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Apps Game KDS Security Telecom Work From Anywhere Subscriber to Newsletter February Issue Blogs Vlogs

HEADLINES ➤ Wikipedia to charge Big Tech companies for leeching off its content ➤ Sophos Named Common Vulnerability and Exposu


Enact a law to m a ke Facebook, Google, Apple to
p ay publishers for news: sushil Modi
B J P M P S ushil Kumar Modi h a s urged the
government to enact a law to m a ke tech
com pani es pa y local ne...

L ea p b a g s $17 million in Series B round, a i m i n g

to help Indian students study abroad
Every year m a n y students fly abroad from India
to pursue higher education. After reaching there,

Pure Storage Brings Industry L ea ding Block

Storage to Microsoft Azure
Today Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG), the IT
pioneer that delivers storage as-a-service in a
multicloud w...

Wikipedia to charge Big Tech companies for leeching off CRED in talks with investors to raise $200 m n
its content fund, to hit $2 bn valuation: Reports
As per news report, Bengaluru ba se d
fintech startup CRED i s in discussion with
existing investors fo... Cyber & Data Security 2021
N K M ehta M.D.&
Dell Technologies Powers AI a n d E d ge CEO-Secure Network
Solut ions "...
Computing with Next Generation PowerEdge
Enact a law to Public sector 8 held for Servers
m a ke F a c eb employees a ... conspiring
Dell Technologies (NYSE:DELL) ushers in the
... to ...
next generation of computing with its m ost
Harnath B a b u
CIO-KPMG India "Cyber
security i s be c om in g

S u s h o b h a n Mukherjee -
Co- Founder & CEO -
Pr im e Infoserve &nbsp...

S a n d e e p S e n gu pt a CEO -
ISOAH "Lack of a wa r e n e ss
i s the m o st im po.. .

Krishnaraj S ha r m a , Director
Solutions &...


“Cybersecurity awareness for our customers a n d “McAfee works towards protecting every aspect
partners i s one of the key f oc u s areas for of a customers’ digital experience”
Sophos” Va m s i Ponnekanti Hea d of Technical Sa les, India & SAARC,
McAfee S a f e g u a r d i n g custom er s & em ployees: McAfee works
S unil S h a r m a M a n a g i n g Director Sal e s, S o p ho s India & towards protect...
SAARC M ea sure s adopted: As m a n y c om p a n i e s are a do pt i ng
WFH a s a per m ane nt c om pa . ..

Cyber Security : The New Mantra of Digital



Want to start your own start up
in 2 0 21? Keep these 5 things in
kind before leavi ng your job


'One h a s to be alert a s cyber
scam sters are a l w a y s a step COMPANIES

"To set up two-factor

authentication i s one of the best
practices suggest ed to clients"

'Good governance is
essential for m a n a g i n g
cybersecurity issues'
Union Budget 2021 : FOCUS ON VISION

American Tower Corporation

designat es S a n j a y Goel a s
Executive VP a n d
President, Asia-Pacific

Kumar Shailove joins Hiver

a s Vice President of


S a ur a bh S a x e n a appointed TODAY'S CYBER SECURITY THREATS
a s Intuit's India site leader AND

Micron Appoints Raj Hazra

a s Senior Vice President
a n d General Ma na g e r of
the Compute a n d Networking
Busi ness
McAfee Adds to its Security VMware enhanc es its portfolio with “The 'deep fake' c a n be well countered
Innovation Alliance Program for vSphere 7 a n d vSAN 7 with the 'deep trust'”
Zero-Trust Network Ac cess VMware, Inc. a nn oun c e d portfolio u pda t e s to J a i d e e p Kh a n d u j a Chief Technology Oficer,
help custom er s modernize their applic ations an. . . Acci oM a ngo Pv t Ltd Ed uc a t in g c us tom e rs &a...
McAfee, the device-to-cloud cybersecurity
c om pa ny, today a nn ou nc e d new part nershi ps with

Kaspersky w a s selected a s the "China Citrix a i d s Canara HSBC Oriental B ank VPN a n d privileged a c c e ss m a na g e m e n t
Endpoint Security Detection a n d of Commerce Li fe Insurance enabli ng : The key technologies
Response Market 2020" : IDC Work from Anywhere S a n d e e p Se n gup ta , MD, ISOAH Data
Kaspersky f a c e s greater competi tion in China Ca na ra HSBC Oriental Ba nk of Commerce Life Securities Ed uc a t in g c ustom e rs & em ployees
market, it ne eds to cont inuously develop inno... I nsur anc e h a d initiated year s earlier u s i ng dig.. . ...

With 574% Y-O-Y growth I nst a S a f e ServiceNow enha nces its Now Platform Strengthening remote protocols with
Technologies becomes India's ServiceNow unveiled the Now P latf or m Quebec multiple interfaces a n d set up of strong
fastest- growing cybersecurity startup release. This latest version of the Now Platfo.. . local security policies within laptops
Be nga luru b a s e d cybersecurity sol uti ons provider c a n mitigate risk
I n s t a S a f e Technologies be c om e s India&rsqu... Dr. Ha r s ha E Thennar asu Chief IT & Cyber
Security Advisor, HKIT Security Solutions.. .



Cadyce unveils extensive line G7CR Technologies organizes Virtual Aspen Technology, L&T Technology
of products Cloud a n d Data S um m i t Services Partner to Deliver
Ca dyc e i s one of the premier c om p a n i e s in the field G7CR Technologies h a s stressed on the need to Engineering Solutions
of hardware solutions a n d networking t... transform bu si ne s se s with Cloud Technology.... L&T Technology Servi ces Limited (BSE: 5 40115,
NSE: LTTS), a gl ob a l l e a di ng pure p la y e...

P r a m a Hikvision Introduces Tripod World Leadership Congress recognises AI to bring a h u ge shift to the
Turnstile in the High S pee d Ka m al Nath a s 'CEO of the Year' global Industries with the power of
Entrance Solution S ify Technologies Limited (NASDAQ: SIFY), 5G
P r a m a Hikvision, a le a di n g video security India’s m os t comprehensive ICT solutions p... From driverless c ars to virtual doctors,
solution provider h a s introduced t he Tripod Turn... artificial intelligence (AI) i s tra ns form i ng

J a b r a introduces Evolve2 30, with Addverb Technologies opens "Bot- What i s 5G a n d What does it m e a n
lightweight, portable a n d Valley", INR 75 Cr. Robots for Cybersecurity?
cost-effective comfort m anufact uring facility The first four generations e a c h brought a new level
J a b r a h a s a nn ou nc e d t he l a unc h of t he J a b r a Addverb Technologies h a s inaugur ate d its world of connectivity, now 5G seeks to conti...
Evolve2 30, the latest product to join t he Evo... c l a s s m an uf a c t ur i ng facility “Bot-Val...

pTron unveils B a s s b u d s series Micro F ocus charges up for F l a g sh i p 3 in 4 Indian professionals will
pTron, a rapidly growi ng digi t al lifestyle a n d Customer Event, Micro F ocus actively look for a new job in 2021
a udi o ac ce ssor ies bra nd cont i nues to domi na . . . Universe 2021 Contrary to the last year, when the pa n d e m i c gripped
Micro F o c u s h a s reinforced its o n go i n g c om m i tm ent the world by surprise a n d wreaked hav...
to help custom er s win in the digital eco...

Ingram Micro si g n s distribution

Catch all the action from Planet Marathi
presents Filmfare Awards Marathi 2020 agreement with RESONATE, How to minimize the
on Facebook Watch
F ace book h a s partnered with Worldwide Me di a to
diversifies consumer tech offering
I ng r a m Micro today a nno unc e d a strategic
sophistication threats
bring you the P la n et M arat hi present s Fi l mf.. .
partnership with I ndia n technology firm RESONATE...
against critical infrastructure
R a n a Daggubat i rejects being part of Web Werks ready to unveil 2nd Data
Center in M u m b a i By VARINDIA 2021-02-22
'Drishyam 2' Telugu remake
Web Werks, a nat iona l d a t a center provider, today
It h a s been rumoured that R a n a D a g g u b a t i will
a nno unc e d the acquisition of a l an d parc... Adopting EDR
b e sh a r i ng screen s p a c e with hi s unc l e Venka. ..
SCADA level
Akshay Kumar- Katrina Kaif AVEVA fortifies its India
Empowering SOC
starrer Sooryavanshi to release on operations, expands Channel
Network Implementing XDR
April 30
Implementing XDR
AVEVA an nou nc e d that it h a s s i gne d partnership
Ak sh a y Ku m a r a n d Katrina Kai f starrer
agre em ents with Titan Engi ne er ing & Aut...
S oor ya vanshi, directed by Rohit Shetty, h a s
been del... votes (%)

ITI Limited Western Digital concludes a nn u al Adopting EDR = 0%

Celebrates International Women's Alliance Partner meet focused on Smart
Day 2021 Video segment SCADA level Security =
Western Digital organiz ed a virtual partner s u m m i t
ITI Limited celebrated Internati onal Women’s 0% Empowering SOC =
to educa te a n d a l ig n s ma rt video Allian...
Day 2 0 2 1 a c r os s m a nu f a c t u r i ng uni t s and.. .

80% Implementing XDR

= 20% Implementing

XDR = 0%



InsurTech Platform Riskcovry Rai ses Apple to shift up to 10% Retail tech start-up - Shoopy b a g s its
$5 Million In Series A Fundi ng manufacturing capacity out of China mai den seed fundi ng of $250,000
L ed By Omidyar Network India Apple already m a nu f a c t ur e s the i P hon e SE,
The retail tech start-up for I ndia n S MBs, S ho op y
i Ph one XR, a n d i P ho ne 11 in India through its co...
Riskcovry, a n InsurTech start up t hat offers a one-stop h a s raised 250, 000 USD seed f u ndi ng from...
technology platform for distributio...

BlockFi raises $350m at $3bn valuation HFCL partners with Qualcomm Woloo la unches its a p p on this Women’s
Technologies over development of Wi-Fi Day to locate a n d u se certified
Cryptocurrency player BlockFi h a s hit a $3
billion valuat ion off the b a c k of a $ 350 millio...
6 Portfolio of Products washrooms for women
HFCL h a s strengthened its IO product portfolio of
Woloo, India’s first-of-its-kind startup, h a s l a un c he d
Wireless Solutions with the roll-out of...
a m obil e applic ation this Int...

Dixon Technologies to set up hardware Icertis b a g s $80 Million Series F

The first digital bank in Israel
manufacturing plant in Bengaluru Round, strengthens boards with new
since 1978, Yesterday got the
approval Dixon Technologies, a n electronics appointments
m a nu f a c t ur i ng com pany, h a s so ugh t l a nd from
First Digital Bank, the first new b a n k in Israel Ka r na t a ka g... Icertis a nno unc e d the closing of a n $80
s inc e 1978, started operati ons on Sunday. . . million Series F round at a valuat ion of over

HMD p l a n s to launch affordable STAGE raises INR 3.5 Cr in Angel

Fintech emerges a s fastest growing tech 5G Nokia phones in India
sector, sa y s, Deloitte round led by Inflection Point Ventures
HMD Global i s eyeing to m a k e India a h u b for its
STAGE h a s raised INR 3.5 Cr in a n a n g e l round, led
Deloitte h a s a n nou nc e d its list of 50 fa st est gl ob al s up pl y c h a in while a l s o la unc hing. . .
by Inflection Point Ventures. Paytm &rsq.. .
growing technology c om p a n i e s in the country...
Is Bitcoin set to hit a n all-time high of Financial Services Walmart l aunc hes new Vriddhi e-
$60,000 this week? organizations shifting to hybrid institute to help M S M E s
The Bitcoin price i s likely to hit a n al l-time hi gh of Global retailer Walmart e xpa nded its
$60, 000 this week a s t he U.S. House... Nutanix a nn oun ce d the f i na nc i a l services M SM E- foc use d Vriddhi e-institute to Uttar Pr ades h,
industry f i ndi ng s of its third a n n u a l Enterprise... st...

IQAX Powers GSBN's Microsoft c ome s up with Azure P a yt m l aunche s Soundbox 2.0 &
Blockchain Platform Migration Program a n d FastTrack Smart POS to enable sm a l l busine sse s
for Azure in India
IQAX Limited, a lea di ng-e dge informat ion P a y t m introduced its latest Internet of Thi ng s (IoT)
technology c o m p a n y provi di ng intelligent digit al ... Microsoft h a s a nnou nc e d the general availability ba s e d p a y m e n t devices, Soundbox 2.0 a...
of Azure Migration P r o gr a m a n d FastTrack...

P a y P a l linked with $500m bid for VMware e nhance s its P a yt m l ea ds the mobile
crypto a sse t security firm Curv cloud m a n a ge m e n t paym ent s market in India with
portfolio 1.2B monthly transactions
P a y P a l i s in early-stage t a l ks to acquire New
York- ba s e d Curv, whi ch he l ps c o m p a n i e s trans... VMware, Inc. a nno unc e d innovations a c r os s its
The sources from P a y t m sa ys , it h a s processed 1.2
cloud m a n a g e m e n t portfolio s p a n n i n g CloudHea...
billion t ransac tions in the m onth of Feb...

Distributors & VADs Edit Calendar DISCLAIME

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