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OptiX RTN 600 Equipment


Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Learning Guide
 Before studying this course, you are supposed to complete
the study on :
 Basics of digital microwave communications or related k
 OptiX RTN 600 Product Introduction
 OptiX RTN 600 Networking and Protection Mechanism

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 2

 Digital Microwave Communications Basics

 OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Configuration


 OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Commissioning


Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 3

 Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

 Finish proper preparations before the commissioning

 Performing NE commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

 Performing hop commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 4

1. Preparations for the OptiX RTN 600 Commissioning

2. NE Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

3. Hop Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 5

1. Preparations for the OptiX RTN 600 Commissioning

 1.1 Determining Commissioning Items
 1.2 Preparing Related Documents
 1.3 Preparing Related Tools
 1.4 Checking Commissioning Conditions

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 6
Determining Commissioning Items

1. NE Commissioning Items

Commissioning Item Optional/Required Remarks

If the fan is available in the equipment,

Powering on the
Required check whether the fan is working or not after
power on.

Check whether all indicators work normally

Testing indicators Required
or not.

Accessing the Web LCT Required -

Configuring the data Required -

Performing the service If the instruments are available on site, it is

loopback test recommended that you test this item.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 7
Determining Commissioning Items (cont.)

1. NE Commissioning Items (cont.)

Commissioning Item Optional/Required Remarks

Testing E1 cables It applies to the station where the E1

connections service is accessed.

Checking the receive and It applies to the station where the SDH
transmit power of the Optional optical interface service is accessed.
optical interface
Testing the RF transmit Use the Web LCT to query the RF transmit
power power.
Testing the active/standby It only applies to the equipment configured
cross-connect board Required with the active and standby cross-connect
switching boards.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 8
Determining Commissioning Items (cont.)

2. Hop Commissioning Items

Commissioning Item Optional/ Required Remarks

Aligning the antenna Required -

Testing the ECC Required -

It is applicable when there is the order

Testing the orderw
Optional wire phone available between stations.
ire phone

Test all service types turned up at the

Testing all services Required station like the E1, STM-1, and WS.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 9
Determining Commissioning Items (cont.)

2. Hop Commissioning Items (cont.)

Commissioning Item Optional/Required Remarks

Testing the clock Check and ensure that the clock source
tracing can be traced normally.

Testing the IF It is applicable when the 1+1 HSB/FD/SD

switching modes protection is configured.

Testing the SNCP It is applicable when the SNCP is

switching configured.

Generally perform the test for 24 hours

Testing the long-
Required according to the actual conditions
term BER

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 10
Preparing Related Documents
 The documents that are required include the engineering des
ign documents and commissioning guide documents.
 Engineering design documents like :
 OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Network Planning Document
 OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Engineering Design Document

 Commissioning guide documents like:

 OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Commissioning Guide
 OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Quick Installation and Comm
issioning Guide

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 11
Preparing Tools

 The tools that are required include the common tools, special tools and instruments. The recommended list is as

Type Description

Common Adjustable wrench, percussion drill, sharp-nose pliers, and

tool electric knife

Anti-static glove, ESD-preventive wrist strap, teles

Special tool
cope, and intercom

Multi-meter, BER tester, and laptop computer (installed with the

Web LCT)

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 12
Checking Commissioning Conditions
 The NE commissioning conditions to be checked include the status of
the equipment as well as that of the laptop computer used in the
commissioning. The NE commissioning conditions are listed as follows:
 The hardware installation of the equipment must be complete, and it should
pass the installation check.
 The power supply of the equipment must be available.
 The service signal cables connected to other equipment must be routed well.
 The laptop computer must be installed with the Web LCT, and applications
should work normally.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 13
Checking Commissioning Conditions (cont.)

 The hop commissioning items to be checked include the NE

commissioning status as well as the weather conditions. The hop
commissioning conditions are listed as follows:
 The NE commissioning of the radio equipment at both ends of the same radio
link must be complete.
 The weather should be suitable, and there should no rain or fog between
 The on-site conditions and the personnel in charge of antenna commissioning
must meet the requirement on the operation at a high altitude.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 14

 This chapter describes the following contents:

 NE commissioning items and hop commissioning items
 Documents and tools prepared before the commissioning
 Commissioning conditions

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 15

1. Preparations for the OptiX RTN 600 Commissioning

2. NE Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

3. Hop Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 16

2. NE Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

 2.1 Powering On the Equipment
 2.2 Testing Indicators
 2.3 Accessing the Web LCT
 2.4 Configuring the Data
 2.5 Performing the Service Loopback test
 2.6 Testing the Connections of the E1 Cables
 2.7 Testing the Transmit and Receive Optical Power
 2.8 Testing the RF Transmit Power
 2.9 Testing the Active/Standby Cross-Connect Board Switching

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 17
Powering On the Equipment
 Prerequisites
 The hardware installation of the equipment must be complete, and it should
pass the installation check.
 The input power must be available.
 The power switch of the input power (such as the power box of the cabinet)
must be turned off.
 Tools and Instruments
 Multi-meter
 Procedure
 Set the SYS-PWR switch on the PXC board to O.
 Set the ODU-PWR switch on the IF board to O.
 Turn on the input power switch of the cabinet.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 18
Powering On the Equipment (cont.)
 testing the voltage and polarization of the input power at the access point (such
as the output terminal of the power box on the cabinet) by multi-meter. The
voltage should range from -38.4 V to -72 V.
 Set the SYS_PWR switch on the PXC board to “I”.
 If the fan is available, first check it is working normally after power on.
 Wait for about 20 seconds, and then observe indicators of each board installed
in the IDU.
 The PROG indicator on the SCC board should be first on. After it blinks
and is lit green for some time, it should be off.
 For details on the board indicators, refer to the OptiX RTN 600 Radio
Transmission System Product Description.
 Set the ODU-PWR switch on the IF board to “I”.
 Note: The SYS-PWR and ODU-PWR switches on PXC and IF boards have the
locking device. They need to be slightly pull out before switch them.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 19
Testing Indicators
 Prerequisites
 The equipment must be powered on for more
than five minutes.
 Tools and Instruments TEST
 None.
 Procedure
 Press the LAMP TEST button on the SCC
board, and indicators of all boards should be
 Release the LAMP TEST button, and indicators
of all boards should recover to the status before
the LAMP TEST button is pressed.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 20
Accessing the Web LCT
 Prerequisites

The equipment must be powered on. NM interface
 Tools and Instruments
 Laptop computer installed with the Web LCT
 Network cable
 Procedure
 Start the laptop computer, and log in to the
operating system. Run the Web LCT program.
 Connect the network port on the laptop computer
to the ETH interface on the SCC board through
the network cable. The green indicators of the
ETH interface and network port should be on.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 21
Accessing the Web LCT (Cont.)
 Set the IP address information of the computer, and log in to the NE. The
IP address should comply with the following conditions:
 IP address: The IP address should be in the network section and should
be different from the default IP address of the NE (
 Subnet mask:
 Default gateway: Null.
 Enter in the Address bar of the IE the address of the server to be logged in.
If the server is installed in the local computer, enter, and click the Turn to button.
 In the login interface of the Web LCT, enter the user name and
corresponding password. Click Login. The default user name is admin,
and the default password is T2000. If the user name and password are
correct, the NE List page is displayed in the IE.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 22
Configuring the Data
 Prerequisites
 The documents that are required by data configuration must be available.
 Tools and Instruments
 Web LCT
 Procedure
 Before configuring the NE data, create the NE, log in and modify the ID
settings of the NE according to the requirements in the Network Planning
 The OptiX RTN 600 can be configured in two modes, General Mode and
Wizard Mode. Users can choose the proper configuration mode depending on
the specific configuration scenarios. For details, refer to the OptiX RTN 600
Radio Transmission System Configuration Guide.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 23
Testing Transmit and Receive Optical Power
 Prerequisites
 The service data must be configured.
 The 15-minute performance monitoring of the NE must be started.
 The fiber connections must be normal.
 Tools and Instruments
 Web LCT

Fixed optical attenuator or variable optical attenuator
 Procedure
 Disable the automatic laser shutdown (ALS) function of the laser, and ensure
that transmission of the laser is enabled.
 Query the 15-minute performance by using the Web LCT to obtain the values
of the transmit and receive optical power.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 24
Testing the Transmit and Receive Optical
Power (cont.)
 Based on the queried values along with the specifications of optical
modules, judge whether they are within the normal value range. The receive
optical power should be 3 dB more than the minimum sensitivity and 5 dB
less than the minimum overload provided in the specifications.
 If the values are beyond the normal range, adjust the optical power by
increasing or decreasing the number of attenuators to ensure that the receive
and transmit optical power is within the normal value range.
 Perform the loopback test for the services upon the completion of the
optical power test. Ensure that no bit errors occur in five minutes.
 Note: The attenuator should be connected to the receive end other than
the transmit end.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 25
Performing the Service Loopback Test

 Prerequisites
 The Web LCT must be logged in to successfully and its connection to the NE
must be normal.
 The board must work normally.

 Tools and Instruments

 Web LCT
 BER tester or SDH analyzer

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 26
Performing the Service Loopback Test (cont.)
 Procedure
 Connect the board to be tested to the test instrument.
 Issue the loopback command and observe the instrument for five minutes.
The services should be normal.
 Repeat the above two steps to test each board.
 The service loopback for the IF board can only be implemented by testing
the services of other service boards.
 Adopt different loopback mode depending on the actually used instrument.
 If the SDH analyzer is used to test the optical interface board, first use the
optical power meter to test the optical power before the test and use the
attenuator to ensure that the optical power is within the normal range. This
can protect the instrument and the board.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 27
Testing E1 Cable Connections
 Prerequisites
 The E1 port must be transferred through the DDF.
 The service data must be configured.
 Tools and Instruments
 Web LCT

BER tester
 Procedure
 Connect the BER tester to the first E1 port of the OptiX RTN 600 at t
he DDF.
 Set the corresponding E1 port to outloop by using the Web LCT.
 Observe the BER tester. The AIS alarm displayed on the BER tester sho
uld be cleared.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 28
Testing E1 Cable Connections (cont.)

 Release the outloop of the E1 port by using

the Web LCT.
 Observe the BER tester. It should report the
AIS alarm.
 Repeat the above five steps to test other E1
 Tip
Connect all E1 ports in a serial manner and s
et all of them to outloop by using the Web LCT.
In this way, you can check whether all E1 port
s are normal at the same time. If any fault occ
urs, you also need to locate it segmentally.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 29
Testing the RF Transmit Power
 Prerequisites
 The service data must be configured and the performance monitoring of the NE
must be started.
 The ATPC function must be disabled.
 Tools and Instruments
 Web LCT
 Procedure
 In the NE Explorer, select the ODU that requires querying the RF transmit
power and query RF Transmit Power in the performance events.
 Browse the performance events in the window. The difference between the
queried value of the RF transmit power and the preset value should be less than
0.1 dB.
 If the tested value is abnormal, contact Huawei for solutions.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 30
Testing Active/Standby Cross-connect Board
 Prerequisites
 The service data must be configured.
 The 15-minute performance monitoring of the NE must be started.
 The equipment must be configured with the active and standby cross-connect

 Tools and Instruments

 Web LCT
 BER tester

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 31
Testing Active/Standby Cross-connect Board
Switching (Cont.)
 Procedure
 Confirm the current working status of active and standby PXC boards and
no abnormal alarms by using the Web LCT.
 Perform active/standby PXC board switching by Web LCT.
 Query the working status of the active and standby PXC boards to check
whether the switching is performed normally.
 Query the current and history alarms to check whether any alarm is
generated during the switching process.
 After the test, restore the PXC board in slot 1 to the active board. Query
the alarms and ensure that the cross-connect board works normally.
 If you use the BER tester to monitor the services, few bit errors may occur
during the switching process. The services, however, can recover
immediately after the switching is complete.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 32
 What is the procedure to access Web LCT?

 How should the E1 port be set and connected for testing the connections of E1 cables?
How to adopt the testing it quickly?

 Why shall we disable the ATPC function when test RF transmit power?

 What are the two modes in data configuration? What are the differences between them?

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 33

This chapter describes the prerequisites, tools and instruments, and
procedure for the NE commissioning items:
 Powering on the equipment
 Testing indicators
 Accessing the Web LCT
 Configuring the data
 Testing the transmit and receive optical power
 Performing the service loopback test
 Testing the connections of E1 cables
 Testing the RF transmit power
 Testing the active/standby cross-connect board switching

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 34

1. Preparations for the OptiX RTN 600 Commissioning

2. NE Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

3. Hop Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 35
Table of Contents

3. Hop Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

 3.1 Aligning the Antenna
 3.2 Testing the ECC
 3.3 Testing the E1 Service
 3.4 Testing the WS Service
 3.5 Testing the order wire
 3.6 Testing the Clock Tracing
 3.7 Testing the IF 1+1 Switching
 3.8 Testing the SNCP Switching
 3.9 Testing the 24-Hour BER

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 36
Aligning the Antenna
 Prerequisites
 The NE commissioning of the radio equipment at both ends of the same radio
link must be complete.
 During the commissioning, the weather should be suitable and there should be
no rain/fog between stations.
 The on-site conditions and personnel in charge of the antenna commissioning
must meet the requirements of operation at a high altitude.
 Tools and Instruments
 Wrench, multi-meter and intercom.
 Note: If there are 2 antennas at each site, it needs to align the main
antennas and diversity antennas at both ends respectively. First align the
main antennas and then the diversity antennas. Both antennas at local site
should be aligned with the main antenna at opposite end.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 37
Aligning the Antenna (cont.)
 Procedure
1. According to the designed received signal level (RSL) along with the
relationship curve between the VBNC and RSL described in the user documents
(shipped with the equipment) of the ODU, read the designed value of the VBNC.
2. Align the antennas at both ends approximately by using the specific tool
(telescope) or instrument (COMPASS or GPS). If the antennas at both ends are
not aligned approximately, the VBNC cannot be adjusted to the designed value.
3. Fix the antenna at the opposite end, and adjust the azimuth (elevation) of the
antenna at the local end in a wide range. Use the multi-meter to observe the
VBNC value of the ODU at the local end. At least three peak signals should be
detected and the voltage of the peak signal in the middle should be maximum.
When the VBNC reaches the maximum value, tighten the antenna. When the
antenna is being tightened, keep that the VBNC is always the maximum.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 38
Aligning the Antenna (cont.)
4. As step 3, adjust the elevation (azimuth) of the antenna. And tighten
5. Tighten the antennas at the local end. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to adjust
the antennas at the opposite end and tighten them.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for two to four times. When the RSL of the antenna
s at the local end and the remote end reach the maximum value, tighten
the antennas at both ends.
7. Test VBNC of ODUs at both ends by multi-meter. Read the actual receive p
ower level (RSL) by referring to the relationship curve between the VBNC
and RSL for the ODUs at both ends. The difference between actual RSL v
alue and it’s designed value should be ranged from -3 dB to +3 dB.
8. If the VBNC does not meet the above requirements, check whether the ante
nnas at both ends are approximately aligned by referring to the step2.
Also you can refer to the OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Main
tenance Guide for solutions.
9. After antennas aligning is complete, tighten all screws of the antenna

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 39
Testing the ECC
 Prerequisites
 Antenna alignment must be complete.

The NE must have access to the Web LCT.
 Tools and Instruments
 Web LCT
 Precautions
 Test the ECC at one end of the radio link.
 Procedure
 In the NE List page, click Add NE.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 40
Testing the ECC (cont.)
 In the Add NE page, set the following attributes of the opposite NE
 ID: ID of the opposite NE
 Name: name of the opposite NE
 Extended ID: extended ID of the opposite NE
 Gateway Type: IP gateway
 Gateway IP Address: IP address of the local NE
 User Name: root (default)
 Password: password (default for the user root)
 Click OK. In this case, a row of data for the newly added NE is add
ed in the NE List page.
 Observe Login Status of the newly added NE. Login Status should be
displayed as Logged In.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 41
Testing the E1 Service
 Prerequisites
 The E1 service must be available between stations and the service conf
iguration at each station must be correctly delivered.
 Antenna alignment must be complete.
 Tools and Instruments
 BER tester and Web LCT
 Procedure
 At local site, connect the BER tester to the first E1 port.
 At remote site, loopback the first E1 port by cable. If cable loopback
is unfeasible, set the software inloop for the first E1 port by Web LC
 Test the BER for 5 to 10 minutes by BER tester. No bit error should oc
 Release all loopbacks.
 Repeat the above four steps to test other E1 ports one by one.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 42
Testing the WS Service

 Prerequisites
 The WS service must be configured.
 Antenna alignment must be complete.
 Tools and Instruments
 BER tester
 Procedure
 At local site, connect the BER tester to the WS port.
 At remote site, perform the hardware inloop for the WS port.
 Test the BER for 5 to 10 minutes by BER tester. No bit errors should

Release the loopback.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 43
Testing the order wire
 Prerequisites
 The order wire phone must be correctly installed at the station.
 The data of the order wire must be configured.
 Antenna alignment must be complete.
 Tools and Instruments
 None.
 Procedure
 Check the status of the order wire at the local equipment side. The status of
the order wire should meet the following requirements:
 The ringing switch must be set to ON.
 The dialing mode switch must be set to T, that is, the dual-tone dialing mode is

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 44
Testing the Order wire (cont.)
 Dial the order wire of the opposite equipment as follows:
 Pick up the order wire, and press the TALK key on the front panel of the phone. The red
indicator on the upper right side of the front panel is on, accompanied by the dial tone.
 Dial the order wire number of the opposite equipment. Normally, the voice quality is
good and the voice is clear.
 Answer the order wire.
 The maintenance personnel at the opposite equipment side dials the order wire of the
local equipment. Normally, the order wire rings and at the same time the red indicator
on the upper right side of the front panel is on.
 Pick up the phone, and press the TALK key to talk. The red indicator on the upper right
side of the phone is on. Normally, the voice quality is good and the voice is clear.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 45
Testing the Clock Tracing
 Prerequisites
 The clock tracing priority list must be configured.
 Tools and Instruments
 Web LCT
 Procedure
 Query the current clock priority table by using the Web LCT.
 According to the clock priority table, query whether the current clock tracing
source is traced normally.
 If the active and standby PXC boards are configured, perform the
active/standby switching. This operation can check whether the current clock
source can be traced normally after the switching. After the test is complete,
restore the PXC boards in slot1 as active board.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 46
Testing the IF 1+1 Switching
 Prerequisites
 The equipment must be configured with the IF 1+1 protection.
 Antenna alignment must be complete.
 Tools and Instruments
 BER tester and Web LCT
 Note: The following procedure considers the E1 service between stations
as an example. If no E1 service is configured between stations, perform
the test through the configured WS service (only applicable in the SDH

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 47
Testing the IF 1+1 Switching (cont.)
 Procedure
 At local site, connect the BER tester to one E1 port.
 At remote site, loopback an E1 port by cable. Or set the software i
nloop on an E1 port by web LCT when cable loopback is unfeasible.
 Test the BER by BER tester. Confirm E1 service is normal.
 View the working status of the protection group by using the Web LC
T. The Active Board of Device and Active Board of Channel should be
the active IF board.
 Set the transmission status of the main ODU to mute by using the We
b LCT or power off the main ODU. This can trigger the IF 1+1 switch
 View the working status of the protection group after the switching
by using the Web LCT. The Active Board of Device and Active Board o
f Channel should be the standby IF board. The HSB_INDI or HSM_INDI
alarm should be reported.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 48
Testing the IF 1+1 Switching (cont.)
 View the BER by Web LCT.
 In the 1+1 HSB protection or 1+1 SD protection, service should recover after
a transient interruption.
 In the 1+1 FD protection, service just has some bit errors without interrupt
 After switching is complete, test the BER for 5 to 10 minutes. No bit
errors should occur.
 Set the transmission status of the main ODU to unmute by using the Web
LCT or powering on the main ODU.
 If the protection mode is set to Revertive mode, test the BER again by
using the BER tester. When the restore time arrives, the result should
indicate that the service has recovered after a transient interruption
. WTR Time is set to 600s by default. Test the BER according to the r
equirements of the actual configuration.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 49
Testing the SNCP Switching
 Prerequisites
 The equipment must be configured with the SNCP protection.
 Antenna alignment must be complete.
 Tools and Instruments
 BER tester and Web LCT
 Procedure
 At local site, connect the BER tester to one E1 port.
 At remote site, loopback the corresponding E1 port by cable. O
r set inloop on the E1 port by web LCT when cable loopback is
 Test the BER by BER tester. Confirm E1 service is normal.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 50
Testing the SNCP Switching (cont.)
 Check SNCP status of E1 service by Web LCT. And status should be normal.
 Trigger the SNCP switching by disconnecting the fiber connectors or poweri
ng off the ODU in the working channel of the E1 SNCP service.
 View the abnormal events of the NE by Web LCT. The abnormal events of SDH
SNCP Switching are displayed in Abnormal Event List.
 View the BER test result. The result should indicate that the service has
recovered after a transient interruption.
 Reconnect the fiber connector or power on the ODU.
 In the Revertive mode, when the restore time arrives, the BER tester resul
t should indicate that the service has restored back. WTR Time is set to 6
00s by default.
 Test the BER depending on the requirements of the actual configuration.

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 51
Testing the 24-Hour BER
 Prerequisites
 Antenna alignment must be complete.
 Tools and Instruments
 BER tester and Web LCT
 Precautions
 If the 24-hour BER cannot be tested for each hop on the link because of the
restrictions of the actual situation, choose the E1 service of the first node and
terminal node of each link to perform this test. This operation ensures that
the test path covers all the radio links.
 The following test procedure considers the E1 service between stations as an
example. If no E1 service is configured between stations, perform the test
through the configured WS service (only applicable in the SDH radio).

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 52
Testing the 24-Hour BER (cont.)
 Procedure
 At local site, extract several typical
E1 services, and perform the hardware i
nloop for the E1 ports. If the hardware
inloop is unfeasible, perform the softw
are inloop for the E1 ports by using th
e Web LCT.
 At remote site, connect the E1 services
in a serial manner at the DDF, and acce
ss them to the BER tester.
 Test the 24-hour BER by using the BER t
 Record the test result. The result shou
ld indicate that no bit errors occur.

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Testing the 24-Hour BER (cont.)

 Postrequisites
 If bit errors occur in the first 24-hour BER test, remove the fault. Perform
another 24-hour BER test until the test is passed.

 If bit errors occur in the test for a serial connection, locate the fault by using
the dichotomizing search or other methods until each channel passes the 24-
hour BER test independently.

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 What is the procedure to aligning antennas?

 How long should it take to test the E1 service and WS service respectively by using the BER tester?

 What alarms occur after the IF 1+1 switching is complete?

 How can we ensure that SNCP switching is successful?

 How should we handle bit errors occurring in the 24-hour BER test?

Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 55
 The commissioning items in hop commissioning:
 Aligning the antenna
 Testing the ECC
 Testing the E1 service
 Testing the WS service
 Testing the order wire
 Testing the clock tracing
 Testing the IF 1+1 switching
 Testing the SNCP switching
 Testing the 24-hour BER

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