Q1-In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?

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Q1- In what ways does your

media product use, develop or

challenge forms and
conventions of real media
My magazine production does not challenge the codes and conventions of real
media products as i followed a set list of codes and conventions when producing my
Codes and conventions of a POP
music magazine front cover.
One main image which takes up the whole cover
- Applies to the main feature article
- Studio photographs of the band/singers which conveys their attitude
- Direct address
Title (masthead)- has an unique font
- Usually one word
- Fills the width of the cover, or is in top left corner
- Positioning statement - usually above or below the title
- Price and issue date by the title (11pt size)
- Sometimes by the barcode
Puff - offers something extra to the magazine
Buzz words - e.g. "exclusive"
Cover lines - text on the front cover, stating articles inside the magazine
Strip usually containing artists names who are included in the magazine
Colour - very simple colour scheme, only a few colours used
One main image which takes up the whole cover – My main image is direct
address which conforms to the codes and conventions of a pop music
magazine so it fit’s in with the other magazines on the shelves in store. Also it
applies to my main feature article.
Masthead- My masthead has a unique font which fills the width of the
magazine and is directly above the positioning statement, issue date and
price, so it conforms to the codes and conventions.

I have used the Buzzword

Another way I have conformed to the codes and conventions is that I have
used cover lines on my front cover to state what is inside the magazine as this
will appeal to my audience and persuade them to buy it.
I have also used a strip at the bottom of my magazine which contains names of
artists who are included in my magazine inside.

Despite using a simple colour scheme, I used bright bold colours to appeal to my
audeince and make my front cover look fun and busy.
Codes and conventions of a POP
music magazine contents page.
• same colour scheme as front cover
• image/s of band/singers/music venues
• columns - usually 3 or 4
• categories- features, regulars
• main picture relating to feature article
• sometimes image of the front cover
•page number/issue date/web address/magazine title
• words that intrigue the reader
• competition
I have used the same colour scheme as my front cover

I have used images which will feature in my magazine in the articles, I have also put
the page number of where these pictures will be.

I have included page number, issue date, web

address and magazine title on the contents page.

Another way my product has conformed to the codes

and conventions is that the contents of my magazine
is in 3 columns and split into features and regulars.

I have used words to intrigue the reader such as ‘top-

Codes and conventions of a POP music
magazine double page spread.
• one large image - usually direct address, sometimes bleeds between pages
• smaller image about something in the article
• large quotes - on pictures/in headline/in stand first/to break up the text
• Drop capital and bold text - show where to start reading
• Byline - gives credit to journalist/photographer
• large headline - doesn't say what the articles about
• simple colour scheme- magazines' colours
• easy to read font
• stand first - introduces the article, positioned under the headline
• articles in columns - usually 2 - 4
• strap line - very top, including subject matter
• personality of journalist comes though - informal.
I have conformed to the codes and conventions by using one large image of
Lily Allen which bleeds between pages.

I have also used a large quote to intrigue the audience into wanting to read
the article.

The simple colour scheme

I have used a By-line and a
has persisted from the
stand first on my double
contents page and front
page spread.

I have used a easy to read font and 3 columns to present my article as this
conforms to the codes and conventions. I also used a drop capital at the start
of the text, furthermore I shown my personality throughout the article.

I have used a large headline.

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