Simple Interest: Abhishek Sharma

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Simple Interest

 1. Two equal amounts of money are deposited in Type
two banks, each at 15% per annum, for and 5 1
years. If the difference between their interests is
Rs.144, each sum is:
A. Rs.460 B. Rs.500
C. Rs.640 D. Rs.720

2. The difference between the interests received

from two different banks on Rs.500 for 2 years, is
Rs.2.50.The difference between their rates is:
B. 1% B. 0.5%
C. 2.5% D. 0.25%
3. The rate of interest on a sum of money is 4% per Type
annum for the first 2 years, 6% per annum for the next 4
years and 8% per annum for the period beyond 6 years.
If the simple interest occurred by the sum for a total
period of 9 years is Rs.1120, what is the sum?
A. Rs.1500 B. Rs.2000
C. Rs.2500 D. Rs.4000

4. A lent Rs.600 to B for 2 years and Rs.150 to C for 4

years and received all together from both Rs.90 as simple
interest. The total interest is:
B. 4% B. 5%
C. 10% D. 12%
 5. A sum of Rs.2540 is lent out into two parts, one at 12%
and another one at %. If the total annual income is 1
Rs.311.60, the money lent at 12% is:
A. Rs.1180 B. Rs.1360
C. Rs.1240 D. Rs.1340

6. A man lends Rs.10000 in four parts. If he gets 8% on

Rs.2000; % on Rs.4000 and % on Rs.1400, what percent
must he get for the remainder, if his average annual
interest is 8.13%?
B. % B. %
C. 9% D. 7%
7. At simple interest, a sum doubles after 20 years. The Type
rate of interest per annum is: 2
A. 5% B. 10%
C. 12% D. data inadequate

8. A sum of money becomes 8/5 of itself in 5 years at a

certain rate of interest. The rate percent per annum is:
B. 5% B. 8%
C. 10% D. 12%
9. In how many years will sum of money double itself at Type
12% per annum? 2
A. 6 years 9 months B. 8 years 3 months
C. 7 years 6 months D. 8 years 4 months

10. At a certain rate of simple interest, a certain sum

doubles itself in 10 years. It will triple itself in:
B. 15 years B. 20 years
C. 30 years D. 12 years
 11. A sum of money will be double itself in 6 years at
simple interest with yearly rate of: 2
A. 10% B. %
C. 8% D. 16%
12. A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Type
Rs.2240 in 2 years and Rs.2600 in 5 years. The sum is: 3
A. Rs.1880 B. Rs.2000
C. Rs.2120 D. Data inadequate

13. A sum of money amounts to Rs.850 in 3 years and

Rs.925 in 4 years. The sum is:
B. Rs.600 B. Rs.575
C. Rs.625 D. Data inadequate
14. A certain sum of money at simple interest amounts Type
to Rs.1260 in 2 years and to Rs.1350 in 5 years. The rate 3
% per annum is:
A. 2.5% B. 3.75%
C. 5% D. 7.5%

15. Rs.800 amounts to Rs.920 in 3 years at simple

interest. If the interest rate is increased by 3% , it would
amount to how much ?
B. Rs.1056 B. Rs.1112
C. Rs.1182 D. Rs.992
16. A certain sum of money becomes four times itself in eight years at SI. In how
many years will it become 16 times itself?
A. 40 B. 32 C. 45 D. 30

17. A certain sum of money becomes six times itself in nine years at SI. In how
many years will it become 16 times itself?
A. 10 years B. 12 years C. 21 years D. 27

18. If a certain sum of money becomes four times itself in eight years at SI, in
how many years will it become 28 times itself?
A. 56 years B. 50 years C. 72 years D. 80

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