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Entertainment and Media

Section 1: What are you into?
• In your free time do you prefer staying in or go
ing out?

• What types of media do you use?

• Media: the way we communicate to deliver inf

ormation (print media, digital media, or news)
Homework Check

Give short definitions of each of the words/phrases

below (one complete sentence each).

• Informative • Harmless fun

• Controversial • Mindless rubbish
• Influential • Usually worth watching
• Sensational • Aimed mainly at men /
• Entertaining women
• Addictive
• Choose 3 words from the list and give example
s of media for each one.
• Do you and your partner agree? Why/why?
• Informative • Harmless fun
• Controversial • Mindless rubbish
• Influential • Usually worth watching
• Sensational • Aimed mainly at men /
• Entertaining women
• Addictive
• Read what Lucia and Ramesh say. How are the
y similar? How are they different?
• Create a Venn Diagram to show similarities/di
Comprehension Questions
• Read the sentences about Lucia and Ramesh.
Write T if they’re true, F if they’re false and DK
(don’t know) if it doesn’t say in the text.
• Which of the things Lucia and Ramesh say are
exactly the same for you?
• Can you adapt (change) any of the things they
say to make them true for you?
Phrasal Verbs
• Phrasal verbs are made up of two or more words, e.g. take up, g
o out.

• Work with a partner. Find the following phrasal verbs in the text.
Explain what each one means.

– Take up
– Be into
– Go out
– Come round
– Give up
– Stay in
– Chill out
• Imagine a conversation between two strangers abo
ut what they like to do in their free time.
– Write down the conversation, using as many phrasal ver
bs as you can!
– Share with the class!

– Sally: So, what are you into?
– Max: Oh, I don’t like to go out much but I do like playing
rugby on the weekends with my friends!
At the Circus

• Have you ever been to the circus?
• Which photo does the circus more closely rese
mble (look at photos on pgs. 48-49)?
• What are the differences been the two kinds o
f circuses in the photos?
Read this article abut Duffy’s Circus. Do the circu
s performers enjoy their work?
• Find the words in the article for the following:
1. Someone who entertains people by…
a. Doing difficult physical acts
b. Keeping several balls or other objects in the air
c. Doing silly things to make people laugh
2. A group of circus performers
3. The place where a circus performance takes p
Grammar: Positions of Adverbs
• What do you notice about positions of the adv
erbs in these two examples?

• She always goes home to Ukraine…

• I’ll definitely stay with the circus…
• There isn’t much time off during the day…
• These adverbs go before main verbs, bu
t after the verb be and auxiliary verbs, e.g. hav
e, will, can, must, should, etc.:

– Adverbs of frequency: always, often, usually/norm

ally, sometimes, never
– Adverbs of certainty: certainly, definitely, probably
– Other adverbs: already, also, only, just, still, even
• Main Verbs • Verb be & Aux. Verbs
– Adverb comes – Adverb comes after!
• She was never late
• She always plays the for practice.
flute • They will always
• He never goes to the remember to buy
Circus. tickets early.
• Rewrite the sentences putting the adverbs in t
he correct place.
• The picture shows the Cirque du Soleil. Do you
think it’s similar to Duffy’s Circus? Listen and a
nswer the comprehension questions (pg. 49).
• Would you like to go to see one of these circus
es? Why?
• Why do you think Liana, David, and Tom like w
orking in the circus?
• How would you feel about spending a week w
orking at one of these circuses? Which one wo
uld you choose?
• Should animals be used in circuses?
• In groups, write a mini-debate:
• Opening statements:
– “We on the affirmative/negative side believe…”
• 3 Main Points
• Closing Statement
– “In conclusion, we on the affirmative/negative sid
e believe…”
Section 3

• What would you expect to read in a film revie
• Why doo people write them?
• Why do people read them?
• Read this review of Man of Steel. What did the
reviewer think of the film?

• Read again and choose a heading for each par

• Ask and answer the questions about Man of St
• Make lists of the positive / negative things you
can say about a film.
• Use the questions from Exercise 3 and your list
s from Exercise 4 to talk about films you’ve see
• Write a film review
• Choose a film you really like.
• Use the headings in Exercise 2 to plan your review.
• Make notes about what you will include under each heading.
• Write the review using your notes nad follow the style of the revi
ew of Man of Steel
– Use the present tense for the plot summary
– Use some of the sentence adverbs such as however, at the beginning, w
– Use some of the expressions from the review, such as he/she is particula
rly good as…, he/she gives a good performance as…
• Ask others to comment on your review.
• Write a final version. Include a picture!

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