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Apps Game KDS Security Telecom Work From Anywhere Subscriber to Newsletter February Issue Blogs Vlogs

HEADLINES ➤ Fortinet Expands Enga ge Partner Program Benefits to Enable Channel Business Growth ➤ Low-Code


Google tracks a n d collecting dat a even when
people us e "Incognito" mode on Chrome browser
A US District J u d g e Lucy Koh in the state of
California sa i d on Friday denied
Google's request t...

Tencent loses $65 billion in two d a y s

Tencent Holdings shares fell a second day on
concern regulators are now turning their si ght s to

Microsoft probes hint that hackers cracked

Taiwan research
Microsoft is checking whether
hackers who attacked its email syst em
exploited the findings of Taiwan...

Google Cloud along with Automation Anywhere to develop AI

Tech Mahindra acquires majority st ake in
and RPA-powered products
Perigord Asset Holdings
Tech Mahindra h a s announced of acquiring
70% st ake in Perigord Asset Holdings
Cyber & Data Security 2021
Bharat B A n a n d Group IT
He ad & Security- EC
Rat an Tata b uy s st ake in m edia c ompa ny - Council “There...

Tencent loses Ratan Tata NEC unveils Pritish Nandy Communications

$65 billion bu ys stake India's Digit The Chairperson of Tata Trusts, R atan Tata h a s b
... in ... ... oughtastakeinPritishNandy
DR. Vineet B a n s a l CIO-
Greenpanel Industries
"Cyber securit...

Subroto K P a n d a CIO-ANAND
& ANAND “The pa n d e m i c
h a s actuall. ..

Chandra Mouli CIO & CTO-

S a n k a r a Nethal aya
"Looking a t m y own.. .

Rishi M ehta
Technology Evangelist-
Silicon Valley
(USA) "The one...


Optoma hopeful about the market in 2021 "Risk-based vulnerability m a na g e m e nt

Optoma, a d om in a nt player in t he h o m e AV se gm e nt world- (RBVM)- the process of reducing vulnerabilities
wide, p l a n s to spre ad its wi n g s further a n d i s eyei ng on
interactive flat pa n el cat egory other...
across a n organization’s attack surface"
Kartik S h a h a n i Country Manager, Tenable India Educ a t i ng
custom er s & em ployees: Em ployee a wa r e n e ss regarding
the im portance of multif. ..

Cyber Security : The New Mantra of Digital



'Good governance is
essential for m a n a g i n g
cybersecurity issues'


"To set up two-factor
authentication i s one of the best COMPANIES
practices suggest ed to clients" DOWNLOAD

"It i s ensured a suitable endpoint

security is installed a n d
monitored for timely updates"

'One h a s to be alert a s cyber

scam sters are a l w a y s a step
Union Budget 2021 : FOCUS ON VISION

Kumar Shailove joins Hiver

a s Vice President of

American Tower Corporation

designates S a n j a y Goel a s
Executive V P a n d
President, Asia-Pacific


S a ur a bh S a x e n a appointed TODAY'S CYBER SECURITY THREATS
a s Intuit's India site leader AND

J K Technosoft ropes in
Capgemini's Atanu Roy a n d
Wipro's Sreenivasa Rao
Sunkari in leadership roles
Kaspersky w a s selected a s the "China ServiceNow enha nces its Now Platform Strengthening remote protocols with
Endpoint Security Detection a n d ServiceNow unveiled the Now P latf or m Quebec multiple interfaces a n d set up of strong
Response Market 2020" : IDC release. This latest version of the Now Platfo.. . local security policies within laptops
Kaspersky f a c e s greater competi tion in China c a n mitigate risk
market, it ne eds to cont inuously develop inno... Dr. Ha r s ha E Thennar asu Chief IT & Cyber
Security Advisor, HKIT Security Solutions.. .

With 574% Y-O-Y growth I nst a S a f e VMware enhanc es its portfolio with
VPN a n d privileged a c c e ss m a na g e m e n t
Technologies becomes India's vSphere 7 a n d vSAN 7
: The key technologies
fastest- growing cybersecurity startup VMware, Inc. a nn oun c e d portfolio u pda t e s to
S a n d e e p Se n gup ta , MD, ISOAH Data
help custom er s modernize their applic ations an. . .
Be nga luru b a s e d cybersecurity sol uti ons provider Securities Ed uc a t in g c ustom e rs & em ployees
I n s t a S a f e Technologies be c om e s India&rsqu... ...

The growing risk of cyber security to Citrix a i d s Canara HSBC Oriental B ank
“The 'deep fake' c a n be well countered
attract hundreds of billion dollars: of Commerce Li fe Insurance enabli ng
with the 'deep trust'”
Infosys Work from Anywhere
J a i d e e p Kh a n d u j a Chief Technology Oficer,
Inf osys s a i d the potential risk in bra nd va l ue of Ca na ra HSBC Oriental Ba nk of Commerce Life Acci oM a ngo Pv t Ltd Ed uc a t in g c us tom e rs &a...
a d a t a breach to the world's 10 0 m os. . . I nsur anc e h a d initiated year s earlier u s i ng dig.. .



OPPO to unveil its Ba n d Style Addverb Technologies opens "Bot- Cybercriminals c a n a c c e s s
OPPO i s all set to l a un c h the OPPO B a nd Style, a Valley", INR 75 Cr. Robots digital infrastructure through IoT
pr em ium product equi ppe d with cut ting-edg.. . m anufact uring facility devices
Addverb Technologies h a s inaugur ate d its world The Internet of Th i ngs (IoT) h a s created a new
c l a s s m an uf a c t ur i ng facility “Bot-Val... pa r a d i g m in which a network of m a c h i ne s and. . .

Cadyce unveils extensive line G7CR Technologies organizes Virtual Digital Transformation
of products Cloud a n d Data S um m i t Vs Misinformation
Ca dyc e i s one of the premier c om p a n i e s in the field G7CR Technologies h a s stressed on the need to Digital transformation i s imperative for all
of hardware solutions a n d networking t... transform bu si ne s se s with Cloud Technology.... bus i ne ss e s from the s m a l l b u s i n e s s to the ent...

J a b r a introduces Evolve2 30, with World Leadership Congress recognises Can anyone be m a d e accountable for
lightweight, portable a n d Ka m al Nath a s 'CEO of the Year' the growing dat a theft across the globe?
cost-effective comfort S ify Technologies Limited (NASDAQ: SIFY), The year 2 0 20 h a s been a c h a ll e ng in g year. I a m sure
J a b r a h a s a nn ou nc e d t he l a unc h of t he J a b r a India’s m os t comprehensive ICT solutions p... a l m ost all of you m u s t ha v e h a d a ran. ..
Evolve2 30, the latest product to join t he Evo...

pTron unveils B a s s b u d s series Micro F ocus charges up for F l a g sh i p Working executives a n d students
pTron, a rapidly growi ng digi t al lifestyle a n d Customer Event, Micro F ocus experiencing Zoom f at i gue l eadi ng to
a udi o ac ce ssor ies bra nd cont i nues to domi na . . . Universe 2021 stigma
Micro F o c u s h a s reinforced its o n go i n g c om m i tm ent Over the p a s t few m o n t h s we are hear ing a bout the
to help custom er s win in the digital eco... “Zoom fatigue” which h a s pop. ..

iCare - CSR Endeavor by iValue with

ITI Limited
Celebrates International Women's a Mission to Create a Better World for How to minimize the
Day 2021
ITI Limited celebrated Internati onal Women’s
iValue InfoSolutions, India's f astes t
sophistication threats
Day 2 0 2 1 a c r os s m a nu f a c t u r i ng uni t s and.. .
growing technology aggregator,
initiated affores... against critical infrastructure
By VARINDIA 2021-02-22
Akshay Kumar- Katrina Kaif True caller to discontinue the
starrer Sooryavanshi to release on
UPI Services in India
April 30 Adopting EDR
Truecaller h a s over 2 0 0 million active users in India
Ak sh a y Ku m a r a n d Katrina Kai f starrer a n d it h a s a bo ut 1, 20,000 prem i um cu...
SCADA level
S oor ya vanshi, directed by Rohit Shetty, h a s Security
been del...
Empowering SOC
AVEVA fortifies its India Implementing XDR
Catch all the action from Planet Marathi operations, expands Channel Implementing XDR
presents Filmfare Awards Marathi 2020 Network
on Facebook Watch
AVEVA an nou nc e d that it h a s s i gne d partnership votes (%)
F ace book h a s partnered with Worldwide Me di a to agre em ents with Titan Engi ne er ing & Aut...
bring you the P la n et M arat hi present s Fi l mf.. .

Adopting EDR = 0%
R a n a Daggubat i rejects being part of
LTI Tops Everest Group's IT SCADA level Security =
'Drishyam 2' Telugu remake
Services Challenger 2021 List
It h a s been rumoured that R a n a D a g g u b a t i will 0% Empowering SOC =
Larsen & Toubro Infotech (BSE: 5400 05 , NSE: LTI),
b e sh a r i ng screen s p a c e with hi s unc l e Venka. ..
a g lo ba l technology consult ing a n d d...
80% Implementing XDR

= 20% Implementing

XDR = 0%



InsurTech Platform Riskcovry Rai ses HMD p l a n s to launch affordable Icertis b a g s $80 Million Series F
$5 Million In Series A Fundi ng 5G Nokia phones in India Round, strengthens boards with new
L ed By Omidyar Network India HMD Global i s eyeing to m a k e India a h u b for its appointments
gl ob al s up pl y c h a in while a l s o la unc hing. . .
Riskcovry, a n InsurTech start up t hat offers a one-stop Icertis a nno unc e d the closing of a n $80
technology platform for distributio... million Series F round at a valuat ion of over

The first digital bank in Israel Dixon Technologies to set up hardware

since 1978, Yesterday got the manufacturing plant in Bengaluru Woloo la unches its a p p on this Women’s
approval Dixon Technologies, a n electronics Day to locate a n d u se certified
m a nu f a c t ur i ng com pany, h a s so ugh t l a nd from washrooms for women
First Digital Bank, the first new b a n k in Israel Ka r na t a ka g...
s inc e 1978, started operati ons on Sunday. . . Woloo, India’s first-of-its-kind startup, h a s l a un c he d
a m obil e applic ation this Int...

Apple to shift up to 10% Retail tech start-up - Shoopy b a g s its

Fintech emerges a s fastest growing tech manufacturing capacity out of China
sector, sa y s, Deloitte mai den seed fundi ng of $250,000
Apple already m a nu f a c t ur e s the i P hon e SE,
Deloitte h a s a n nou nc e d its list of 50 fa st est The retail tech start-up for I ndia n S MBs, S ho op y
i Ph one XR, a n d i P ho ne 11 in India through its co...
growing technology c om p a n i e s in the country... h a s raised 250, 000 USD seed f u ndi ng from...

HFCL partners with Qualcomm STAGE raises INR 3.5 Cr in Angel

BlockFi raises $350m at $3bn valuation
Technologies over development of Wi-Fi round led by Inflection Point Ventures
Cryptocurrency player BlockFi h a s hit a $3 6 Portfolio of Products
billion valuat ion off the b a c k of a $ 350 millio... STAGE h a s raised INR 3.5 Cr in a n a n g e l round, led
HFCL h a s strengthened its IO product portfolio of by Inflection Point Ventures. Paytm &rsq.. .
Wireless Solutions with the roll-out of...
Is Bitcoin set to hit a n all-time high of Financial Services Am azon to redesign it's a p p icon after it
$60,000 this week? organizations shifting to hybrid comparisons to Hitler's must ac he
The Bitcoin price i s likely to hit a n al l-time hi gh of Am a z o n h a s c ha n g e d its a p p icon after receiving
$60, 000 this week a s t he U.S. House... Nutanix a nn oun ce d the f i na nc i a l services criticism that its new logo resem bles with...
industry f i ndi ng s of its third a n n u a l Enterprise...

Unocoin adopt s decentralized Microsoft c ome s up with Azure P a yt m l ea ds the mobile

Unstoppable Domains Migration Program a n d FastTrack paym ent s market in India with
for Azure in India 1.2B monthly transactions
India’s largest cryptocurrency e xc hange,
Unocoin, h a s a dopte d t he bl oc kchai n-ba sed U... Microsoft h a s a nnou nc e d the general availability
The sources from P a y t m sa ys , it h a s processed 1.2
of Azure Migration P r o gr a m a n d FastTrack...
billion t ransac tions in the m onth of Feb...

Bitcoin price hits new record high, LogMeIn boosts Data Storage Walmart l aunc hes new Vriddhi e-
fuels fresh d e m a nd s for regulation for L a s t P a s s B usi ness institute to help M S M E s
As Bitcoin hits all-time price hi g hs, regulat ion Global retailer Walmart e xpa nded its
m u s t now be c o m e a m aj or priority for fina. .. LogM eIn h a s a n nou nc e d L a s t P a s s Enterprise M SM E- foc use d Vriddhi e-institute to Uttar Pr ades h,
a n d Identity custom er s will now be a bl e to store... st...

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