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Day 9: Electron Microscopy, MB Lipids

• Friday, Sept. 4: Electron microscopy, I. Microscopy

A. GFP and Ion indicators
Ch. 9 B. Transmission electron microscopy
• Spike protein assignment due, 5 PM C. Scanning electron microscopy

II. Membrane lipids

• Monday, Sept. 7: No Class – Labor D. Membrane lipid structure
Day E. Models of membrane structure
• Wednesday, Sept. 9: Membrane
lipids, Ch. 10 • After reading the text, attending lecture, and
reviewing lecture notes, you should be able to:
• Quiz on Week 3 due by 1 PM • Explain why EM has 1000X greater resolution than
• Friday, Sept. 11: Membrane proteins, LM.
• Compare and contrast TEM and SEM.
Ch. 10 • Explain how TLC is used to separate lipids.
• Describe the structure of membrane lipids.
• Discuss spontaneous lipid structures and historical
models of membrane structure.
What is Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)?

GFP used as a ”reporter”, showing activity of

specific neuronal regulatory DNA > neurons.
GFP used in vivo to follow the location and
dynamics of proteins

Tobacco plant cell w/ spliceosomal protein fused

to GFP in Cajal bodies over time > live dynamics.

Tobacco plant cell w/ mitochondrial protein

fused to GFP and red fluorescing chloroplasts.
Resolution limit of Immunofluorescence

MT actual width: 25 nm
MT apparent width w/IF: 0.2 um (200 nm)
D. Electron Microscopy 0.61
Comparison of resolving power NA

Light microscopy Electron microscopy C atoms in graphene

Why does electron microscopy have greater resolving power?

• Wavelength () of an electron (at 1,000,000 V) = 0.001 nm (versus 400 nm for LM).
• If NA = 0.004 (versus 1.4 for LM), r = 0.61(0.001nm)/0.004 = 0.2 nm (1000X better than LM).
SARS-CoV-2 viruses from first U.S. case

, Cynthia S. Goldsmith and A. Tamin
Hannah A Bullock; Azaibi Tamin/CDC
How are samples prepared for TEM?
• Fixation w/glutaraldehyde and OsO4
• Cross-links proteins; fixes and stains
• Embed in plastic resin
• Thin sectioning with ultramicrotome,
section placed on copper grid
• Stain with heavy metals to give
contrasting electron density
• Uranyl acetate, lead citrate
How does a TEM work?

Lenses are magnets

How are
localized at
the EM
Immunogold labeling:
Biology Microcopy Facility

• Electron beam scans across sample to produce image.

• Primary electrons hit sample and produce secondary electrons, which are collected and
converted to photons on a video screen.
• Large depth of field possible, good for 3-D.
• Used together with freeze-fracture technique to study membranes.
SEM compared to DIC, TEM




(A) A scanning electron micrograph of the stereocilia projecting from a hair cell in the inner ear of a
bullfrog. For comparison, the same structure is shown by (B) DIC light microscopy and (C) TEM.
II. Membrane Structure: How would you study the P.M.?

Lyse w/ dH2O, centrifuge

Plasma membrane “ghosts”
Extract w/ chloroform-MeOH

pellet supernatant

SDS- Thin
PAGE: Layer
Proteins separated by size: Lipids separated by polarity -
smallest travel farthest least travels farthest
Evidence of the phospholipid composition:
TLC of various membranes

Membrane Lipid Components: Phospholipids
Membrane Lipid Components: Cholesterol,

• Protection
Glycolipids: • Electrical
• Cell-recognition
Phospholipid interactions with water:
micelles, bilayers, and liposomes

Liposome resembles a cell:

B. Models of membrane
structure: Evidence for bilayer
• Gorter and Grendel (1925)
• Estimated red cell surface area and extracted lipid
from "ghosts."
• Predicted that area of RBC was 100 m2, found that
area covered by lipid was 200 m2 , indicating a bilayer
• Davson and Danielli Model (1935)
• How does differential permeability come about?
• Proposed lipid bilayer + protein lamellae on each side
(sandwich), pores allowed substances in or out.
• Robertson (1960)
• Viewed membranes with EM, seemed to agree with
Davson and Danielli model
• Suggested that all membranes of the same
composition (unit membrane).
• But unit MB model did not account for chemical
differences in membranes
Fluid Mosaic Model: Singer and Nicholson (1972) Science

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