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Environmental Science

Earth Atmosphere and It’s Composition

Ms. Rabia Ali Hundal


The atmosphere is the blanket of gases which

surrounds Earth. It is held near the surface of the
planet by Earth's gravitational attraction.
Without the atmosphere there could be no life on Earth.
The atmosphere:
contains the air we breathe;
protects life from harmful radiation from the Sun;
helps keep the planet's heat from the Sun from escaping
back into space;
is a major element of the water cycle;
keeps the climate on Earth moderate compared to that of
other planets.
The Evolution of the
 Earth’s early atmosphere contained mostly hydrogen and
 Two hypotheses exist that explain the dispersion of this
early atmosphere
1) The gases escaped to space by overcoming gravity
with large enough escape velocities
2) Collisions between earth and other large bodies
launched the early atmosphere to space
 A modern atmosphere began to form through outgassing
by volcanic eruptions, and possibly through collisions of
comets with earth (Both supplying mostly carbon dioxide
and water vapor)
Composition of the Modern Atmosphere
 The atmosphere today contains:
 Gases (permanent and variable)
 Water droplets (clouds and precipitation)
 Microscopic solid particles (aerosols)
Thickness of the Atmosphere
How high is the atmosphere?
It reaches over 500km above the
surface of the planet.
There is no exact boundary
between the atmosphere and
outer space.
Atmospheric gases become
thinner the higher up you go. The
atmosphere just keeps getting less
and less dense, until it "blends"
into outer space.
Earth’s atmosphere is made up of 5
different layers…
Earth’s atmosphere is made up of 5 different
Why is the atmosphere divided into different
Any guesses?

 The atmosphere is divided into

five different layers because the
atmosphere is not uniform, its
properties change with altitude.
 Two properties change with
altitude, the AIR PRESSURE and
 Lets look at each layer
The first layer of the atmosphere is the…

The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere nearest to earth.

The troposphere goes from 0km to 10km.
All weather happens in the troposphere.
More than half the air in the total atmosphere is in this layer.
The temperature drops as the altitude increases.
Harmful ozone is found here…IT CREATES SMOG!
What is OZONE?
A gaseous layer in the upper
atmosphere that protects the
earth from harmful ultraviolet
radiation. At lower levels, ozone
becomes a major pollutant.
What is SMOG?
 Pollution formed by the
interaction of pollutants and
sunlight (photochemical
smog), usually restricting
visibility, and occasionally
dangerous to health.
The second layer of the atmosphere is the…
The stratosphere goes from STRATOSPHERE
10km to 50 km.
The temperature goes up
with altitude.
Most jets fly in this layer.
The protective ozone is at the
top of the atmosphere (It
protects us from the
ultraviolet radiation of the
Rivers of air, called Jet
Streams, can be found at the
The third layer of the atmosphere is the…
 The Mesosphere goes from 50km to

 In the mesosphere, the temperature

drops with altitude.

 The mesosphere is the coldest layer of

the atmosphere.

 99.9 percent of the mass of the

atmosphere is below the mesosphere. 

 Radio waves are reflected back to earth

in the mesosphere.
The fourth layer of the atmosphere is the…
The thermosphere goes from 90km to 300km.

The density of molecules is so low in the thermosphere that one gas

molecule can go about 1 km before it collides with another molecule. 

In the thermosphere the temperature goes up with altitude.

The thermosphere is the hottest layer of the atmosphere.

Curtains of light called auroras occur in this layer.

The Ionosphere is found in the thermosphere. This is the component of

the thermosphere that makes the auroras.


The exosphere is the

outermost region of the
The temperature in the
exosphere goes up with
Satellites orbit earth in
the exosphere.
Recommended Books
Intro. to Envi. Sci. by G Tyler Miller
Principal of Env. Sci. by Cunningham
Atm Chem & Phy by Sienfeld & Pandis
The Atmosphere by Lutgens
Env Studies by Suresh Dhameja
Env Sci by Daniel Chiras

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