Transfer of Learning

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Module 15
Tabanao, Mariel S. Manzano,Reynald M.
1 Explain how transfer of
learning occurs

2 Identify the factors that affect

transfer of learning

3 Apply principles of transfer in

facilitating transfer of learning
Types of

Transfer of

Condition and
Principles of
Transfer of Learning 4

It is happen when learning in one context or with one set of

materials affects performance in another context or with other
related materials.
Simply put, it is applying to another situation what was
previously learned.
Learning to use roller skate later helps a person to learn
more quickly to ice skates.
Learning to get along with classmates in preschool helps the
child adjust and relate well with classmates in the “big”
Playing highly competitive on-line computer games might
even make one a better strategic thinker in politics and
Transfer is a very significant concept in
education and learning theory because
most of those concerned in education aim
to achieve transfer.
Types of Transfer

• Positive transfer – Occurs when learning in one

context improves performance in some other
• Negative transfer – Occurs when learning in
one context impacts negatively on
performance in another.
• Near transfer – refers to transfer between very
similar context.
This is also referred to as Specific Transfer.

Far transfer – refers to transfer between context

that on appearance , seem remote and alien to one
This is also called General Transfer.
Condition and Principles of Transfer

These Principle are based on the factors that affect

transfer of learning. These factors are similar to what
Pernkins term as “conditions of transfer ”. Below you
will find the factors with the consequent principles
and educational implication.
Conditions/Factor Principle of Transfer Implication
affecting transfer of
Similarity between two The more similar the two Involve students in learning
learning situation situations are, the greater situations and task that are
the chance that learning similar as possible to the
from one situation will be situations where they would
transferred to the other apply the task.
Degree of Meaningful learning leads Remember to provide
meaningfulness/relevance to greater transfer than opportunities for learners to
of learning rote learning link new material to what
they learned in the past
Length of instructional time The longer the time spent To ensure transfer, teach a
in instruction, the greater topics in depth rather than
the probability of transfer many topics tackled in a
shallow manner
Conditions/Factor Principle of Transfer Implication
affecting transfer of
Variety of learning Exposure to many and Illustrate new concepts and
experiences varied example and principles with a variety of
opportunities for example. Plan ACTIVITIES
practice encourages that allow your learners to
transfer practice their newly learned
Context for learner’s Transfer of learning is Relate a topic in one subject
experience most likely to happen to topics in other subject or
when learners discover disciplines. Relate it also to
that what they learned real life situation.
is applicable to various
Conditions/Factor Principle of Transfer Implication
affecting transfer of
Focus on principle Principle transfer easier Zero in on principles related
rather than task than facts to each topic together with
strategies based on those
Emphasis on Student reflection Encourage student to take
metacognition improves transfer of responsibility for their own
learning learning, and to

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