● Technology
● Advance communication

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Virtual Icebreakers
● Life Snapshot
● Social Question
● Two Lies and a Truth
● Cup of Joe for All!

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Communication Types


Virtual teams depend on

the less desired formats.


© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Communication Techniques
Video Conferencing
● WebEx
● Skype
● Google Hangout

The Good
● Allows for video & a sense of face to face
● Can be cost effective especially for small teams

The Bad
● Dropped words
● Dropped connections
● Difficult with big teams
● Talking over each other
● Long pauses

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Communication Techniques
Video Conferencing
● WebEx
● Skype
● Google Hangout

Improve on the bad with good facilitation skills

● Keep to an agenda
● Send the agenda out in advance for improved decision making
● Keep meeting on time (55 minutes if possible)
● Engage participants with questions
● Facilitate, not control
● Document the call and ask for feedback

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Communication Techniques
Osmotic communication
● Slack
● AIM (end of life December 2017)
● Trillian
● Pigdin

The Good
● Instant
● Who’s online
● Team discussions
● Synchronous or Asynchronous

The Bad
● Always on mentality
● Hard to really achieve osmotic communication

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Communication Techniques
Osmotic communication
● Slack
● Trillian
● Pigdin

Improve on the bad

● Maintain channels for different levels of chatter
○ Project
○ General
○ Urgency
● Lead by example
● Keep up on technology changes
○ Access effectiveness often

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Team Motivation
● Invest time upfront to build relationships
● Find unique ways to recognize accomplishments
● Schedule agile coaching sessions
● Empower the team
● Provide professional training and education opportunities

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Facilitation Techniques
● Video
● Eliminate Multitasking
● Engagement - Share roles

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.


Working jointly towards a common


© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Collaboration Techniques
● Google
● Microsoft
● Dropbox
● Box

The Good
● Multiple users
● Team buy-in/ownership
● Accuracy improved via instant feedback

The Bad
● Personal preferences conflict
● Anyone can make changes
● Security/confidentiality concerns

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Collaboration Techniques
● Google
● Microsoft
● Dropbox
● Box

Improve on the bad

● Utilize security/permission built in tools
● Foster trust and communication efforts

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Collaboration Techniques
Project Management Information
● Trello
● Smartsheet
● Jira
● ServiceNow

The Good
● Multiple users
● Access to entire team, sponsor, project owner, etc.
● Available at all times - not just when PM is available

The Bad
● Only good if updated
● Security/confidentiality concerns

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Collaboration Techniques
Project Management Information
● Trello
● Smartsheet
● Jira
● ServiceNow

Improve on the bad

● Utilize security/permission built in tools
● Keep up to date on a daily basis
○ Set a time to do this each day
○ Keep meetings to 50-55 minutes to allow 5-10 minutes for

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

Let’s have a conversation
● What are your good and bad?
● What tools do you find useful?
● What tools do you dislike using?

© Copyright 2017 Fusionstorm. All rights reserved.

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