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Paragraph Writing

A paragraph is a group of sentences

that fleshes out a single idea.

Parts of Paragraph
1.Topic Sentence
2.Controlling Data
3.Supporting Sentences
4.Concluding Sentences
Types of Paragraph

1. Narrative
2. Descriptive
3. Expository
4. Persuasive
1. The Narrative Paragraph

This type of paragraph describes one primary topic

and narrates or tells its story. The topic usually
involves one main event, adventure, scene, or

Start your narrative paragraph with a strong topic sentence

“This past weekend I had the time of my life. First,
Friday night, I had my best friend over and we made a
delicious, mouth-watering pizza. After we ate, we had
a friendly video game competition.”
2. The Descriptive Paragraph

When writing this type of paragraph, you describe

something with words that allows your reader to almost
“see” what you’re describing.
3. The Expository Paragraph

When writing this type of paragraph, you provide

information. You write it in a logical sequence so your reader
can follow the ideas.

Example: “Going to college can be expensive.”

“First, college tuition and room and board can cost anywhere from
$2,000 to more than $10,000 per semester. Other expenses can add
up, as well. For example, books typically cost between $300 and
$500 each term.”

“Second, materials are also very expensive. Paper, notebooks,

writing utensils, and other required supplies often cost more at the
college bookstore than at a discount store. For instance, a package
of notepaper costing $2 at a discount store might cost $5 at the
college bookstore.”
3. The Expository Paragraph (Conti…)

“Finally, there are all kinds of special fees added onto the bill at
registration time. A college student might have to pay a $50
insurance fee, a $20 activity fee, a $15 fee to the student government
association and anywhere from $100 to $1,000 for parking. There is
another fee if a student decides to add or drop a course after
registration ends.”

“The costs required to attend college never seem to end.”

4. The Persuasive Paragraph

This type of paragraph tries to change the reader's mind

about something or to persuade the reader to agree with the
writer's point of view.

Spring is the best season. First, spring is colorful. Flowers of all kinds begin to
bloom, and even some trees have colorful buds. Next, with spring comes
warmer weather. While some days are still chilly, the wind has lost its winter
bite, allowing people to get outside more often. Finally, spring has pleasant
noises of all kinds. In some places, one can hear the peeping of frogs and the
song of the whippoorwill at night. To one’s eyes, skin, and ears, the best season
of the year is spring!
Five Elements of Good Writing

1: Purpose
When we talk about the purpose of a paragraph, we are
talking about the reasons that a writer is writing a particular
paragraph. For writers to stay focused on their topic, they
must understand the purpose that they are trying to
accomplish. The purpose is the goal the writer is trying to
The three most common goals of academic writing are:
• to inform the readers
• to persuade the readers
• to entertain the readers
2: Audience

The second element of good writing is to keep your

audience in mind as you write. The term audience refers to
the readers. Good writers know who their audience is
before they start writing. Good writers keep their audience
in mind as they write every sentence in their paragraph.

Relating to Your Audience

Consider these two main elements in relating to your
• viewpoint or person (first, second, or third)
• formal or informal writing
4: Unity

Unity in a paragraph means that all the sentences are related

to the topic sentence and its controlling idea. Good writers
stay on topic by making sure that each supporting sentence
relates to the topic sentence.
5: Coherence
A piece of writing has coherence when all of the ideas are organized
and flow smoothly and logically from one to the next. When a
paragraph or essay has coherence, the reader can follow the main
ideas more easily.

Three important features of coherence are:

• logical order
• repetition of key words
• use of transitional words and phrases

Logical Order
It is important to follow a logical order in your writing. The next
activity will help you to understand the importance of logical order

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