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“ To the Women of


The notable points:

The rejection of the spiritual authority of the friars .
Qualities Filipino mothers need to possess.
Duties and Responsibilities of Filipino mothers to their children.
Duties and Responsibilities of a wife to her husband.
Counsel to young women on their choice of a lifetime partner.
The young Women of Malolos Analysis:
Filipino mothers should teach their children love of God, country and fellowmen.

Filipino mothers should be glad and honored

Filipino women should know how to protect their dignity and honor.

Filipino women should educate themselves.

Faith is not merely reciting prayers and wearing religious pictures.

Rizal expresses great joy and satisfaction over the battle they had fought. 
His ultimate desire was for women to be offered the same opportunities as those
received by men in terms of education.
Emphasizes on freedom of thought and the right to education, which must be granted to
both boys and girls alike.
Young girls were not sent to school.
Responsibilities of Filipino mothers
to their children
Youth is a flower-bed that is to bear rich fruit and must accumulate wealth for its
To raise children close to the image of god;
To awaken and prepare the mind of the child for every good and desirable idea;
To teach children to prefer death with honor to life with dishonor.
Qualities mothers have to possess 
The Filipino mother has to be a noble wife
She has to rear her children in the service of the state.
A wife has o set standards of behavior for men around her
3 basic things a wife must install in the mind of her husband
activity and industry
noble behavior
worthy sentiments
Aid her husband, share his perils; refrain from causing him worry; and sweeten his
moments affliction.
Rizal’s Advice
to Unmarried Men and Women
Three things that a young woman must look for a man she intends to be her husband:

A noble and honored name.

A manly heart
A high spirit incapable of being satisfied with engendering slaves.
Rizal’s Reminders
on Equality, Self – Respect and True Spirit of
The tyranny of some is possible only through cowardice and negligence on the part
of others.
What makes one contemptible is lack of dignity and abject fear of one who holds one
in contempt.
Ignorance is servitude
He who loves his independence must first aid his fellowman.
If the Filipina will not change her mode of being.
All men are born equal, naked, without bonds.
Consider well what kind of religion they are teaching you.

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