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Opening Sequences

Director: martin Campbell

Starring: Daniel Craig, Eva

green, mad's mikkelsen
Textual analysis
I used cut and grab to illustrate. The
opening sequence of casino royale
and how effective it is, I will analyse
through a series of clips and talk
about what's involved in the clip.

Duration: 1:30 minutes
The genre of this film is a spy thriller Usual ways of identifying a spy thriller
we can identify this through the shot would involve a main character, large
types and the narrative of the film. agency, cars and special equipment
As there is a main character involved and a lover as well a villain against the
on completed a mission. hero.


In the start of the opening sequence we are already

introduced to a location . From the clip above you can see
they have located the setting in the country Prague, outside
a residential area.
Usual settings

Shot: extreme close up

Angle: low angle
From this shot the character looks dominant, and important
as he takes up most of the shot also, the audience might get
the impression that he could be a business man or involved
with a mafia.
Screenshot 2:

Editing used in this shot is to frame time and show

something is taking place as he is going up the floors in the
Screenshot 3:

Shot: extreme close up

In this shot the audience can catch his face expression and
see their reaction in this shot he is represented as a worried,
or scared man due to his face expression.
Screenshot 4:

Shot: over the shoulder shot

Editing: shot reverse shot
From this shot you can identify that there is more than two
people involved in a conversation, they are both represented
as masculine business partners because of the positioning
and where they are located.
Screenshot 5:

Shot: medium shot

In this shot the main character is introduced and is
represented as a sly, smart, bossy because of his clothing and
how he is sitting
Screenshot 6:

Mise-en-scene: the props used in this shot is a gun which

represents the character as dangerous or a serious man.
Screenshot 7:

Mise-en-scene: the costume he is wearing can represent him

as a smart, deceiving, and a important man. Which portrays to
the audience as he could be a serious mafia man.
• The start of the opening sequence starts with the sound of the wind as the
character is outside and you can hear the car door shut, once he enters the building
a slow pace of spooky music is in the background as he is walking you can hear his
foot steps. He then enters a room the door shut and as he goes to take of his jacket
there is a another character seated and talking to him later, on he opens the draws
this all the diegetic sounds apart from the spooky music in the background

When he shuts the door Foots steps of him walking When he opens the draw

conversation Intro of background music Sound of the elevator

Story/ plot
A fair intro of the story is told, just a slight
introduction to get a idea to the audience of
what is happening from the first set of
transitions you can gather that there is a
conversation between two main characters
which then leads on and cuts.

Mood: the style of the film builds a slow

pace mood of the theme, the chill feeling
in the film set that there is something envy
between the characters. Also the use of
editing uses a black and white effect to
show a flash back meaning this has already
has happened. From the flash back you
can identify how the characters are
represented to the way of their personality
and behavior.
Transitions: 20
Taking a look at the positioning of the character
who looks like a important male as he is seated in
leather seat with a suit, also the shadows used
around him shows that he is some one important
as every thing is hidden of apart of his face. The
shot used is a medium shot, not only does he look
dominant but he seems like he is in control as he
The other character is more concerned is ordering the other character. His clothing is
about his position as him and the hero smart, casual only people with a occupation would
come to a debate, which ends in a one- wear such clothing, also they way he is seated is
sided argument as you can see the villain really relaxed and laid back from this you can
tries to shot the hero, this might suggest notice he is the main character (hero)
that the villain has more power as a gun
signifies power but the hero has already
empty the gun before him entering the
room which would represent the hero to be
smart. You can notice that the this the
villain as he is trying to kill the hero also the
camera shot used is a close up so you can
catch his face expression as you can see he
looks worried.

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