Insomnia Herbs

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Insomnia: is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep. hard
to stay asleep. or cause you to wake up too early and not able to get back to

Some important symptoms of insomnia: fatigue, problems with concentration or memory and sleepiness
.during the day
Causes : Insomnia may be the primary problem, or it may be associated with other conditions
:Common causes of chronic insomnia include
Poor sleep habits: Poor sleep habits include an irregular bedtime schedule, naps, stimulating activities -2
before bed, an uncomfortable sleep environment
Eating too much late in the evening-3
Medications. Many prescription drugs can interfere with sleep, such as certain antidepressants and -4
.medications for asthma or blood pressure
Medical conditions. Examples of conditions linked with insomnia include chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, -5
.heart disease, asthma

The surveys provide estimates of prevalence of insomnia between 10-30% of

adult have insomnia in at some point in their life and up to half of individuals
have a sleeping disorder in a given year. About 6% of individuals have insomnia
that is not because of another issue and lasts for over a month. People over the
age of 65 are affected more than younger people. Females are more often
.affected than males
For some people phytotherapy for insomnia can be very useful and are a lot
more secure than most medication, and here some of the most useful in treating
:Arabic name : ‫البابونج‬
Scientific and common name : German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) or
.Roman chamomile (Matricaria nobile)
Family name: Asteraceae
Constituents: coumarins, flavonoids, volatile oils
.Active ingredient: Terpenoids: chamazulene, bisabolol
.Used part: Flowers

How it is work: It’s calming effects may be

attributed to an antioxidant called apigenin.

Apigenin binds to specific receptors in your brain

that may initiate sleep.
How it is use

Chamomile tea, which is made from the dried flowers and leaves of this
common plant, is most effective when sipped a half an hour to forty-five
minutes before going to bed.

Liquid extract 1-4 ml orally three times daily; 1:1 in 45% alcohol.

Chamomile Tea Recipe: 1 cup water, 1 tsp. dried Chamomile flowers, lemon
.juice, honey
:Side effect
a-Sever allergic reaction
b- The flowerheads contain anthemic acid which is reported to act as an
emetic in large doses
c- Swelling of the skin
A- Children under 5 years old
.b- Pregnant: because it has been known to cause uterotonic that can invoke miscarriage
c- People allergic to chamomile
d- People allergic to pollen
.cautions: do not use with people has bleeding disorders
they can increase the effect of sedative substances such as benzodiazepines and anxiolytics -
.they enhance the effect of coumarin anticoagulants (warfarin) -
.they should not be combined with alcohol due to it is weak anxiolytic action -
Passion flower

:Arabic name )‫زهرة االالم (البسفلورا‬

Scientific Name: Passiflora incarnata
.Common name: passiflora, Maypop
Family name: Passifloraceae
.Constituents: alkaloids, Flavonoids, Coumarins, Amino acids
.Active ingredient: Coumarin , umbelliferone , Harmine
Used part: Flowers

How it is work: Increasing levels of the chemical

(GABA) in the brain …
GABA lowers the activity of some brain cells ,
making you feel more relaxed.
Chemicals in passion flower have calming ,
sleep inducing.
How it is use

.You can add dry passionflower to boiling water to create a herbal tea
The flowers can add a tasty and decorative touch to salads, or used to make a

Passionflower Herbal Tea Recipe: To 1 tbsp. dried herb (include stems) add
1 cup boiling water steep for 10 min. drink at bedtime for restlessness and
.insomnia, or during the day to calm anxiety
Side effect
a- Drowsiness
b- Loss of coordination (ataxia)
c- Pancreas and liver toxicity
d- Fast heart rate
e- Confusion
f- Can causes allergies
On babies, pregnant women, or during the breastfeeding period because of the presence of fetotoxic alkaloids
.in its composition, people who have liver and pancreatic issues
A- warfarin
b- because 2 of its alkaloids -harmane and harmaline- can increase the effects of some types of
antidepressants, especially of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) which are used to treat depression,
.panic attacks, and eating disorders among other psychological disorders
c- Passion flower cannot be taken with other sedative drugs, anxiolytics or antihistamines because of similar
.effects on the body
d- Surgery: Passion flower might cause sleepiness and drowsiness. It might increase the effects of anesthesia
and other medications on the brain during and after surgery. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are taking
.passion flower within 2 weeks of a scheduled surgery

:Arabic name ‫الخزامى‬

Common name: lavender
Scientific name: Lavandula angustifolia\ L. officinalis
Family name: Lamiaceae
Constituents: Volatile oil (up to 3%) containing over 40 constituents, including linalyl
acetate (30–60%), cineole (10%), linalool, nerol, borneol, Flavonoids
Active ingredient: Essential oil ( linalool )
Used part: Flower
How it is work: more recent study did not
identify any interaction of oral lavender to
known targets of conventional agents such
as the GABAA-receptor, norepinephrine,
serotonin, dopamine transporters, or
monoamine-oxidase-A (MAO-A).* Instead,
oral lavender caused a potent inhibition of
voltage dependent calcium channels
(VDCCs) in synaptosomes.
How to use
.Add 2 lavender flowers in your ordinary tea
.Take once a day
.Or heat lavender oil. Inhale the smoke
.Or add few drops of lavender oil in your bath water daily
Side effect
a- When taken by mouth, lavender may cause constipation, headache, and
.increased appetite
b- When applied to the skin. It can sometimes cause irritation, although this is
c- For young boys who have not yet reached puberty. Lavender oil seems to
have hormone effects that could disrupt the normal hormones in a boy's body.
In some cases, this has resulted in boys developing abnormal breast growth
.called gynecomastia
: Contraindications and precautions
a- Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There is not enough reliable information to
know if lavender is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the
.safe side and avoid use
b- Surgery: Lavender might slow down the central nervous system. If used
in combination with anesthesia and other medications given during and after
surgery, it might slow down the central nervous system too much. Stop using
.lavender at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery
Taking lavender along with sedative medications might cause too much
Lavender might decrease blood pressure in some people. Taking lavender
along with medications used for lowering high blood pressure might cause
.your blood pressure to go too low

:Arabic name‫الناردين المخزني\ الناردين الطبي‬

Scientific name: valeriana officianalis
Common name: Valerian
Family name: Valerianaceae
Constituents: Alkaloids, Iridoids (valepotriates), Steroids, amino acids, Volatile oils
Active ingredient: Valerenic acid (essential oil) , vateranon, Anti-oxidants (hesperidin,
.Used part: roots , rhizomes

How it is work: One mechanism of action is likely to involve

increased concentrations of the inhibitory transmitter GABA in
the brain. Increased concentrations of GABA are associated with
a decrease in CNS activity and this action may, therefore, be
involved in the reported sedative activity.

Studies have also shown that constituents of valerian have strong

binding affinities for 5-HT5a receptors but only weak binding
affinities for 5-HT5b receptors.
How to use
Take one cup once a day in the form of tea, or
prepare tincture: take one teaspoon twice a day,or
.take one tablespoon fresh valerian juice daily

Root (fresh or dried): 2-3 grams orally three ties daily

Side effect
.a-Dizziness and headache
b- Heart disturbances
c- Hepatotoxicity
d- Dry mouth
e- Thinking problems
g- Strange dreams
:Contraindications and precautions
a- Pregnancy and Lactation
.b- People who have a liver issues
c- Allergy

a- Concurrent use with central nervous system (CNS) depressants
b- Concurrent use with CYP 3A4 substrates
c- Alcohol interacts with VALERIAN Alcohol can cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Valerian might also cause
.sleepiness and drowsiness. Taking large amounts of valerian along with alcohol might cause too much sleepiness
d- Alprazolam (Xanax) interacts with Valerian can decrease how quickly the liver breaks down alprazolam.
.Taking valerian with alprazolam might increase the effects and side effects of alprazolam such as drowsiness

:Arabic name‫الياسمين‬
Common name: jasmine
Scientific name: Jasminum grandiflorum
Family name: Oleaceae
Constituents: Jasmine’s volatile oil contains benzyl alcohol, benzyl acetate, linalool, and
linalyl acetate
.Active ingredient: essential oil, steroids, flavonoids, saponins and phenolics
.Used part: Flowers, essential oil
How does it work: There isn't enough information
to know how jasmine might work.
How to used
.Prepare a decoction of jasmine leaves in one cup of water and drink it
Side effect
a- Headaches
b- Jitters
d- Problems sleeping after drinking too much tea
e- Allergic reaction.

Contraindications and precautions:

Pregnant women and breast feeding should consult their doctor before drinking jasmine tea.
Interaction: no interactions.
Oat flouer

:Arabic name‫الشوفان‬
Common name: common oat
Scientific name: avena sativa
Family name: Poaceae
Constituents Oats contain saponins, alkaloids, sterols, flavonoids, silicic acid, starch, proteins
.(including gluten), vitamins (especially B vitamins), and minerals (especially calcium)
Active ingredient: carbohydrate will boost your seratonin
Used part: Seeds

How to use: have a cup of oat straw

tea every evening .
It contains serotonin.
Side effect and precaution
a- Oats can cause intestinal gas and bloating
b- Difficulty swallowing food or chewing problems
.c- Disorders of the digestive tract including the esophagus, stomach, and intestines
d- Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Oat bran and whole oats are LIKELY SAFE when
.ingested by pregnant and breast-feeding women in the amounts found in foods
.Interaction: no interaction

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