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Copernican theory

The western thought that

the earth is the center of
the Universe. People did
not feel that the planet is
moving is simply
because of the sun,
moon, planets and stars
were all revolving
around the earth at
different speeds.
Aristotle believed in a
Geocentric Universe and that
the planets and stars were
perfect spheres though earth
itself was not. He further
though that the movements of
planets and stars must be
circular since they perfect and
if the motions were circular,
then they could go on forever.
Plato had said that the world
which we see, hear, taste,
touch and feel, the world
which we experience through
senses, the material world or
the copy world. He said that it
is exist but it is not real

But ancient Greek summed the movements of the planets,

it become clear that the geocentric have a problems and that
the orbits of the known, followed complex paths.
The Ptolemaic System

The Greek Astronomies introduced the

new idea of the epicles or “suborbits”
around which the planets circles as the
central “pivot” points that were carried the
sun. The Greek thinker Aristarchus of
Samons used eccentric trigonometric
measurements to calculate the relative
distances of the sun and moon in 3rd
century B.C.

He was able to find out that the sun was very larger and this
inspired him that the sun is more likely pivot point for the
movement of the universe.
Arabic Intellectuals

The rapid spread of Islam across the Middle

East and North Africa from the 7th century
brought Arab thinkers into contact with classical
writings of Ptolemy and some other
intellectuals. The new science of “positional
astronomy” calculating the positions of
heavenly bodies reached its zenith in Spain,
which had become a dynamic and evolving
center of Islamic.
Ptolemy Doubts
In 1377 a French philosopher Nicole Oresme addressed the
problem of the work “Book of the heavens and the earth”, she
said that he lack of real evidence and she concludes that the earth
was not moving.
Nicolaus Copernicus a polish
catholic can put forward the first
modern heliocentric theory.
Shifting of the center of the
Universe from the sun. Copernicus
published his revolutionary idea in
short paper known as the
commentariolus. His theory was
similar from the proposed of
Mathematical Instrument

Heliocentric model as a purely

mathematical instrument and not
description of the physical universe. The
Copernican model was used for the
computations involved the great calendar
reform made by pope Gregory XIII in

Danish Astronomer Tycho Brahe, illustrated that the

Copernican model did not adequately describe
planetary movements. Tycho brahe resolve by his
own, in which the planets revolved around the sun,
nut the sun and moon remained revolving around the
globe. The real solution would only be thought of by
his student Johannes Kepler.
Johannes Kepler developed
the three laws which describe
the motion of the planets
across the sky. The law of
orbits, the law of areas and the
law of periods. Sixty years
before the copernism became
truly emblematic of the divide.
Darwin’s Theory
Charles Darwin suggests that
the plants, animals, and any
other living organisms are not
fixed or unchanging
“immutable”, he said that the
preposition that species of
living organisms evolve
through time. He proposed his
idea in his book “on the Origin
of Species by means of Natural
It did not mention any religious doctrine which
provided that species were indeed, fixed,
unchanging and designed by god. His book is
simple but powerful explanation of all life
forms both past and present for almost 30
years, he connected his extensive knowledge of
fossils, geology, animals and selective
breeding, with concepts from demography,
economics and many other fields. Darwin’s
theory is one of the greatest scientific
achievements ever.
The Role of God
Other saw them as the handiwork of God put on
earth to test believes or they believe that they were
the cadavers of organism’s still alive somewhere in
the world since god had created living things in
perfection. In 1796, George Cuvier suggested that
the certain fossils, such as those of mammoths or
giant sloths, were the remains of animals that had
become extinct. The catastrophism the famous after
published of cuviers in 1813.
Erasmus Darwin, free thinker
grandfather of Charles. He formulated
one of the first formal theories on
evolution in zoonomia or the laws of
organic life.

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck professor of

zoology articulated in 1809 the
Philosophie zoologique, the first
reasoned theory of evolution.
According to the theory. Living being
evolved from simple beginnings
through increasingly sophisticated
phase, resulting from a complex force.
View from the Beagle

Darwin began to collect all types of fossils,

plant and animal specimens, packaging them
back to Britain from each part of call, Darwin
keen observed all views of nature. He returns to
England and start organizes the massive data and
supervised a multivolume and multiauthor report
the zoology of the voyage of HMS beagle.
Comparing Species

Darwin’s thoughts on possible evolution

had been mounting throughout the
beagle’s voyage during his visit in
Gala’pagos. He was impressed by the
mocking birds they do different but also
had similarities but not only among
selves also their have species lived in the
south American continent, Darwin
proposed that the mocking birds have
evolved in one same ancestor.
Jigsaw Puzzle

While travelling to South American darwin’s read

the first volume of Charles Lyell’s principle of
Geology. Lyell went cuviers’s “catastrophism”
history and own theory of fossils information’s,
rocks, and fossils he found in his travels, which he
now saw “through Lyell’s eyes”. Darwin an essay on
the principle of population by the English
demographer Thomas Malths.
Years of Silence
1842 darwin settled in the peace and quiet of
his house, scientist around the world send
him a specimen and data. He also added to
this the ideas of Maths and applied to the
natural world. By 1856 darwin, the pigeon
breeder could now imagine not humans by
nature doing the choosing from the term
“artificial selection” to “natural selection”.
Joint Action

In June 1858 Darwin Received an essay from

Alfred Wallace, described in detail the flash of
valuable insight in which he had someone
suddenly understand how the evolution
happened and asked Darwin for his comment.
Darwin’s consulted on Charles Lyell, they
agreed that the joint presentation of Darwin’s
and wallae’s paper.
Darwin Theory
Darwin said that the species are not immutable but they
actually change or evolve by natural selection. The
process was relies on two factors, the first one is the more
offspring’s are born than survive when faced with
problems of climate, food supply, competitions, predatory
and even diseases. As a population adapts the
environment it becomes new species, different from its
ancestor. Suddenly the ancestors that not adapt the
environment they lose the struggle for survival and
suddenly become extinct.
The concept of “survival of the fittest”. Darwin’s book was
careful to avoid any mention of human beings that “Light will
be shed on the origin of man, and history”. The biologist
Thomas Henry Huxley was a aggressive in supporting the
theory and argued the case for human descent from apes and
even dubbed himself “Darwin Buldog”. Until the 20th century
when new discoveries in genetics were integrated into
evolutionary theory, providing a process for heredity, darwin’s
principles of Natural selection remains a vital cog to
understanding this.
Freudian thought

It is the peculiar place where we retain all our

memories thoughts, and feelings. Sigmund
Freud, wanted to find out if it was indeed
possible to explain things that seemed to lie
beyond the confines of psychology at the time.
Freud’s work on the subject was pioneering and
executing. He succinctly described the structure
of the mind as composed of the conscious, the
unconscious and the preconscious.
Hyponosis or Hysteria

Freud’s introduction to the world of the unconscious

came in the year 1885 when he stumbled upon the
work of the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charco.,
he treated his patient with mental illness using
hypnosis. Charlot’s perspective that the hysteria was a
neurological disorder defined by the abnormalities of
the nervous system, and this idea provided important
new, pioneering possibilities treatments.
Inside our Mind

Freud says that the active state of

consciousness, that is the operational mind
of which we are directly aware in our daily
mind. The unconscious acts as a receptable
for ideas or memories that are too powerful,
too painful, or otherwise too much for the
conscious mind to process.
Dynamic Thought

Ernest Bruke claimed that like every

other living organisms, the human
being is essentially a bundle of
energy system, and so must follow
the principle of the concservation of
Motivating Drives

The unconscious is also the domain where our

instinctual biology drives reside. Freud moved
away from the idea that the mind was structed
by conscious, unconscious and the preconscious
to propose a new controlling structure. The ego
conserve with the id, trying to find reasonable
ways to help it get what it wants. The ego is
controlled by the superego.
Cenon slide

There are very extreme disparities present among

African nations; as a result, few statements apply
universally. Example of this disparity: South africa
has roughly half of the continent's IT infrastracture,
Nigeria and North African region each have about
one sixth, and all the rest of african states account for
only one-sixth of the IT infrastracture. Even if we
exclude South Africa, there are still dramatic
disparities among all the african regions and within
the countries of those regions.

Aligned with the national goals and plans and

practices, the Dapartment of Science and
Technology (DOST) strategic plam for 2017-2022
supports the call for "Science for the People". It
aims to use science to enhance innovation and the
creative capacity of the filipinos towards the
achievement of inclusive and sustainable growth
and development.

Science is a quite a vast field that embraces almost

all aspects of human endeavor and progress.
Science is the foundation of development in
agriculture, in industry, and even in health, it is a
vital key to the country's industrial resources. Its
development is essential in helping to bring to
about a more stable and progressive economy.

The countless benefits and comforts that science contributes

to well-being of man are shaped by how man himself can
effectively harness it for his purposes. Many of the great
wonders of this present day world of machines and countless
gadgets have been the outcome of man's creative ingenuity
and have been sparked by science research. No nation can
develop very far and attain economic progress without the
aid of an adequately supported vigorous research plan that
leads to a corresponding industrialization.

The Philippines is richly endowed with abundant natural

resources, as well as manpower resource. Agriculture
improved with the use of modern implements and methods
of irrigation, fertilization, plant and animal breeding, and
pest control, and new industries began to sprout. The Maria
Cristina Hydroelectric and fertilizer plants of the National
Power corporation and Shipyards and Iron and still mills is
a good example of Government supported scientific
marvels, were supposed to spur the industrialization of the
the country.

Plans laid out for the economic development of the Philippines

are now implemented. These plans include rehabilitation and
development of the principal agricultural industries, the
development of new industrial project, the rehabilitation and
construction of commercial transportation and communication
facilities, and the expansion of vocational and technical
courses in the country.
In the collective of nation building scientific research plays a
major and necessary role, as expressed in the words of the late
Director Angel S. Arguelles "Science liberally supported in
guiding industrialization can be a great instrument in helping
evolve a strong and dynamic nation, as only the productive can
be strong and only the strong can be free."

The success of any program of economic

development largely depends on the care and wisdom
with which such a program is prepared. Preparation
and implementation of the program, scientific
research must plays an integral part.
Too often industrial development in the Philippines
takes the form of the mere assembly of parts
imported from abroad but actually the processing is
done locally. While it is true that the trend in
industrial development is justifiable in some
situations, and that there have not been enough
projects build around local raw resources.

Felipe F. Ciron Sr.

Inventor of hand tractor he also owns the Von

Machinery a manufacturer and distributor of
patented farm equipments. May 22, 1973 the first
Fililino-made power tiller was patented by the
Philippine Patent Office under patent No. UM-
1220. The "Man behind the Plow," the Filipino
farmer, had become an inventor.
Eduardo Carrion San Juan

Known as "The space Junkman" He worked on were the Polaris

Missile, Skylab, Inter-Ballastic Missile System and Lunar Rover.
He was the man credited with the invention of Lunar Rover used
in 1971 Apollo XV moon exploration. He was also part of Sky
lab project which was utilized for long lunar-orbit missions
together with a lunar surface base. Engineer San Juan also work
on the design of the Geostationary Platform, which would carry
earth-observing and science experiments. Later in the Mars study
program, he prepared design concepts of spacecraft and scientific
payloads. Dr. San Juan also made contributions to the particle
beam accelerator. He was named consultant at the Lockheed
Missiles and Soace Company.
Dr. San Juan was also instrumental in the following classified

• Neutron Particle Beam Weapon Experiment: the preparation

concept design guidelines
•Space Surveillance and Tracking System (SSTS): conceptual
design of the Telescope payload and spacecraft system
•Space Base Laser: conceptual design and system engineering
of space battleship system
Later on, Mapua Institue of Technology bestowed on him a
honorary doctorate for his exemplary achievements in science.
Oscar B. Varona

April 1970 he submitted one of his inventions namely, "An

electronic Fire and Burglar Alarm," with phil. Pat. No. 4836
which gave him the first Presidential Award. His 2nd
Presidential award-winning invention, "A Process of Making
Vegetable Food Products with Meat-like Structure Flavor"
with phil pat. No. 5615 issued March of 1971. On June 8,
1971 the Food and Drug Administration issued a certified
analysis of his meat invention. He spent 3 years of
experimentation and the result was non cholesterol vegetable
Roberto V. Celis

Making use of his intentive mind, he produced the exact

plans for the unsinkable boat. 1978 the press office of
camp Aguinaldo took note of his plan. He was invited to
show hi sother inventions to the military top brass. Atty.
Eduardo Tan of the Fililimas Foundation Inc. (FFI) tested
the model and it worked. A year later it was approved by
FFI and completed work on the prototype called Dama
Filipima, the first umskinkable boat. The advantages of the
unsinkable boat is that it travels with a smooth and pleasant
ride without any of its passengers getting seasick, it travels
with less resistance, less energy is thus spent and
minimizing gas cost.
Sofronio M. Sian

After about decade Sian had 4 inventions but the third one which is the Portable
mini-cone mill that made him famous. Sian tried to make a cone type rice mill
without any elevators, shifters, seperator and power transmission assembly. When
interrogated about what is so unique about his invention, he said that the
comparison of his invention with the the traditional cone rice mill. His cone rice
mill has tow moving parts a main shaft for turning the huller and the cone
polisher, and the other one is auxiliary shaft for rotating both blowers. Two
rotating hand wheels control the adjustments in the milling process. Also it does
not have any elevators, and it can dehull rice husks ul to 90% of the total amount
without amy grain breakage. Sian's invention was nicknamed "Knonopak" by his
business colleagues. The machine has been put to the test by rice mill expert
Harry Van Ruiten of the United Nations Food Agriculture Organization mamy
times. and he said that the invention has a great economic value as an alternative
to the Engelberg-type huller (locally named as kiskisan). The recovery is greater,
the rice quality is higher, and the power requirement is lower.
The role and goal of Science in Education should always be the
same. Since science is considered both knowledge and method,
operating independent of time and place, the benefits of science
anywhere can only be the same. Science cultivates the needed
habits and skills of observation, experimentation. analysis,
classification, and generalization in students. The scientific
method develops a person's attitudes of accuracy, objectivity,
clear thinking, logical reasoning, and the willingness to accept
facts. Science is considered as a a body of knowledge and also
taken as methodology. The generally accepted but irresponsible
difference between education and science is misleading. Science
can be considered education although it is not the whole of
education, it is one of the various materials with which the
education works.
Education Under Spain and America

The Spanish system of education, which focused more

on college education, gave more emphasis to the
humanities .The knowledge of a graduate in those time
was extremely deficient in the natural sciences. This
may be gleaned from Rizal’s description of a class in
physics in his novel. The Reign of Greed. The coming
of the American, with the corresponding introduction
of their system of education, put greater emphasis on
science and its contribution to health, economic
progress, and comfort.
Failure of Education
Education aims to equip man with a solid sense of ethics
and values. To achieve such an end, education must work,
as it does, with the intellect and will of man. Through the
cause and effect method of observation , a study of the
different variable in the environment and the natural
equipment of individuals is being utilize in such subjects as
economics, psychology, and social welfare. Ironicaally ,
education has failed to catch up with technical and
scientific progress. The reason seem to be that man as been
slower to move with his heart than his mind.
Science and Government Policy

In view of the current “war on drugs” forensic science plays

an important role in the prosecution of cases involving
illegal drugs to ensure that no innocent individuals are ever
wrongfully convicted. Prohibited drugs as been a problem
in the country since 1800’s. The Philippines Known and
recognize us “a significant source of high potency
crystalline, methamphetamine (shabu ) used both
domestically and exported to location in east and south east

As a rule the police chemist who examines a seized

substance should ordinarily testify that he received the
seized article as marked properly sealed and instact that he
resealed it after examination of the content and that he
placed his own making on the same to ensure that it could
not be tempered pending trial. In case the parties stipulate
to dispense with the attendance of the police chemists, they
should stipulate that the latter would have testified that he
took the precautionary steps mentioned.

The PNP Crime Laboratory includes a chemistry division,

which conducts qualitative examinations of those
dangerous drugs, and substances and examines urine and
any other body fluids to determine the presence of
dangerous drugs.

Analyses, Reporting and Trends (SMART) Program

evaluated the forensic infrastructure of 11 countries in
Asia and sent missions to such countries as Cambodia,
Indonesia, and the Philippines. The reason behind the
assessment was the recognition of the crucial importance
of forensic laboratory as vital source of information on
physical and chemical characteristics, purities, trends,
patterns and manufacturing and trafficking drugs and also
includes law enforcement operations , regulatory
authorities and the criminal justice system.

Despite their central role in drug control,

forensic laboratories are usually seen and
used as tools and servants rather than as
resources and partners. At the best, the value
of individual laboratory results to answer a
specific questions, to save life, to help in
treatment or to identify or confirm a crime
is recognizes.

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