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Course Title: Business Leadership

Course Code: BUS7303

Program: MBA (Professional)

Submitted to:
Prof Lt Gen Sheikh Mamun Khaled, PhD
Faculty of Business Studies

Submitted by
Md. Mehedi Hasan Leadership in Contex
Roll No: 2023032019
Obama’s Leadership Qualities

1. Believe
 Obama used the phrase “we” rather than “I”.
 He uses this in almost every speech.
 The “We” attitude is an important part of leadership.
 It gives every one ownership of successful projects.
Obama’s Leadership Qualities

2. Taking Personal Risk

Obama took political and personal risk.
He sang “Amazing grace” in front of the world.
He showed how much he care as a leader.
He urged people to take risk.
Obama’s Leadership Qualities

3. Communication
Obama was awarded marketer of the year.
He showed commitment in audience.
He used every media.
As a leader, communication is of great importance.
Obama’s Leadership Qualities
4. Turning endings into beginnings
 A leader’s work never satisfy him.
 He always strive to achieve more.
 Obama used the phrase “Let’s get back to work”.
 This was his way of celebrating victory.
Obama’s Leadership Qualities
5. Perseverance and Conviction
 Obama believed in doing the right thing,
 He stood firm to his conviction.
 He believes it’s only a matter of time.
 A good leader must take a firm stand (Bernstein, 2017).
Strength of Obama’s leadership

 Obama prioritized public interest to his personal interest.

 He became a generic democratic president.

 His was a “No drama” president.

 He was very patient.

Weakness of Obama’s leadership
 In his patience style of leadership,
 An example is his delays in filling vacancies
 He waited for too long.
 The delays became his greatest weakness.
Lessons from Obama’s leadership
• Conviction & Perseverance
• Change
• We-Not-I Attitude
• Taking Risk
• The art of communication
• High Energy
• Flexibility

Personal Information Working Life

 Community organizer and Harvard

Law School
 University of Chicago Law School
 Illinois State Senator (1997–2004)
 U.S. Senator from Illinois (2005–08)
 Presidential campaigns
 44th President of America

 Born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th 1961.

 Father: Barack Obama, Sr
 Mother: Ann Dunham
 Wife: Michelle Obama
 Daughter: Malia Obama and Sasha Obama
Leadership theories
1. The Great man theory (1840s)
Great leaders are born not made (Gill, 2010).
Obama was born to be a leader.
He became a leader throughout his life.
He became the first black president of USA.
Leadership theories
2. Transformational Leadership Theories (1970s)
A leader is someone who transform a society
(Gill, 2010).
Obama engaged his followers and earned their
He challenged his follower to be creative.
 Personality Traits
• Conviction & Perseverance
• Change
• We-Not-I Attitude
• Taking Risk
• The art of communication
• High Energy
• Flexibility

 Leadership Traits
• Self Confidence
• Integrity
• Sensitivity to others
• Respect
• Fairness
• Citizenship
• Caring
Nobel Peace Prize 2009
“for his extraordinary efforts to
strengthen international diplomacy
and cooperation between peoples”.

“Clear-eyed, we can understand that there will be war, and still strive for peace” –Barack Obama

Develop communication skill

Deliver with passion

Learn by more listening

Ability to stay clam under pressure

Keep exploring. Keep dreaming. Keep asking why. Don’t settle for what you already know.
Never stop believing in the power of your ideas, your imagination, your hard work to
change the world.
-Barack Obama
Barack Obama Term an a President

 Barack Obama became the 44th president of USA.

 He is the first black president of USA.
 He was a charismatic.
 He is also known to be humble, conciliatory and apt.

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