Signs and Symbols

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Signs and Symbols

The aim of the lesson is to develop an

understanding of symbols and describe the
difference between a sign and a symbol.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson pupils will:

• Identify how symbols fit with everyday

• Describe what a symbol is
Can you think of any ways that
symbols are used all around us?
Starter Think about your journey to
school this morning did you see
any symbols?
Watch the following ten clips and then draw the signs and symbols on
the piece of paper in front of you in the correct order.
Write down the names of the ten logos – what do they represent?

• Mac Donalds
• Nike
• Lloyds bank BONUS QUESTION – Which
• Adidas
three logos are signs and not
symbols? And what is the
• BT Phone Company
• Coco Channel
• Apple
• Toyota
• Red Bull
Sorting the Signs from the
Look at the following two images one is a SIGN and
one is a SYMBOL
Symbol Sign

In pairs sort the following images into two piles – those

that are symbols and those that are signs
Now divide your page into four
quarters label each section as below- Task
Learning Check

Can you tell the difference

between a sign and a symbol?

Are symbols around us in everyday

To End What do you think of when
you see the following

How do these
Colours make
You feel?

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