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What is Smoking?
 Smoking, the act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant
 It is a practice in which a substance is burned, and the resulting smoke is
breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream
 A variety of plant materials are smoked, including marijuana, hashish and
many others, But it is most commonly associated with tobacco as smoked
in a cigarette, cigar, or pipe
What is Smoking?
 Smoking is primarily practised as a route of administration for recreational
drug use because the combustion of the dried plant leaves vaporizes and
delivers active substances into the lungs where they are rapidly absorbed
into the bloodstream and reach bodily tissue.

 recreational drug use - the use of a psychoactive drug to induce an altered

state of consciousness, by modifying the perceptions, feelings, and
emotions of the user
According to WHO's
Smoking and Tobacco Use
Policy, a smoker is
someone who smokes any
tobacco product, either
daily or occasionally
(in the philippines)

 There are 17.3 million Filipino adult smokers (15 years or older), 48
percent (14.6 million) of which are males and 9 percent (2.8 million) are
females. ... According to a 2016 report, 200 Filipinos die every day due to
smoking-related diseases

 The Filipinos' preferred tobacco product is the cigarette, the most popular
brand being Marlboro. It is estimated that each adult smoker consumes 838
cigarettes, equating to about 42 cigarette packs, per year.
What are the different forms of tobacco?
This form of tobacco is most common
in the philippines. Its basic
components are tobacco, a filter, and
paper wrapping.

Generally, cigars are cured tobacco wrapped in leaf tobacco or a
substance containing tobacco. Cigars vary in size — with smaller
sizes sometimes referred to as little cigars or cigarillos. Large cigars
can deliver as much as 10 times the nicotine, 2 times more tar, and
more than 5 times the carbon monoxide than a filtered cigarette
What are the different forms of tobacco?
In the past, smokeless tobacco products have required
spitting or discarding the product remains. There are
new tobacco products that are not smoked and are often
called “dissolvables.” These products can be more easily
concealed as no product disposal is needed. They are
sold as lozenges, strips, or sticks, and may look like
candy. The advertised appealing flavor and discreet
forms of these products may encourage young people to
take them up, but the nicotine content can lead to
addiction and may also present an accidental poisoning
risk for children
What are the different forms of tobacco?
Electronic Cigarettes
Also Referred to as: Vape Pen, e-Hookah,
Hookah Pen, Electronic cigarettes often resemble
traditional cigarettes, but they use a heat source,
usually powered by a battery, to turn “e-liquid,”
a liquid that usually contains nicotine from
tobacco and flavorings, into an aerosol that is
inhaled by the user.
What are the different forms of tobacco?
Traditional Smokeless
Tobacco Products
Also Referred to as: Vape Pen, e-Hookah,
Hookah Pen, Electronic cigarettes often resemble
traditional cigarettes, but they use a heat source,
usually powered by a battery, to turn “e-liquid,”
a liquid that usually contains nicotine from
tobacco and flavorings, into an aerosol that is
inhaled by the user.
What are the different forms of tobacco?
Waterpipes (also known as hookah, shisha, narghile, or argileh) are
used to smoke specially made tobacco that comes in a variety of
flavors like mint, cherry and licorice. Waterpipe smoking delivers
the addictive drug nicotine and the smoke from a waterpipe is at
least as toxic as, or more toxic than cigarette smoke

In fact, research shows that A typical one-hour hookah session

involves inhaling 100 – 200 times the volume of smoke from a
single cigarette. Waterpipe tobacco flavoring, exotic paraphernalia,
and social use at hookah bars have increased its popularity with
people who don’t already smoke cigarettes and younger people in
the United States
 Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths. It leads to
disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body. Smoking

 cancer,
 heart disease,
 stroke,
 lung diseases,
 diabetes,
 and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes
emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
 Smoking also increases risk for:

 tuberculosis,
 certain eye diseases,
 and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis and hiv

And not only does it affect the smoker, smoking also threatens the health of the
surrounding persons exposed to the smoke.
Secondhand smoke

 Everyone knows that smoking is a bad idea. But being

around someone who smokes is also bad for your health.

 Secondhand smoke is the smoke that smokers breathe out

and the smoke floating from the end of the cigarette, cigar,
or pipe.
Secondhand smoke
 Secondhand smoke exposure contributes to approximately 41,000 deaths
among nonsmoking adults and 400 deaths in infants each year. It causes:

 stroke,
 lung cancer,
 And coronary heart disease in adults.

 Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are at increased risk for:

 sudden infant death syndrome,

 acute respiratory infections,
 middle ear disease,
 more severe asthma, respiratory symptoms, and slowed lung growth
What can I do
about Secondhand
 Chances are, you know someone who smokes. Whether you smoke or
you're regularly around someone who does, it's never healthy to breathe in
tobacco smoke. Even occasional or short-term exposure can take a toll on
the body.
 Ask the smokers you know to take these two steps:

 Take all their smoke breaks outside, away from other people, especially
kids and pregnant women. Smoke lingers in the air for hours after cigarettes
are put out. If someone smokes anywhere inside, other people are breathing
in that smoke too. Because smoke sticks to people and their clothing, when
smokers come back inside, they should wash their hands and change their
clothing, especially before holding or hugging children.

 Never smoke in a car with other people. Even blowing smoke out the
What can I do
about My smoking
 For most tobacco users, urges to smoke can be powerful. But you're not at
the mercy of these said urges. Here are 10 ways to help you resist the urge
to smoke or use tobacco when a tobacco craving strikes:

1. Try nicotine replacement therapy - Short-acting nicotine replacement

therapies — such as nicotine gum, lozenges, nasal sprays or inhalers are
generally safe to use in combination with long-acting nicotine patches or
one of the non-nicotine medications

2. Avoid triggers - Identify your trigger situations and have a plan in place to
avoid them entirely or get through them without using tobacco. Don't set
yourself up for a smoking relapse
What can I do
about My smoking
 For most tobacco users, urges to smoke can be powerful. But you're not at
the mercy of these said urges. Here are 10 ways to help you resist the urge
to smoke or use tobacco when a tobacco craving strikes:

3. Delay - If you feel like you're going to give in to your tobacco craving, tell
yourself that you must first wait 10 more minutes — and then do
something to distract yourself for that period of time.

4. Chew on it - Give your mouth something to do to fight a tobacco craving.

Chew on sugarless gum or hard candy, nuts or sunflower seeds —
something crunchy and satisfying
What can I do
about My smoking
 For most tobacco users, urges to smoke can be powerful. But you're not at
the mercy of these said urges. Here are 10 ways to help you resist the urge
to smoke or use tobacco when a tobacco craving strikes:

5. Don't have 'just one” - More often than not, having just one leads to
another— and you may end up using tobacco again

6. Get physical - Physical activity can help distract you from tobacco
cravings and reduce their intensity

7. Practice relaxation techniques - Smoking may have been your way to deal
with stress. Resisting a tobacco craving can itself be stressful
What can I do
about My smoking
 For most tobacco users, urges to smoke can be powerful. But you're not at
the mercy of these said urges. Here are 10 ways to help you resist the urge
to smoke or use tobacco when a tobacco craving strikes:

8. Call for reinforcements - Chat on the phone, go for a walk together, share
a few laughs, or get together to commiserate about your cravings

9. Go online for support - Join an online stop-smoking program Or read a

quitter's blog and post encouraging thoughts from someone else who
might be struggling with tobacco cravings. Learn from how others have
handled their tobacco cravings.

10. Remind yourself of the benefits - Write down or say out loud the reasons
you want to stop smoking and resist tobacco cravings
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