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by: Bienvenido Santos

A Filipino-American novelist, poet, short story
writer, autobiographer, memoirist and
 He was born and raised in Tondo, Manila.

 S a n t o s is considered an important voice

in Filipino American literature. Reviewers

commend his fiction, poetry, memoir, and
essays as powerful exploration of the
Filipino immigrant experience. They identify
and discuss the recurring thematic concerns
of his novels and stories, such as loneliness,
alienation, and the corruption o innocence.
The Filipino young man went to Kalamazoo on October when
the war was still on to attend a conference. On the same night,
he met another Filipino – Celestino Fabia, a farmer. Mr. Santos
was surprised to see a man who travelled really long just to hear
him talk. In the course of the discussion, the man asked how the
Filipino women of today were different from the stereotype he
was familiar with. The Filipino young man replied that although
they differ in the exterior, both women of different eras bear the
heart and soul of a modest Filipina. Mr. Fabia was pleased.
After the lecture, Mr. Fabia told Mr. Santos about his
farm and his family and invited him over to his house,
repeatedly saying that his wife, Ruth, will be leased to
meet “a first class Filipino”. He also told him about his
son, Roger, with pride. Mr. Fabia picked Mr. Santos up
the next day and during the course of what seemed to
be an endless journey to the distant farm.
Mr. Fabia picked Mr. Santos up the next day and during the
course of what seemed to be an endless journey to the
distant farm. Mr. Santos became aware of Mr. Fabian’s life
in the Philippines. He was a spoiled brat and the black
sheep of the family. He lived in an old Visayan town where
there are no apples. But there are coconut trees and roosters
cooing early in the morning, and there was his family.
They finally arrived in the farm, the fragrance of apples
diffusing all over the place.
Mr. Santos finally met the wife of Mr. Fabia and his
son. He noticed how Ruth’s hospitality and kind
heartedness was almost Filipino and how adorable
Roger really was. In their humble home, he also found a
picture of an anonymous Filipina wearing a traditional
costume – another manifestation of how dire Mr.
Fabia’s nostalgia is.
He bade farewell to the family and Mr. Fabia took
him back to the hotel. He offered to send news to his
family when he got back to the Philippines but Mr.
Fabia refused, saying that they might have forgotten
him. They shook each other’s hand and said goodbye.
 Man vs. Society
-The overall aspects of the story that we may mostly observe as
we read through Mr. Santos' point of view is the clash of emotions
present in Celestino Fabia's actions, and thoughts upon moving to
Michigan and having a new family.
-Two of the most evident parts that show the type of conflict are
the scent of apples in Celestino's farm, (as which he said were
never present in his home, Visayas) and the photograph of the
Filipina wearing a traditional costume (which serves as a reminder
of the Philippine for each time Celestino sees it).

 C e l e s t i n o Fabia - a Filipino farmer who lives ni

America together with his family and the one who
invited the Filipino young man to his home

 R u t h Fabia - wife of Celistino Fabia

 R o g e r Fabia - son of Celestino and Ruth

 F i l i p i n o Young Man - who went to Kalamazoo, America

for conference wherein he had answered questions about

The story was called "The Scent of Apples" because of
the overwhelming smell of it in Celestino's farm. We may
relate this to the overwhelming, new traditions an
immigrant musdapt to through the course of time. The
apples are also a symbolic feature in Celestino's life, as
he was only ever be able to truly smell and grow them
when he moved to the USA
 First VIEW
person POV - The whole story is
throughout Mr. Santos' perspective, basing it on his
actions, thoughts and feelings such as how he
described the way Celestino or how
immediately smelled the apples. he
 This happened during the war period in
Kalamazoo, Michigan in the USA. The story was set during
the time of the "first generation immigrants", or people
from various countries who traveled the United States
for a better life.
 The main setting was in Fabia’s place wherein
Celestino invited the Filipino young man to come by and
eat dinner.
Back in the day, the very first immigrants would have separation
anxiety, and somewhat a culture shock upon immigration into
a brand new country. This would cause them to have feelings
of loss and sadness, as they missed their real homes, as well
as family and loved ones.

 Scent of Apples – exile, loneliness and isolation
 Painting – preservation of Filipino women

 Be nationalistic
 Preserve the positive traits of Filipinos

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