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Unit 1

The Human
By: Teacher Catheline
A: Growth
Before Birth

Reproduction of human beings

begins with fertilization.
Pregnancy Stage
It takes 40 weeks for a fertilized
egg to develop into a baby.
After Birth

The growth of human can

be divided into five stages:
1. Infancy
2. Childhood
3. Adolescence
4. Adulthood
5. Old age
Human Growth Curve
Infancy (0 to 2 years old)
-The infant depends on his
mother for everything.
- The baby is fed with mothers’
- A rapid growth takes place.
Childhood (3 to 11 years old)
-The child starts to explore the
- He starts to do things on his
own and understand his role and
- The growth is slower.
Adolescence (12 to 18 years old)
-The period when the child
develops into an adult.
- It is also known as puberty, the
reproductive organs of a child
Physical changes in boys:
- Testes starts to produce sperms
- Hair will start to grow on the
face, chest, pubic region and
- Body becomes muscular and
- Penis enlarges
- Voice become louder and deeper
Physical changes in girls:
- Ovary starts to produce ova.
- Hair will start to grow at the
pubic region and armpits
- Breasts begin to grow
- Hips become wider and rounder
- Start to experience
Menstruation - is the discharge of
blood from the vagina. Most girls
have menstruation every month.

- Girls or even boys might have

acne or pimples.
- Need guidance from adult
- Need proper diet or exercise
- Rapid growth
Adulthood (19 to 65 years old)
-They are more mature physically
and mentally.
-They are responsible and able to
make decisions for themselves.
- The growth has slowed down.
-They will settle down and start
their own family.
-They will take on new
responsibilities as parents.
-They will provide care, food,
shelter and education.
Old Age (Above 65 years old)
As we grow older, our body
- Cannot respond quickly
- Hearing is less sensitive
- Eyesight starts to decline
- Need spectacles to read
- Muscles weakens
- High risk of contracting diseases.
We should take care and respect
old people. We should shower
them love and warmth as they are
part of the family too.

Enrichment Activity 1
(page 7)

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