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COVID-19 outbreaks; resistance and prevention

Novel corona attack is the top news all over the

world now a day & makes phobia to everyone its
outbreaks. More than 1 lac people are reported
around the world has been affected till now & more
than 3000 are killed by covid-19 virus (corona
disease). The most shocking news is it increases day
by day & number of affected people and death tolls
rises by breaking boundary of countries.
Detection of Novel

Chinese doctor Mr. Li Wenliang who sounded the

alarm about Novel corona virus; first detected in late
December in wuhan city at Hubei province, china.
But unfortunately Mr. Li wenliang harassed for
spreading rumors online by local law enforcers team.
In the meantime wuhan city vastly affected by Novel
corona. On February 11,2020. the World Health
Organization named Novel coronavirus disease
2019(COVID-19). The WHO has declared the
outbreak to be a public health emergency of
international concern(PHEIC).

The virus can cause pneumonia. Those who have

fallen ill are reported to suffer coughs, fever and
breathing difficulties. In severe cases there can be
organ failure. As this viral pneumonia, antibiotics are
of no use. The anti-viral drugs we have against flu
will not work. At this stage body condition of the
patient under goes worst situation.
Covid 19; Bangladesh aspect

Covid 19 had been first detected in bangladesh 8

march 2020. After 3 months later graph of
vulnerable people gradually increases.
Total 210510 cases are detected till 21 July’20 and death
toll are 2709. But the number of recovered people are
increasing day by day.
Treatment Or Vaccination
Researchers of the world have been working with
extreme dedication for last few months. With in few
days we may see the shining sun rises. Because some
vaccine trial are effectively applied. Oxford university
already have been declared success on their vaccine
trial. China got permission to apply their vaccine trial
in Bangladesh. We are hopefully look to the next few
days for our upcoming new world………

Recent statistic shows that most of died people who were

affected by COVID-19 immune compromised. They were
attacked by viral diseases earlier for that reason it damaged
their body’s immune system. The most important thing
is to boost up immune system of it is very
important to strengthen body by taking good foods from
good source and by doing exercise regularly. Must avoid
taking worst oily, sugary, heavy spicy foods and have to
maintain balanced diet. It helps to make antibody, it
prevent virus attack & gets the result.

Hand washing
Hand washing has been recommended to prevent the
spread of the disease. Wash hands often with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to
the toilet or when hands are visibly dirty; before eating;
and after blowing one's nose, coughing, or sneezing. It
further recommended using an alcohol-based hand
sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, when soap and
water are not readily available. The WHO also advise
individuals to avoid touching the eyes, nose, or mouth
with unwashed hands

Respiratory hygiene
Health organizations recommended that individuals cover their mouth
and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing (which should then
be disposed of immediately), or with a sleeve if a tissue is not available.
The use of surgical masks by those who may be infected has also been

 Self-isolation
Individuals who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and
those who suspect they have been infected have been advised
by public health agencies to restrict all activities outside of the
home, except for getting medical care. "Do not go to work,
school, or public areas. Avoid using public transportation,
ride-sharing, or taxi’s". Those seeking medical care are
advised to call ahead before visiting a healthcare provider.
Individuals who have recently travelled to a country with
widespread transmission or who have been in direct contact
with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 have also been
asked by some government health agencies to self-quarantine
or practice social distancing for 14 days from the time of last
possible exposure.
Prevention is better than cure

 There are no specific antiviral medications, though

development efforts are underway. Attempts to relieve the
symptoms may include taking regular (over-the-counter)
cold medications, drinking fluids, and resting. Depending
on the severity, oxygen therapy, intravenous fluids, and
breathing support may be required.

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