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Let’s Explore
Answer the questions based on the information learned or read from
other sources. Write your answers on a piece of paper.

1. How do media affect the way people communicate ideas?

2. What forms of media can we use to access information?

3. How can a student like you become a media and information literate

4. Why should people involved in the production of different forms of media

need to be accountable for their actions?
Let’s Figure Out
Based on your answers from Let’s Explore, write four information in the
first column of the table below. In the second column, write questions about the
information you want to learn from this lesson.

What do I already know? What do I want to know?

Let’s Examine
If a person is literate, he can identify the provided data or
information and understand its meaning.

•L I T E R A T E
- refers to a person who does not only read and write but also understand and
solve problems.

- can also mean that a person is knowledgeable or well versed about a specific,
such as history and science.
Importance of Literacy

• The teacher’s goal is to make sure that the students will

understand the lessons taught in the classroom. If the

subject is well understood, the students will more likely

to be interested in discovering more information about

the lesson on their own.

How can effective
communication be
How Information is Transmitted

• With or without modern technology, people communicate

orally. Through the spoken language, one person can

express what he wants to say to another.

• But what if two people do not speak the same language?

• They will most likely to

exchange hand gestures or

talk through eye contact.

• Through symbols and drawings.

• Ancestors communicated through stone carvings.

• In the present generation, through instant messaging or e-mails.
• As we progress, the way we acquire and access information also

evolves. In a fast-paced world with so many challenges, being literate is

essential for learning and communicating.

• As centuries passed, a variety of information can now be accessed, not

only by reading books, but also through the use of different forms of

media and the technology that are on hand.

• In school, literacy has been referred to as “the ability to read and write”,

but with the technological advancement in the 21st century, essential

literacy skills were also developed.

• Information literacy and technology literacy are two of the 21st century

skills which modern learners should also possess so they can be globally

Media literacy

• The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and

create media.

• The word media refers to the different means

of communication, such as television, radio,

newspapers, magazines, and the Internet.

Importance of Media literacy
1. One will be able to understand the significant role of the media in our society and

how largely it influences its users. (discern facts, truths, etc.)

2. Enables a person to become competent in processing and assessing the form of

media uses. (think independently not relying to what media dictates)

3. Help the students become well informed using the different forms of mass media

simultaneously. (develop intellectual and artistic sense on how to create useful and

effective forms of media)

• Aside from acquiring knowledge and becoming literate, a person should

know how he can acquire relevant information. Although information is

easily accessible nowadays, a person should know what essential details

are needed for his research.

Information literacy

• Information pertains to a specific data acquired for a specific purpose.

Gathering information or data depends upon the person’s need.

• Thus, information literacy is the skill that allows person to recognize

when information is needed and how he will be able to access, locate,

evaluate, and use it effectively.

Importance of Information literacy
1. Lets you distinguish which among the sources of information is relevant.

(discover where to get info: library or going online for research)

2. Individual will be able to organize and classify the different forms of media which

can be used to secure relevant and substantial information. (develops effective

research skills)

3. Important in all disciplines and all levels of education

• Finding sources of information and looking for a particular type of media

would be easier with the use of technology. How does technology help us

acquire information and utilize various forms of media?

Technology literacy

• Technology comes from the Greek words techne, which means art or

skill, and tekhnologia, which means systematic treatment.

• “The systematic application of one’s art or skill for a practical purpose.”

• Uses scientific knowledge and computer skills to develop machinery and

equipment needed by various industries.

• Technology literacy is the ability to acquire relevant information and use

modern-day tools to get, manage, apply, evaluate, create, and

communicate information.

• This skill is expected to be more complex and progressive as people

demand faster and easier access to comminication and information.

Importance of Technology literacy
1. With the new technological discoveries and breakthroughs, people nowadays

are even hoping to find cure for dreaded incurable illness, like brain cancer.

2. Students nowadays are very lucky because they can easily access information

using modern technology.

How communication is
affected by media and
• Communicating with the family members or friends who are in the province or
1970s- overseas was difficult.
• Phone calls charge for a long distance is expensive.
1990s • Telegram takes week before it reaches the recipient.

• Exchange information is relayed by a horseback rider.

Ancient • Mailing system developed, postman get lost and fail
to deliver the letter to the correct address.
Rome • Visit a person so they can talk face-to-face

• Send messages and converse regardless of distance

in just a matter of seconds via e-mail or instant
Present messaging system.
• Using applications through cellphones, people can
see other in real time
• With many forms of social media available, such as Facebook and Twitter, people

from all over the world can share information and communicate without any


• This is how the modes of communication greatly improved and continuously

created more varied media platforms.

Media literacy, Information literacy, and
Technology literacy
• Media literacy, Information literacy, and Technology literacy are interrelated as

they all play an important role in the student’s learning process.

• Without information, an individual cannot learn about something. Media and

technology are useful tools in conveying the information effectively.

Media Literacy
• How an individual can use the different types of
media in communicating information.

Information literacy
• How a person is able to look for relevant
information from various media with the help of

Technology literacy
• How an individual utilizes technology to
communicate and send information through
different media platforms
• As a student in senior high school, you have already chosen what course you would

like to take in college? Perhaps some of you are interested to work in the

publishing industry where you can get work with writers. Others may want to join

the entertainment industry where they can meet TV personalities.


 they work in publishing houses, new agencies, or advertising firms.

 primary role is to translate relevant and meaningful information

into printed materials, such as books, newspapers, etc.

 they generally posses good command of grammar.

They make sure that the readers will obtain important information
about the story or article they are writing.

 writers and journalists work hand and hand with editors to ensure
that the manuscript or articles submitted by the former are high in
standard and are fit to print.

Editors also make sure that the material to be published is free from
factual or grammatical errors.

 also known as filmmakers, directors create movies, shows or

programs, and plays that are seen on theaters, television channels, or

 a director sees to it that the message of a show is made clear to the


 the actors who portray the character in movies, shows, and plays
are called performers in general. (singers, dancers, etc.)

 directors guide performers so they can deliver their portrayals


 a person who is considered a celebrity if he is a well-known public

figure and is always seen in the news or tv programs.

 creates masterpieces like paintings and sculptures..

 express their ideas through their artworks (some may convey a clear
message while others have abstract symbols to express the deeper
thoughts of the artists.
1. Truthfulness
2. Fairness and Objectivity
3. Responsibility and Integrity
4. Empathy and Sympathy
5. Hard Working
-END -
 ½ crosswise paper

 write your name (surname first)

 write the date today

Challenge your Knowledge


Write True if the statement is correct. Write

False if otherwise.
1. A visual artists paints to convey a
2. An objective journalist must write a
biased article for a politician.
3. Facebook is an example of print
4. A literate person can read and write.
5. Journalists should write articles that
interest the public.
6. Writers possess a good command of
7. Media literacy lets you distinguish
which among the sources of
information are relevant.
8. Technology comes from the Latin
word techne which means art or skill.
9. Media and technology are useful
tools in conveying the information
10. Information literacy refers to how a
person is able to look for relevant
information from various media with
the help of technology.
Challenge your Knowledge


Choose the letter that best describes the

type of literacy in each situation. Answer may
be repeated.
a. Information Literacy

b. Media Literacy

c. Technology Literacy
1. James found erroneous facts in the
newspaper he is reading.
2. Peter uses his tablet to read his e-
books, which he downloaded using an
3. Charlene, an exchange student, tells
her mother that she misses her through
4. The teacher told the students to go
to the library for their research activity.
5. A mother bought an alphabet chart
for her four-year-old daughter.
Challenge your Knowledge


Answer each question briefly based on your

objective insight and critical thinking.
1. Why should parents monitor what
Internet sites their children visit?
2. What information do you frequently
access from the Internet? Give at least
three reasons.
3. What would be your reaction if the
government will control how the media
will transmit information to its audience
or users?
 oslo paper

 deadline: February 19, 2021 (Friday)

Design a poster illustrating the
significance of media and
information literacy skills.

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