Emdi Adchat Group 4

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• To make people realise the value of each

drop of water
• To make them feel like saving the same
Target audience

• 18-26 yrs old

• College students and
young working
I know all I am busy
that, but you focused and
think I really impatient

I love
The big challenge
Communicating the cause in an interesting and
arresting way.
Big idea
Extinction on its way

Interesting dinosaur characters leading the

campaign from teasers to the actual message.
• Place : Extinct species’ heaven
• Characters :
1. A dominating, snobbish and gossipy dinosaur queen
2. Her side – kick dinosaur who admires and adores
her, and is with her in all times.
3. Other extinct species flying and playing behind.
4. Eavesdropping clouds
• Type : Dialogue
Ad 1
Scene: Both the dinosaurs are sitting on a cloud, eating some slimy
things and gossiping.
(little do they know that the cloud is eavesdropping)
Dino 1: Did you hear the latest, juiciest news from Earth..???!!
Dino 2: No, miss! Please do tell me!! (bouncing very eagerly)
Dino 1: The humans,(makes a disgusted expression while saying that)
are finally going to join us here very soon!! Ha ha ha ha!
Dino 2: (Gasps) Really!!?? I mean, I do not doubt your source, miss,
but is this true?? I’m dying to know what you have in mind for
them, please do tell me!
Dino 1: Oh! This is embarrassing! I completely forgot about that!
Come, right now! We must hurry and make unique ragging plans
for them!(disappear in a poof)
(The cloud is confused, shrugs at the screen and poofs away
behind them.)
Ad 2
Scene : The Dinos are sitting on the eavesdropping cloud again. Dino 2
is filing Dino 1’s nails, with extreme concentration.
Dino 1: (Suddenly laughing) The more I think of it, the more I want to
laugh on the pathetic reason for which humans (making a face) are
going to be extinct! I mean, really, they lack creativity!
Dino 2: (Nodding her head up and down like a dog wags his tail, and
grinning foolishly) Yes, miss! I do agree! We had a much better
reason! Of course with people like you..(suddenly stopping the
filing ) by the way, what WAS our reason!??
(Dino 1 gives her a look of exasperation and walks away, Dino 2
following her tail immediately)
(Mr. Eave Cloud comes close to the screen and whispers to us, “sms
right now to this number and tell me what do you think will be the
reason of your extinction, and you will win some really cool stuff!
Till then, wish me happy eavesdropping!’ Winks and goes away)
strategy for
Ad 3
Scene: All the humans finally arrive, heartbroken, defeated and
naked. The dinosaur queen, along with her side-kick,
meets the masses and carefully studies the people in the
first row.
Dino 1: (scowling at one man’s weenie) Did you actually create
a WHOLE PERSON with THAT thing!!?? (to which, Dino
2 starts giggling)
Dino 1: Shut up! And arrange all the ragging material, now!
(Dino 2 scurries off and brings the eavesdropping cloud, along
with lots of other clouds into the scene)
Ad 4
Scene: The dinosaur queen makes a quick wave with her hand and all the
clouds instantly start showering fresh water onto the Earth.
All the humans are shocked and then go insane with fury. They come
charging towards the queen. Other specie animals come and stop them.
One man: Is this some kind of dumb joke??!! Why you doing this?? You
know we all died because of no water!! HUMANS ARE EXTINCT!!!
If you guys in heaven had water, then why didn't you give us rains!!!??
Dino 1: Because, God gave enough time for you to realize and start using
water properly and respecting it..but you DID NOT. So why bother?? A
cool new specie is going to be born there now..this is for them. And
yes, you are Welcome!
(The eavesdropping cloud looked fearful and said to the humans.. “i- i-
i tried to hint you, but I was on their side..””)




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