How To Keep The Body Healthy

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The body healthy is very

important life. You know, why?
Because if the body healthy, we
can do all activity happily. But,
can you tell me what the body
healthy is? Well, let’s me
explain. The body healthy is the
condition of body that can
protect from the virus attack.
To keep the body healthy, we
can do many actions.
 Physical exercise
Physical exercise is one of way to
keep the body healthy. You know,
why? Because physical exercise can
increase the immune system and it
makes the virus cannot attack us. We
can begin the physical exercise with
the little action. For example
jogging. Jogging is an instant sport.
We can do this every morning. If we
do this regularly, our body always
Besides jogging, we can do the other
way. Fitness. Fitness is physical
exercise that many benefit. Beside
give us the high immune system,
fitness also give us right body shape.
Jogging and fitness are the example
of physical exercise. Both of them
have same function. Actually, there
are many sports that can make our
body healthy, such as playing football
and swimming.
Beside physical exercise, we must
manage our food. I suggest, you must
apply food diet. Beside food diet, to
keep our body healthy is eat the high
nutrient food. The high nutrient food
is foods that consist of carbohydrate,
protein and fat balance. Carbohydrate
and fat give us energy to do all
activity. Protein has the function to
repair the broken cells. So, they are
very important parts of food.
 Besides that, to make our food perfect, we
must eat the foods that consist of vitamin
and calcium. The example of this is eat the
side-dish, and don’t forget the vegetables.
To make it perfect, we can drink the milk
and the last eat the fruits. Milk contains
the calcium. The calcium is very good for
our bone to grow. Fruits contain many
vitamin, like vitamin A and C. Vitamin C
can increase our immune system and it
make our body difficult to be attacked by
virus. Well, now we know the important of
food diet.
Oh, I almost forgot. The most
important that we must do is
take enough rest. Enough rest
makes our body fresh. Because in
that time, all of body parts are
not working hardly. Otherwise,
our body become relaxes and it
makes our energy increase again.
If you do this activity regularly,
your body becomes fit every
Well guys, let’s do all this
action regularly to make
our body always healthy.
This is a little action that
has many benefits for us.
If our body is healthy, it
will make our soul to be
healthy too.
1. How is the condition of body healthy?
2. Why do we need to do physical exercise?
3. What is the example of little action to
begin the physical exercise?
4. What is fitness?
5. What is your way to keep your body

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