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Positioning lateral

& supine of patient

Lateral position
Lateral position
• the patient lies on his side with both arms
forward and his knees and hips flexed.
• the upper leg is flexed more than the lower leg.
• the upper knee and hip should be at the same
• a pillow is given under the head, back and
front to support the arms and abdomen.
• a small pillow is given in between the knees.
• relieving the pressure on bony prominence
of the back
• helping a patients who requires periodic
position changes
• Giving immediate care for post-operative
• Conducting the perineum examination
• Giving back care
• Inform Consent
• Prepare the supplies
• Wash hands
• Apply clean gloves
• lower the head of bed as low as patient
can tolerate
• Move the patient to the bed right side
• Help the patient to roll over to the left
• Put a pillow behind the patient’s back
• Put a pillow between the patient’s knees
• Put on a pillow in front of the patient
• Raise the head of the bed to
approximately 30◦
• Tell the patient that procedure has done
Supine position
Supine position
• The patient lies on his back with his head and
shoulders are slightly elevated
• The purposes
1. For the patient comfort
2. For the Physical examination of head, neck,
anterior thorax, and lungs, heart, breasts,
abdomen, extremities, and
3. For checking the peripheral pulse
4. For the Vital Signs Assessment
• Inform Consent
• Wash hands
• Apply clean gloves
• Lower the head of the bed
• Remove the pillows supporting the patient
(except the pillow supporting the patient’s
• Turn the patient to the supine position
• Place the pillows alongside the both
arms and under the lower legs
• Lift the head of the bed to the 30◦ angle
• Tell the patient that procedure has done

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