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The surface of soap bubbles

is a bilayer formed by
detergent molecules
Membrane is a
bilayer formed by
lipid molecules
Red blood cell
plasma membrane
Short chain length and unsaturation enhance
the fluidity of fatty acids and their derivatives
Phospholipids are the major class of membrane lipids
Some common phospholipids found in membranes
Sphingomyelin is a phospholipids found in
membrane that is not derived from glycerol
Glycolipid are oriented in a completely asymmetric fashion with the
sugar residues always on the extracellular site of the membrane
• in membrane, cholesterol is oriented parallel to the fatty acid chains
• the hydroxyl group interacts with the nearby phospholipids head groups
• cholesterol is absent in prokaryotes but is found in varying degrees in
virtually all animal membranes
• it constitutes almost 25% of the membrane lipids in certain nerve cells
but is essentially absent from some intra cellular membranes
An Archaeon
and its environment
• the nonpolar chains are joined to glycerol backbone
by ether rather than ester linkages
• the alkyl chains are branched rather that linear
Diagram of a section of a micelle
Membran sel
• Struktur mirip lembaran, ketebalan 6 – 10 nm
• Umumnya terdiri dari lipid dan protein
• Ukuran kecil (dengan bagian hidrofob dan
hidrofil), membentuk dua lapis
• Tergabung dalam ikatan non kovalen
• Bentuk asimetri
• Keadaan fluid
• Terpolarisasi (bagian adalam negatif, – 60 mV)
• Fungsi spesifik tergantung jenis protein di
Integral and peripheral membrane proteins
Structure of bacteriorhodopsin
Amino acid sequence of bacteriorhodopsin
Structure of bacterial porin
(from Rhodopseudomonas blastica
Amino acid sequence of a porin
Lipid movement in membranes
Phase transition of phospholipid membranes

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