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Biography Of

Mahakavi Kalidas

• Saloni Pardeshi
• 19MBAHR042
• HR-A
 ‘Mahakavi Kalidas’ A poet who has made a distinct and glorious contribution to this

sumptuous Sanskrit literature .

 His name, literally “servant of Kali,” presumes that he was a Shaivite (follower of the

god Shiva, whose consort was Kali).He has pictured in his works the beauty in life and

pondered upon how we can give pleasure to others by generous and graceful behaviour.

 His portrayals are vivid and heart- warming; his word power is unique. In a few words

he is capable of bringing out the entire meaning intended. His writings touchingly show

up a noble, meaningful mode of life for the people to pursue. His works are an

intellectual treat to thinkers and common readers alike.

A Short video Of How Kalidas became
‘Mahakavi Kalidas’

 Kalidas possessed that distinct intellect which makes one a great poet. He was
a scholar and his works display his poetic genius as well as scholarship. Also
they are marked by a belief of what is good in life and people’s noble goals of
 He could describe the rich and wealthy life of a royal palace and the serene,
simple and peaceful life at a hermitage with equal understanding. He could,
likewise, describe the joys of the marital life of a man and his spouse as well as
their pangs of separation.
 He creates scenes of a serious and thoughtful nature as also hilarious scenes of
light comedy. In his works is found an excellent combination of art-
consciousness, unmatched word power.
The Great work by Kalidas
 Kalidas wrote seven works.
 ‘Kumarasambhava’ and ‘Raghuvamsha’ are his two epic poems.
 ‘Malavikagnimitra’, ‘Vikramorvashiya’ and ‘Abhijnana Shakuntala’ are his
celebrated plays.
 ‘Meghaduta’ and ‘Ritusamhara’ are also poetical works of great distinction.
 His style of writing makes him different from other poets in Sanskrit literature. His
style is pure, simple, genuine, and brief. An unaffected simplicity of expression and
easy flowing language are the markings of his writings.
Qualities and lessons from Kalidas
 Kalidasa's works are known for their triple qualities -- a sense of
beauty, a capacity for appreciation of the aesthetic values and our
traditional culture.
 Kalidasa's extolling of a noble culture- It is a sense of decent behavior -
in body and mind; Besides describing these in a T1asterly style and
imagination, Kalidasa also exhibits his powers of perception while
recognizing what we can call as 'beauty in action and behavior.
 Kalidasa's poem gives us a vivid picture of what a good, meaningful
life a man could and should lead as propounded by our learned
Prepare a plan to inculcate any one quality in you.

 Geniuses are not Born , But made .

 How did he Reach this point of becoming a Mahakavi – Through endeavour,
through lot of efforts , Through practising each and every aspect again and
 So I would like to inculcate this quality of Mahakavi Kalidas that Practice
makes a person perfect. We should keep practicing and keep working hard to
achieve our goals.
 So I’ll practice and work upon my skillset as we are at the end trimester and
looking for job so it would be really helpful for me to achieve my specific
goals in life

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