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K : To determine the process involved in

absorbing nutrients

U : How food is broken down to be used to

develop our body system

D : Develop a flow chart of detailed digestive

Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
Cut a piece of white bread and start chew on it
U : How food is
broken down to
be used to
develop our
Do not swallow the bread, and just continue chewing for body system
D : Develop a flow
around 5 minutes chart of detailed
digestive system

State what changes can you taste in the bread.

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
Question nutrients
U : How food is
broken down to
be used to
What changes did you observed while you are chewing the develop our
body system
bread? D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
Why? digestive system

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
Keywords: Stages of Digestion in absorbing
U : How food is
Ingestion : Process of bringing in food via mouth broken down to
be used to
develop our
body system
D : Develop a flow
Digestion : Breaking down of food substance into simpler chart of detailed
digestive system

Absorption : Bringing in of simpler substance to cells via

blood stream

Assimilation : Using of simpler substance for building blocks

and biological activities

Egestion : Removal of undigested food substances

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
U : How food is
broken down to
be used to
develop our
body system
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
digestive system

The diagram shows the digestive system. Can you identify the organs
involved in the process of digestion?

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
U : How food is
broken down to
be used to
develop our
body system
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
digestive system

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
• Site of ingestion U : How food is
broken down to
• Teeth be used to
develop our
body system
• Used to break down food by chewing and grinding
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
• Increasing the surface area of food for digestion digestive system

• Tongue
• Shaping the food into bolus
• Saliva
• Give moisture to food
• Contains the enzyme amylase – break down starch
into simple sugar (maltose)

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
• Tube connecting mouth to stomach U : How food is
broken down to
• Bolus will move down esophagus via muscle movement be used to
develop our
body system
known as peristalsis
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
• Muscle contract and relax in wave-like movement to digestive system

push the food down

• Epiglottis
• Prevent food from entering lungs

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
U : How food is
broken down to
be used to
develop our
body system
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
digestive system

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
U : How food is
broken down to
be used to
develop our
body system
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
digestive system

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
• Contains gastric juice – combination of hydrochloric acid U : How food is
broken down to
and enzyme pepsin, rennin be used to
develop our
body system
• Hydrochloric acid
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
• Kill microorganisms in food digestive system

• Dissolve food
• Prepare suitable environment for pepsin
• Pepsin
• Break down protein into peptides

• Coagulation of milk

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
• Food entered small intestine from stomach and added U : How food is
broken down to
with bile be used to
develop our
body system
• Bile
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
• Produced by liver – stored in gall bladder digestive system

• Bile is alkaline – neutralize food from stomach

• Bile emulsify fats – disperse it into small droplets of

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
• Food entered small intestine from stomach and added U : How food is
broken down to
with bile be used to
develop our
body system
• Bile
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
• Produced by liver – stored in gall bladder digestive system

• Bile is alkaline – neutralize food from stomach

• Bile emulsify fats – disperse it into small droplets of

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
• Next, food is mixed with pancreatic juice U : How food is
broken down to
• Pancreatic juice be used to
develop our
body system
• Produced by pancreas
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
• Contains enzymes amylase, protease and lipase digestive system

• Amylase
• Break down maltose into glucose
• Protease
• Break down peptides into amino acids
• Lipase
• Break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
• At the end of the small intestine, all simple substance will U : How food is
broken down to
be absorbed to bloodstream be used to
develop our
body system
• To facilitate that, small intestine is covered by tiny
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
projection called villi (singular: villus) digestive system

• Glucose, amino acids, vitamins and minerals will enter

bloodstream, while fatty acids, glycerol and some vitamins
enter lacteals

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing

The diagram shows the picture of villus. In your opinion, U : How food is
broken down to
be used to
what make the villus effective for absorption? develop our
body system
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
digestive system

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
• Undigested and unabsorbed food will move on to large U : How food is
broken down to
intestine – mostly consist of water and fiber from be used to
develop our
body system
D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
• In large intestine, water will be reabsorbed into body digestive system

• The undigested waste will be then expelled from body via


KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing

Rearrange the statement below in correct order U : How food is

broken down to
be used to
a)Then into the large intestine, where water is absorbed. develop our
body system
b)The food then goes into the small intestine, where food is D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
absorbed into the blood stream. digestive system

c)The food goes into the oesophagus and peristalsis

movements make the food go down.
d)Mechanical and chemical digestion, saliva is added.
e)Any remaining food exits via the anus.
f)The stomach churns up the food.

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing

Rearrange the statement below in correct order U : How food is

broken down to
be used to
a)Then into the large intestine, where water is absorbed. develop our
body system
b)The food then goes into the small intestine, where food is D : Develop a flow
chart of detailed
absorbed into the blood stream. digestive system

c)The food goes into the oesophagus and peristalsis

movements make the food go down.
d)Mechanical and chemical digestion, saliva is added.
e)Any remaining food exits via the anus.
f)The stomach churns up the food.

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
U : How food is
broken down to
be used to
Explain, in your own understanding, why the scenario below develop our
body system

occur? D : Develop a flow

chart of detailed
digestive system
a)We get chocked when we talk or laugh while eating
b)We have gastric problem when we are not eating at regular
c)We are advised to drink magnesium milk if we have gastric
d)We need to chew our food properly to avoid choking
e)Constipation occur after a long vegetable-free diet

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Going Further Making Conclusion

K : To determine the
process involved
in absorbing
U : How food is
broken down to
be used to
Using the activity attached, come up with your own flow develop our
body system

chart of what will happen in each organs D : Develop a flow

chart of detailed
digestive system

KC: System RC: Form, Function, Interaction GC: Scientific and Technical Innovation

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