Professional Practice PPT 03 ANIRUDDHA

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• Brings out wide range of high standard ideas and concepts for projects
• Gives opportunities to youn architects to show their talents
• They offer valuable opportunities for architects to gain experience
• Even disqualified architect can add it to the qualification for the jobs of similar nature
• It lays a helping hand in making the public cosiousness about art of creativity or architecture.
• Assessors form a panel suggested by the council to judge and design
• The number of panel should be in odd numbers and not exceed 7
• Participants should satisfy that they are eligible to take part in competition
• Wide publicity to be given to the competition for its success
• Its an offer and contract and by submission of design , a valid contract will result which will be binding promoters
and competitors
• Setting all conditions be filed before the council for information before publication.
• The project brief is the foundation stone of the competing and declares that the competitors will compete on
similar conditions
• Eacg design shall be accompanied by a declaration on the prescribed form signed by the competitor in a properly
sealed envelope that the design is his bonafide work & that the drawings have been prepared under his
• The promoters are under obligation to appoint the successful architect for the commissioning of the project
unless otherwise disagreed on valid grounds
• Study & understand the requirements o local authorities
• Visit and examine the site if necessary to visualize the development with reference to the
promoters requiremets
• Advice on the oppoinments of technnical advisers ,if any
• To scrutinize all the designs submitted and prepare final award
• The cost estimate will not be a etermining factor in the assessor’s decisions
• All entries will be exhibited publically

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