English Presentation Material

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English Presentation

By: Afdhalina, S.Pd.I.,M.Hum

Tips for presenting effectively
Give yourself plenty of time to prepare the presentation and to familiarise yourself with the
topic. Practice your presentation in front of a live audience such as colleagues or friends.
Structure your presentation logically, and briefly summarise your presentation in the
introduction to make it easier for your audience to understand.
Use visual aids such as PPT slides to highlight or demonstrate the main points of your
Involve your audience by asking them questions, or drawing on examples that are familiar
to them.
Be aware of your body language.
Use hand gestures and facial expressions to emphasise your message and don’t forget to
Your voice is your most important tool. By varying your tone of voice you can engage your
audience. Speaking in a monotone will make the presentation tedious whereas varying the
pitch and speed at which you talk will give your presentation energy.
Don’t be afraid to be nervous! You will inevitably be nervous the first time you present in
front of a large audience. Remember that this is perfectly natural, and try to channel your
nervous energy into an exciting presentation!

Presentation Tips
Most presentations are divided into 3
main parts (+ questions):



As a general rule in communication there is
a golden rule about repetition:
Say what you are going to say...
say it...
then say what you have just said.
In other words, use the three parts of your
presentation to reinforce your message. In
the introduction, you tell your audience what
your message is going to be. In the body, you
tell your audience your real message. In the
conclusion, you summarize what your
message was.

The introduction is a very important - perhaps the

most important - part of your presentation.
This is the first impression that your audience have
of you.
You should concentrate on getting your
introduction right. You should use the introduction
welcome your audience
introduce your subject
outline the structure of your presentation
give instructions about questions
Function Possible language

1 •Good morning, ladies and gentlemen

Welcoming your audience •Good morning, gentlemen
•Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman
•Good afternoon, everybody

2 •I am going to talk today about...

Introducing your subject •The purpose of my presentation is to
introduce our new range of...

3 •To start with I'll describe the progress

Outlining your structure made this year. Then I'll mention some
of the problems we've encountered and
how we overcame them. After that I'll
consider the possibilities for further
growth next year. Finally, I'll
summarize my presentation (before
concluding with some

4 •Do feel free to interrupt me if you

Giving instructions about questions have any questions.
•I'll try to answer all of your questions
after the presentation.
•I plan to keep some time for questions
after the presentation.
The body is the 'real' presentation.
If the introduction was well prepared and delivered, you will now be 'in
control'. You will be relaxed and confident.

Remember these key points while delivering the body of your presentation:
do not hurry
be enthusiastic
give time on visuals
maintain eye contact
modulate your voice
look friendly
keep to your structure
use your notes
signpost throughout
remain polite when dealing with difficult questions

Use the conclusion to:

Sum up
(Give recommendations if appropriate)
Thank your audience
Invite questions
Function Possible language

1 •To conclude,...
Summing up •In conclusion,...
•Now, to sum up...
•So let me summarise/recap what I've
•Finally, may I remind you of some of
the main points we've considered.

2 •In conclusion, my recommendations

Giving recommendations are...
•I therefore
suggest/propose/recommend the
following strategy.

3 •Many thanks for your attention.

Thanking your audience •May I thank you all for being such an
attentive audience.

4 •Now I'll try to answer any questions

Inviting questions you may have.
•Can I answer any questions?
•Are there any questions?
•Do you have any questions?
•Are there any final questions?

Questions are a good opportunity for you

to interact with your audience.
It may be helpful for you to try to predict
what questions will be asked so that you
can prepare your response in advance.
You may wish to accept questions at any
time during your presentation, or to keep
a time for questions after your

Clip 1
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming along here today. I hope my
presentation isn’t going to take too long and that you will find it interesting. The purpose of
today’s presentation is to discuss how we can improve internal communications within our

Now let me begin by explaining that I’d like to talk about the business case for better
communication; secondly, I want to cover different styles and methods; and finally I would like
to finish off by talking about some of the basics we need to have in place to deliver good quality,
consistent communications across the company. I’d be very happy to invite you to ask
questions at the end of the session and I’m sure there’ll be plenty of time for us to discuss some
of the points that have been raised.”
Clip 2
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for finding the time to come and join me for
this presentation this afternoon. My name is Tim Mason, I‘m a retail consultant, and many of you
will have seen me shadowing you in your jobs and looking through the accounts and so on in the
company over the last week. I’ve invited you here today to have a look at my findings. First,
I’d like to have a look at the performance of the company, the sales of the company over the last
three years; then I’d like to have a look at our market share in the womenswear market and look
at our competitors; and thirdly, I’d like to suggest some improvements in our range of
womenswear. At the end I’d be happy to answer any of your questions.”
Some English Phrases uses in
On behalf of Company, I would like to welcome you here today.
My name is John/Jane Smith and I am the CFO of Global Travel.
Hi, I’m John/Jane and I am the head of marketing of Global Travel.
Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is
John/Jane Smith and I am delighted to be here today to talk to you
I’d like to introduce my colleague John/Jane Smith.
Hi everyone, I’m John/Jane from Accounts and today I’d like to talk to
you about…

Introducing the topic

Today I am here to talk to you about…
As you all know, today I am going to talk to you about…
I would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about…
I am delighted to be here today to tell you about…
Today I would like to outline
Structuring the presentation
My talk is divided into x parts.
I’ll start with…/First I will talk about…/I’ll begin with…
I will look at…
and finally…
I will be glad to answer any questions that you may have at
the end.
Beginning the presentation
I’ll start with some general information on…
I’d just like to give you some background information
Before I start, does anyone know…?
As you are all aware/As you all know…

Changing the topic/speaker

Right, let’s move on to…
This leads me to my next point, which is…
I’d now like to look at/consider…
Now I will pass you over to/hand it over to Joe Bloggs
Does anyone have any questions before I move on?
Inviting questions
Does have anyone have any questions?
I will be happy to answer your questions now.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
If you have any further questions, I will be happy to talk to you at the end.

Summary and conclusion

To sum up…
So to summarise the main points of my talk…
Just a quick recap of my main points…
I’d like to conclude by…
That brings me to the end of my presentation, thank for listening/for your attention.
Thank you all for listening, it was a pleasure being here today.
Well, that’s it from me. Thanks very much.
I’d like to conclude by…
That brings me to the end of my
presentation, thank for listening/for your
Thank you all for listening, it was a
pleasure being here today.
Well, that’s it from me. Thanks very
Hello, Good Morning/afternoon/evening. Let me introduce my self,
My name is Yazmin Alfathin, I am a college student.
Today, I am here, I would like to do the presentation, it is about My
college Battuta University. Battuta University is one of the
universities in Medan, North Sumatera. It consists of two faculties,
Business and Technology. Business faculty has three majors, they are:
Entrepreneur, accountant, and retail management. Then, Technology
has also three majors; information technology, system information
and Informatics. My college has available schedule for regular, shift
and executive class. So, you still able to get the class even you are the
I think that’s all my presentation, if you want to know more about my
college, please follow our IG and Fb, or you can contact me directly.
I conclude my presentation by saying Battuta University is an
unemployment campus so come on joint us.
Thank you so much for your attention.

Good Morning/afternoon/evening.
Please make your own video.

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