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Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (TTN)

 Sindrom gangguan napas (40%)

 3-5 hari
 Aterm dan preterm

Sumber : Gomella TL, Cunningham MD, Eyal FG. Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn . Neonatology: Management, Procedures, On-Call
Problems, Diseases and Drugs 7th ed New York, NY: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill. 2013:919.
Gejala Klinis
1. Takipnea segera/6 jam pertama kelahiran (RR >60x/menit hingga 100-120x/menit)
2. Merintih, nafas cuping hidung, retraksi dan sianosis
3. Barrel dada
4. Ronkhi
5. Hepar dan limpa teraba
6. Tanda sepsis (-)
7. Edema dan peristaltik usus menurun
8. Takikardi dengan tekanan darah normal
9. Status neurologis normal

Sumber : Gomella TL, Cunningham MD, Eyal FG. Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn . Neonatology: Management, Procedures,
On-Call Problems, Diseases and Drugs 7th ed New York, NY: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill. 2013:921.
Gambar Ro Thoraks : a. TTN 6 jam, b. TTN hari ke-2, c. TTN hari ke-4
Ref: NELLHAUS, G. Composite international & Interracial Graphs, Pediatrics 41 : 106, 1968
Ref: NELLHAUS, G. Composite international & Interracial Graphs, Pediatrics 41 : 106, 1968

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