Project Area, Size, Dimension: Bahasa Inggris Profesi Viola Malta Ramadhani

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Project Area, Size, Dimension

 Wisma 46 is a skyscraper as high as 262 meters or 860 ft

(Architectural Height)
 The tower is located on 15 hectares of land in the city center.
Has a floor area of ​140,028 m².
 The tower has 48 floors above the ground which only consists
from offices.
 There are 2 underground floors which are used for car parking.
 This tower contains 23 elevators that can reach speed of
360 mpm in the super high speed model.

Bahasa Inggris Profesi Viola Malta Ramadhani 1

Data related to the parties involved in the project

 Wisma BNI 46 is designed by world famous architecture

Zeidler Partnership Architects (Zeidler Roberts Partnership)
and DP Architects Private Ltd.

 Wisma BNI 46 was built by a contractor company


 Wisma BNI 46 is owned by PT Swadharma Primautama,

an alliance company between the BNI Pension Fund
Foundation, Salim Group, and Lyman Group

Bahasa Inggris Profesi Viola Malta Ramadhani 2

Overall Project Design Concept

Wisma BNI 46 Tower Building is a high-rise building

with a unique and attractive shape. Its towering
appearance is shaped like an ancient pen.
So this building is often called the Pen Building.

This building material consists of iron, concrete and

glass. This building has a function as an office building.
Based on its function, which is an office building, this
building implies a meaning / figurative in the form of
visual objects that are related to or that symbolize
office activities.

Bahasa Inggris Profesi Viola Malta Ramadhani

Overall Project Design Concept

In addition, when observed from its shape, the Wisma BNI 46 Tower
building has a shape that resembles a pen, the meaning of the object
of a pen is of course also related to the function of this building which
is an office building.

Bahasa Inggris Profesi Viola Malta Ramadhani

Overall Project Design Concept

Bahasa Inggris Profesi Viola Malta Ramadhani

Upper Section of Wisma BNI 46 (Crown)
The crown of the Wisma BNI 46 Tower building has a conical
shape and tapers upwards on the front side with one tower pole at the
top. In addition, the crown of this building is also made of steel

This strengthens the meaning as well as implies that the crown of

this building signals from a pen tip. This means that the crown of this
building is visual in nature which depicts a nib, while in its form it
also looks real like the original object.
Bahasa Inggris Profesi Viola Malta Ramadhani
Middle Section Wisma BNI 46 (Tower)
The facade of the Wisma BNI 46 building tower is in the form of a
glass wall and is also enclosed by concrete wall pillars in the form of a
vertical upward on both sides of the building. These two pillars also
have square-shaped window openings.

When you look at the facade of the tower of this building resembles the
handle of a pen. This means that the facade of this building tower is
visual in nature which depicts a pen handle, while in its form it also
looks real like the original object.
Bahasa Inggris Profesi Viola Malta Ramadhani
Bottom of Wisma BNI 46 (Podium)
The podium of the Wisma BNI 46 Tower building has an
inconspicuous shape, namely a concrete wall with square-shaped
window openings that are attached to concrete wall pillars on both
sides of the tower.

However, because it still has unity with the tower which has a shape
like a pen, this part of the podium looks like the tip of a pen (tower)
itself leaning on a container or place. This means that the podium of
this building is visual in nature which depicts the tip of a pen, while in
its form it also looks real like the original object.

Bahasa Inggris Profesi Viola Malta Ramadhani

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