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Tuesday, March 16, 2021 Wobetu Shiferaw (

History and Overview Mobile Operating Systems

 Mobile Devices need some type of Operating System to run its services.

 Earlier OS were fairly simple, since they supported limited capabilities

 Modern devices however, added many of the features of a full-fledged desktop computer

 Like CPU, GPU, large storage, multitasking, multipurpose comm. Device etc

 Modern OS combines a PC with other mobile specific features like:

 Bluetooth, GPS, speech recognition, video camera, infrared etc

History and Overview Mobile Operating Systems

 Mobile Devices need some type of Operating System to run its services.

 Earlier OS were fairly simple, since they supported limited capabilities

 Modern devices however, added many of the features of a full-fledged desktop computer

 Like CPU, GPU, large storage, multitasking, multipurpose comm. Device etc

 Modern OS combines a PC with other mobile specific features like:

 Bluetooth, GPS, speech recognition, video camera, infrared etc


 So mobile OS had to grow to support all these features

 This results in the growth of market with a number of different tech platforms

 Different competing platforms driven by d/t actors

 Requires app developers to study and choose the most winning platform available
What is Mobile OS

 A software platform on top of which other apps can run on.

 Experienced a 3 phase evolution

 PC oriented, Embedded System Oriented and Smart-phone oriented evolution

 The architecture goes from complex to simple or something in between

 Evolution has driven by tech advancements in HW, SW and the Internet

 Resulted in a variety of OS platforms available on the market

 Below is analysis of different mobile OSs

Android Operating System

 Developed by Open Handset Alliance (OHA), Led by Google, released in 2007

 Most of its components released under the Open Source apache license.

 Android uses a Linux kernel with higher-level APIs written in C

 Apps are programmed in Java and

 run with the Dalvik virtual machine (DVM)

 (NB: the latest updates of android OS replaced DVM by Android Runtime (ART)).
Why Android?

 In 2011, has largest installed base of any Mobile OS

 In 2013, its devices sold more than Windows phone and iOS devices combined

 Google play store had 1 million apps published, and over 50 billion apps downloaded

 As of 2013 surveys, most of mobile developers develop apps for android


 Developed by Apple inc. and distributed exclusively for Apple Hardware

 The OS that powers iPad, iPod, iPhone, iPod Touch and Apple TV

 Closed source and Proprietary

 Built on the open source Darwin core OS

 Drived from the Mac OS and shares its Darwin foundation


 Made up of 4 abstraction layers

 Core OS, Core Services, Media and Cocoa Touch

Windows Phone

 A proprietary software smartphone OS developed by Microsoft

 It’s the successor to windows Mobile

 Launched in 2010 under the name Window 7

 The next release was released in October 2010

Mobile Application Development

 A process by which app software is developed for low powered handheld devices

 Comes with different flavors:

 Preinstalled on phones

 Downloaded from distribution stores or

 Delivered as web apps

Mobile Application Development

 Before we start developing apps for the mobile device, its important to consider

selecting a suitable platform which helps us to successful in the market

Here are the comparison of the different mobile Operating Systems available on the ma

The Android Platform and Development Environment

 Open source, Linus based SW stack created for a wide range of devices.

 Below is the major components of the android platform

Linux Kernel

 The foundation of the android platform.

 Handles low level device management operations

 Provides standard services

 Memory and process management

 File and Network I/O

Linux Kernel

 Android specific Services

 Device Drivers

 Power management


 Low Memory Killer

Hardware Abstraction Layer

 Provides standard interface that expose device hardware capabilities to the hirgher

level Java API framework

 Consists of multiple library modules, to implement a pacific hardware component

 Eg. Camera and Bluetooth module

The Android Runtime

 A virtual machine to compile and run java files for the android system

 Specifically designed for resource constrained environments like mobile devices

 Major features:

 Just in-time compilation

 Optimized garbage collection

 Better debugging support

Native C/C++ Libraries

 Handles the core performance sensitive activities on your device

 Eg. Rendering webpages and rendering the display

 Used for Standard system calls

 Process and thread creation, mathematical creation, memory allocation etc

 WebKit, Surface Manager, media framework, OpenGL High performance graphics

SQLitein memory database management etc

Java API Framework

 Provides a building block used to create android apps

 Simplifies the reuse of core modular components

 Such like:

 View System build apps UI

 Resource Manager provides access to non-code resources

 Notification manager enables all app to display custom alerts on status bar
Java API Framework

 Activity manager manages the lifecycle of apps and provides comman navigation


 Content providers etc

System Apps

 Set of core applications for performing most critical operations on the device

 Like SMS Messenger, Camera, Gallery, Calendar, Notebook, Browser etc

 Can be just replaced by comparative custom third party apps

Application Fundamentals

 Android apps are written in java programming languages

 Android SDK tools compile your code and creates APK file (android package)

 The file android powered devices used to install the app

Application Fundamentals

 Each app lives on its own security sandbox protected by different security features

 Multi-user linux system  each app is a different user

 System sets permission for all its file so that only authorized app or user can access

 Each app has its own virtual machine, runs in isolation from other apps

 Every app runs on its own linux process

Application Components

 The essential building blocks of android app

 They are the entry point in which the system / user can enter your app

 Android has 4 main types of app components

 Activities

 Services

 Broadcast Receivers

 Content Providers

 The entry point for interacting with the user

 Represents a single screen with a user interface


 Keeps an app running in the background

 A component that runs in the background to perform long-running processes or work

from remote processes

 Doesn’t provide a user interface

 Eg. A service that play music, download file,

Broadcast Receivers

 A component that enables the system to deliver events to the app outside of a regular

user flow

 Allows the app to respond to system-wide broadcast announcements.

 Example:

 Schedule alarm to post a notification.

Broadcast Receivers

 Originates either from system or application level

Content providers

 Manages a shared set of app data stored in any persistent storage systems

 Allows other apps to query and modify the data if the content provider allows it

 Examples:

 Contacts Content Provider

Activating Components

 Activities, services, and broadcast receivers—are activated by an asynchronous

message called an intent. 

 Intents bind individual components together at runtime

 Act as messengers that request an action from other components

 Created with Intent object

The Manifest file

 Before the android can startup a component, its must know existence of the

component in the app

 By reading its manifest file named “AndroidManifest.xml

 Your app must declare all its components on this file

The manifest file does

 Identify any user permission on the app

 Declare the minimum API level required by the app

 Declare Hardware and software features required by the app

 Declare API libraries the app linked with

Declaring components in the manifest file


 You must declare all app components using the following elements:

 <activity> elements for activities.

 <service> elements for services.

 <receiver> elements for broadcast receivers.

 <provider> elements for content providers.

App Resources

 Android app is more than just a code

 It requires resources separate from the source code

 Such as images, audio/video files, strings or anything related to the visual presentation of

the app

 We can define menus, animations, styles, colors and layouts of activity UI using XML

 Using resources makes it easy to update d/t characteristics of your app

App Resources

 Located in the resources (res) directory

 Eg.

 res/drawable

 res/value

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