Ant-Diabetic Plants: An - Najah National University Summer Semester2020

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An -Najah national university

Summer semester2020
1. Termis

Scientific name: Lupines termis.

Arabic name‫ الترمس‬:

Used part: seeds

Active ingredient: Arginine

-amino acid-.
Mechanism: The arginine improved the burning of glucose by
as much as 40 percent.
long-term l-arginine treatment significantly improves peripheral
and hepatic insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients.

Side effects:
• causes visual disturbances, which is a serious problem for diabetics.
• Excessive consumption of termis leads to difficulties in
digestion and may cause colon problems for diabetics.
Interactions: drospirenone together with arginine may increase
potassium levels in the blood. High levels of potassium can develop into a
condition known as hyperkalemia, which in severe cases can lead to
kidney failure, muscle paralysis, irregular heart rhythm, and cardiac arrest.

• Eating a termis for a pregnant woman poses a risk to her health and the
health of her fetus, and therefore it is not suitable for any woman who
suffers from gestational diabetes, and eating it harms a woman who is
breastfeeding her baby.

• It is not suitable for diabetics who are allergic to beans

2.Cinnamon bark
L.S.N :
•Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Ceylon
Cinnamon) (Srilanka)
•Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese Cinnamon)
E.C.N : Cinnamon Bark, Cassia Bark , Sweet
A.C.N : ‫ل حاء ا لقرفة‬
Family : Lauraceae
• Active ingredient (anti-diabetic substance) : phenolic compounds, especially the
polyphenolic polymers (rutin, kaempferol , quercetin, catechin, isorhamnetin)

• How to use :
- cinnamon water : Soak a 2-inch piece or bark of cinnamon in a glass of water.
leave it overnight and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
- supplements : 120 mg to 6 grams taken daily for up to 4 months for type 2 diabetes.

• Side effects and toxicity :

1.It may irritate skin, stomach and mouth .
2.It may induce liver injury
3.It may worsen bleeding since it contains coumarin .
• Contraindications :
Cinnamon should not be given for pregnant women ,children under
the age of 6 years, gallstone and liver damage patients .
• Interactions : moderate interaction (be caution with) : Anti-diabetes
drugs, Hepatotoxic drugs , blood thinners .
• Precautions : diabetes patients should monitor blood-glucose level and
tell the doctor .
Surgery : Stop taking cassia cinnamon as a medicine at least 2 weeks
before a scheduled surgery.
3.Fenugreek seeds

• L.S.N : Trigonella foenum graecum

• E.C.N : Fenugreek seeds
• A.C.N : ‫ب ذور ا لحلبة‬
• Family : Leguminosae
• Origin : M.S.R
• Active ingredient (anti-diabetic
substance) : Diosgenin , a
steroidal saponin

• How to use :
- fenugreek water :one teaspoon
of fenugreek powder with a glass
of warm water at early morning .
- supplements : 5-100 grams of
powdered fenugreek seed added
to one or two meals daily
• Side effects :
1. GI disturbances (diarrhea, stomach upset, bloating ,gas and a "maple syrup"
odor in urine)
2. Severe allergic reactions in sensitive people (facial swelling, nasal congestion,
coughing, wheezing)

• Precautions : must be careful in pregnant women , children , who

experienced any history of allergy against leguminosae plants .
Diabetes patients should monitor blood-glucose level and tell the doctor .

• Interactions : moderate interaction (be caution with) : Anti-diabetes

drugs , Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs and Warfarin (Coumadin).
4.Ginseng roots

• L.S.N : •Panax quinquefolius (American Ginseng )

•Panax ginseng: (Korean Ginseng)

• E.C.N : Ginseng roots , Panax roots

• A.C.N : ‫جذور ا لجنسنغ‬

• Family : Araliaceae
(anti-diabetic substance):
Glycoside saponin group:
Ginsenoside (panaxoside)
• How to use :  add 1-2
teaspoonfuls of dried ginseng
pieces to a cup of water and
steep , wait 5-10 and drink
OR 3 grams (with milk) up
to 2 hours before a meal.
• Side effects (mild) Headaches , trouble sleeping , upset
stomach , breast tenderness and vaginal bleeding .
• Contraindications : pregnancy, Hormone-sensitive conditions
Precautions : do not give ta a child or a nursing mother
without a medical advice . Hypertension patients should avoid
it . diabetes patients should monitor blood-glucose level and
tell the doctor .
Surgery : Stop taking cassia cinnamon as a medicine at least 2
weeks before a scheduled surgery.
• Interactions: Warfarin (Coumadin)

moderate interaction (be caution with) : Anti-diabetes drugs , Anti-

depressants (MAOIs)
5. Ivy gourd
• English common name : Ivy gourd
• Latin scientific name : Coccinia grandis
• Arabic name :‫لبالب‬EE‫قرع لا‬EE‫لا‬
• Family : Cucurbitaceae
• Part used : fruit and leaves
Active ingredient :
 Alkaloids
 Fatty acids
 Resins
 Flavonoids
Medical use :-
- Ivy gourd lowers blood glucose levels especially the
post- prandial blood glucose . So , its good in diabetes
as the insulin injections will be reduced.
- Ingestion of ivy gourd will improve control of blood
Toxicity and side effects :
- For most people Ingestion of ivy gourd by mouth is
completely safe
- Mild Side effects including : nausea , dizziness and
headache .
Contraindications :
- Diabetic patient who is using ivy gourd should
carefully check blood sugar levels regularly .
- Pregnancy and breast feeding
- Surgery : stop using ivy gourd before surgery(2wks)
Drug interaction :-
with ant diabetic drug as it lowers blood glucose
levels . Also , ivy gourd lowers blood glucose
levels . So , taking them together may cause
too low of your glucose levels
To avoid this , the dose of your drug should be
changed .
6.Bitter Melon(‫) ا حلنظل‬
L.C.N : Momordica charantia
E.C.N : Bitter Melon , Bitter Gourd , Balsam Pear
Family : Cucurabitaceae
Parts used : gourd fruit

History of bitter melon :

Bitter melon (citrullus colocynthis), also known as bitter
gourd, bitter apple, wild cucumber, and bitter cucumber,
grows in the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, South
America, East Africa, and the Caribbean.
Active ingredient in
bitter melon:
Animal studies report that the active
ingredient charantin (steroidal
saponins) can decrease gluconeogenesis,
increase glucose metabolism and
tolerance, increase the number of β-
cells, leading to a reduction in blood
glucose level and increased
concentration of plasma insulin
Bitter melon effect in diabetes :
Bitter melon is linked to lowering the body’s blood sugar. This is because
the bitter melon has properties that act like insulin, which helps bring
glucose into the cells for energy. The consumption of bitter melon can
help your cells utilize glucose and move it to your liver, muscles, and fat.

Risks and side effects :

- Diarrhea
- Toxic in liver
- Abdominal pain
Contraindications :

1. Glucose -6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency

2. Pregnancy
3. Breast feeding
4. Surgery :stop using bitter melon at least 2 weeks before a surgery

Drug interactions:
Contraindecated for diabetics taking chlorpromazine , phenformin , glyburide
because it will increase the drug effects and sever hypoglycemia .
7.Olive leaves
Latin scientific name: Olea europaea.
English common name: Olive leaves
Arabic name‫أ ورـاـق الزـيـتون‬: ِ

Scientific Family: Oleaceae.

The History(Origin) of Olive

the olive tree's origins were around 20-40 million years ago
in a region of what is now Italy,and in the eastern
Mediterranean basin.

Used part : leaves

oleuropein (main component in olive leaf).
secoiridoids ,Triterpenes ,flavonoids,phenolic
compounds , olivine, tannin

lowered the average of blood sugar level and fasting

plasma insulin levels

How we can use the olive leaves to

treat DM?
Use 30g of Olive Leaf per litre of water then boil until
the water reduces to half the amount. Drink up to 2 cups
per day - one in the morning and one in the evening. Can
be drunk hot or iced with a slice of lemon
Side effects : Headache, stomach upset and pain, acid reflux, allergy And
it is possible to cause respiratory allergic reactions
Interactions :

●Medications for diabetes (Antidiabetes drugs) interacts with olive leaf extract
and may cause hypoglycemia.
●Medications for high blood pressure (Antihypertensive drugs) interacts with
olive leaf extract and may cause hypotension.
●Blood thinners as warfarine interacts with leaf extract and may increase the
effect of blood thinners.

If you take any blood pressure medication or

blood thinners or have diabetes, check with
your doctor before taking olive leaf extract

The olive leaves extract should be handled with

care because at higher doses as it may result in
an undesirable effect on liver and kidneys as it
has been shown in the present study
8. Ginger
Latin Scientific name: Zingiber officinale

English common names: Ginger Roots

Arabic name ‫جبيل‬

: ‫الزـنـ‬ ‫جذور‬

Family: Zingiberaceae

The Origin of Olive Leaves: Ginger originated in Island Southeast Asia

Used part: Rhizomes (Root)

Active ingredients of ginger:

volatile oil , phenolic

compounds( gingerols, shogaols, and
paradols) , terpenes and oleoresion which
called ginger oil
Ginger effects on diabetes:
Ginger has been shown to help reduce
blood sugar levels and help regulate
insulin response in people with diabetes

How we can use the Ginger to treat DM?

By eating up to 4 grams per day

Side effects :
1-Abdominal discomfort
(2-Cardiac arrhythmias (if overdosed
3-Central nervous system depression (if
4-Dermatitis (with topical use)
5-mouth or throat irritation(allergic reaction)
8- Increased bleeding tendency
Contraindications of Ginger: Interactions :

1-Any bleeding disorder(hemophilia) 1-Anticoagulant(medications that slow

2- Hypertension problems blood clotting)
And breast feeding 3- During pregnancy 2-Diabetes medications
4-Cardiac disease 3-Medications for high blood pressure
5- Hypersensitivity 4- metronidazole
6- Gallbladder disease
7-Low weight


●Keep out of reach of children.

● In case of overdose, get medical help or
contact a Poison Control Center
9. Aloe Vera
Latin AND Scientific name: Aloe barbadensis miller.
English common names: Aloe Vera gel

Arabic name : ‫اـألولـيفرايـ‬

Family: Asphodelaceae (Liliaceae)

The Origin of Olive Leaves: Aloe vera originated in the Arabian peninsula

Used part: Leaves(especially the inner gel of the leaves and the outer shell)

Active ingredients of Aloe Vera:

Vitamins( vitamins A,C ,E ,B12, folic acid),
enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins,
salicylic acids and amino acids
How we can use the Aloe Vera to treat DM?

Some drank aloe Vera juice(Oral administration

of one tablespoonful of Aloe vera juice, twice a
day for at least 2 weeks in patients with
diabetes )

Aloe Vera effects on diabetes: Side effects :

Burning and itching of the skin
improve digestion, stimulates insulin Stomach pain and cramps
production, prevents high triglycerides Diarrhea and nausea
kidney problems
blood in the urine
low potassium(electrolytes imbalance)
muscle weakness
weight loss
heart disturbances
Liver problem
Contraindications :
Pregnant and lactating women
People who have undergone organ
People who take anticoagulants
Some digestive disease: (irritable colon,
ulcerative colities,intestinal
obstruction,crohn's disease)
Renal disorder
Cardiac disorder
Interactions :
Heart stimulant

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