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Diah Susanti, Ph.D

 Pada pembahasan sebelumnya telah dibahas mengenai
mesin-mesin panas dengan udara/gas sebagai fluidanya.
 Pada pembahasan ini akan dikenalkan mengenai siklus
mesin-mesin uap, khususnya mesin uap air (steam), di
mana fluida kerjanya mengalami proses penguapan
(vaporisasi) dan pengembunan (kondensasi).
 Steam adalah fluida kerja yang sering digunakan dalam
mesin-mesin uap karena beberapa karakteristiknya yang
unggul, seperti biayanya yang murah, ketersediaan, dan
enthalpy penguapannya yang tinggi.
 Mesin uap (mesin pembangkit uap) umumnya dikaitkan
dengan pembangkit batubara, pembangkit nuklir, atau
pembangkit gas alam, tergantung pada bahan bakar yang
digunakan untuk membangkitkan steam. Namun prinsip
kerja dari pembangkit itu semua adalah sama, sehingga
dapat dibahas dengan cara yang sama.
Schematic of the T-s diagram for water.
T-s diagram of Carnot
Several practical difficulties in Carnot cycle:
1. To carry out steps 2  3. Turbines that take in
saturated steam produce an exhaust with high liquid
content, which causes severe erosion problems.
2. To carry out steps 4  1. Even more difficult is the
design of a pump that takes in a mixture of liquid
and vapor (point 4) and discharges a saturated
liquid (point 1)
For these reasons, an alternative model cycle is taken
as the standard, at least for fossil-fuel-burning
power plants. It is called Rankine cycle, and differs
from the Carnot cycle in two major respects.
3. The heating step 1  2 is carried well before
vaporization, so as to produce a superheated vapor.
4. The cooling step 3  4 brings about complete
condensation, yielding saturated liquid to be pumped
to the boiler.
2 3

Wpump, out

Wpump, in

1 4

V qout
The Rankine Cycle with Superheat
1-2 Isentropic (adiabatic) compression in a pump
2-3 Constant pressure heat addition in a boiler
3-4 Isentropic (adiabatic) expansion in a turbine
4-1 Constant pressure heat rejection in a condenser
Siklus Rankine: Siklus Ideal untuk Siklus Uap

1-2 Isentropic (adiabatic) compression in a pump

2-3 Constant pressure heat addition in a boiler
3-4 Isentropic (adiabatic) expansion in a turbine
4-1 Constant pressure heat rejection in a condenser
Water enters the pump at state 1 as saturated liquid and is
compressed isentropically to the operating pressure of the boiler.
The water temperature increases somewhat during this isentropic
compression process due to a slight decrease in the specific volume
of water.
Water enters the boiler as a compressed liquid at state 2 and leaves
as a superheated vapor at state 3. The boiler is basically a large
heat exchanger where the heat originating from combustion gases,
nuclear reactors, or other sources is transferred to the water
essentially at constant pressure. The boiler, together with the
section where the steam is superheated (the superheater), is often
called the steam generator.
The superheated vapor at state 3 enters the turbine, where it expands
isentropically and produces work by rotating the shaft connected to
an electric generator. The pressure and the temperature of steam
drop during this process to the values at state 4, where steam
enters the condenser. At this state, steam is usually a saturated
liquid–vapor mixture with a high quality.
Steam is condensed at constant pressure in the condenser, which is
basically a large heat exchanger, by rejecting heat to a cooling
medium such as a lake, a river, or the atmosphere. Steam leaves
the condenser as saturated liquid and enters the pump, completing
the cycle.
Energy Analysis of the Ideal Rankine Cycle
The pump, boiler, turbine, and condenser are steady-flow
devices, and thus all four processes can be analyzed as
steady-flow processes. The kinetic and potential energy
changes of the steam are usually small relative to the
work and heat transfer terms and are therefore usually
Then the steady-flow energy equation per unit mass of
Note: e = exit ; i = inlet
The boiler and the condenser do not involve any work, and
the pump and the turbine are assumed to be isentropic.
Then the conservation of energy
relation for each device can be expressed as follows:
A steam turbine with rated capacity of
56400 kW operates with steam inlet
conditions of 8600 kPa and 500 oC, and
discharges into a condenser at a pressure
of 10 kPa. Assuming a turbine efficiency
of 0.75, determine the state of the steam
at discharge and the mass flow rate of the

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