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Formulating Research Topic

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 1

Formulating Research Topic: Outline
• Introduction
• Identify the attributes of a good research topic
• Characteristics of good research topic
• Techniques to generate ideas that will help in the
choice of a suitable research topic
• Factors to consider when choosing a research topic
• Independent Variable and Dependent Variable
• Some Samples of Research Topic
• Conclusion
03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 2
• Choosing the research topic is the starting
point of your research project

• Once you are clear about this the rest will be

easy and interesting.
• However, you need to spend time on this
stage to achieve a successful project.

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 3

Attributes of a good research topic
• It meets the examining body’s requirements
– Dependent and independent variables
– Replicating a topic which was already examined
– Empirical vs. case study topics
• It must be something that you are capable of
undertaking and one that excites your
– You need to have a knowledge of the literature.

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 4

Attributes of a good research topic cont…

• Clearly defined research:

– Problem,
– Questions, and
– Objectives
• Consider your career goals
– Your future specializations (e.g., PhD)
– Areas of interest you intend to be an expert

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 5

Attributes of a good research topic cont…

• Capability: Is it feasible?
– Is the topic something with which you are really
– Can you develop within the project time frame, the
necessary research skills to undertake the topic?
– Is the research topic achievable within the available time?
– Are you reasonably certain of being able to gain access to
data you are likely to require for this topic?
 Is there enough written, by academics, on your topic for You to be able
to do a critical literature review?

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 6

Attributes of a good research topic cont…

• Appropriateness: Is it worthwhile?
– Does the topic fit the specifications and meet the
standards set by the examining body?
– Are you able to state your research problem,
questions/objectives clearly?
– Will your proposed research be able to provide
fresh insights into this topic?

Source: Sounders et al. (2009) Box 2.2 Checklist

(page 24)

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 7

Characteristics of good topics?
1. Interesting – keeps the researcher interested in it throughout the
research process

2. Researchable – can be investigated through the collection and analysis of


3. Significant – contributes to the improvement and understanding of

educational theory and practice

4. Manageable – fits the level of researcher’s skills, needed resources, and

time restrictions
5. Ethical – does not embarrass or harm participants

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 8

Generating and Refining Research Ideas
• Rational thinking:
– Examining your own strengths and interests
– Looking at past project titles
– Discussion
– Searching the literature
– Scanning the media
• Creative thinking:
– Keeping a notebook of ideas
– Exploring personal preferences using past projects
– Relevance topics
– Brainstorming

Source: Sounders et al. (2009) Table 2.1 (page 25)

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 9

Factors to Consider When Choosing a
Research Topic
• Each title has a clear subject (IV) and Object (DV)
• Each title clearly indicates the target population (i.e. where
the study will be conducted)
• Titles don’t end with a period
• A good title must summarize the main idea of the research
• A good title must be fully explanatory when standing alone
• A good title must avoid words that serve no purpose which
increase length and are misleading
• Avoid using abbreviations in the title
• A title may not exceed 12 words
Osen and Onen (2008)
03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 10
Independent Variable vs. Dependent Variable

• Independent variable:
– Its antecedent condition that is supposed to affect a
dependent variable
– Is measured by experimenter to determine its
relationship to an observed phenomenon
• Dependent (outcome) variable
– Its observed and measured to determine the effect
of the independent variable

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 11

list the variable in these two cases individually, and
label them as dependent or independent, create
diagrams to illustrate the relationships
1. Research studies indicate that successful new
product development has an influence on the
stock market price of the company. That is ,
the more successful the new product turns
out to be, the higher will be the stock market
price of that firm.
2. Cross-cultural research indicates that
managerial values govern the power distance
between superiors and subordinates.
03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 12
Variables in Case one:
• Independent variable : New product success
• Dependent variable: Stock Market Price.

New Product Stock Market

Success Price

Conceptual framework

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 13

Variables in Case Two:
• Independent variable : Managerial values
• Dependent variable: Power Distance.

Power Distance

Conceptual framework

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 14

• Before choosing a research topic consider the
– Reviewing the literature
– Consulting with your potential supervisor
– Checking previous students’ topics
– Consulting with graduate students

03/13/2021 Ali Yassin sheikh, PhD 15

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