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Next Generation Management

Business & Society
Lecture - Reflection Feedback
Gavin D. Brown
Assistant Professor of Business & Society
• Welcome
• Approach to the B&S reflections (recap)
• Approach & Guidelines (marking structure)
• Two Examples – connecting the dots
• Common issues (per section)
• Q&A
B&S approach
Suggested word counts (only a guide)
  1 POD 2 POD 3 POD
Justification &
~200-300 ~200-300
SDG Link - ~200 words
Description words words
Analysis of ~1,000
~400 words ~800 words
Unanswered ~1,000 ~1,200
~600 words
words words
Action ~300 words ~500 words ~600 words
Total About 1,500 About 2,500 About 3,000
Please: keep the grading structure in mind!
(I don’t award marks per section or per reflection)
I grade your B&S portfolio as one package

• Depth of Reflection – 25%

• B&S Knowledge (topics covered, SDGs etc.) – 20%
• Use of the B&S Literature – 20%
• Analysis & Critical Evaluation (how you synthesize
the B&S material and your perceptive together) –
• Presentation – 15%
connecting the dots
Example 1:
Section Introduction … Describe
Section 2 – Your Learning… Explain
Section 3 – Unanswered Question
(linking theory and practice - critical
insight … not being plain descriptive)
Section 4 – Action & Ending .. Tell
Example 2 – Linking Sections: creating
stronger connections
• Example

• “I let my staff do whatever they want

every other Friday, and it’s one of the
best decisions I’ve ever made
• Letting employees take a break from
their day-to-day jobs can do wonders
for their creativity and productivity.”
common issues (per section)
Section 1
Lack of explanation
• Activity not described
• Forgetting (e.g.)
• How long did this
activity go on for?
• What was your
motivation for engaging
in it?
• What attracted to you
this – and why?
• No links to the SDGs
Section 2
Lack of detail
• Too brief (or opposite)
• No depth (Why?)
• No actual learning
• Lack of reflection - no
personal insight – not
linked to you/ your past
• No critical thinking
Section 3
No B&S theory
No critical thinking
• Lack of evidence of
reading - No academic
• Does not engage with
the literature to
elevate or reinforce
their point of view.
Section 4
I am left asking “so
• Lack of reflection with
no conclusion – why
does this all matter?
• No link from theory to
practice – no personal
• Becomes very task
Section 4
So what?
Are linkages to research evident (either
explicitly laid out, or easily, reliably
Does the reflection go beyond making
token statement on the “Action”?
• What will you change?
• Are solutions proposed for remedying
alleged deficiencies in current

Whetten, D.A., 1989. What constitutes a theoretical contribution?. Academy of management review, 14(4), pp.490-495.
• Don’t forget about UN-SGDs!
• Engage with some B&S literature to
elevate/reinforce your point of
• I also want to hear YOUR thoughts
(it's your reflection!)
• Consider the “So what?”

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