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Education in Lithuania

and Britain
Primary schools
O In Lithuania children start at age of 6-7 and it lasts
4 years while in Britain there kind of two primary
schools: from the age 5 till 7 Infant school and
from 7 till 11 it‘s called Junior school. After
finishing junior school children must take an exam
which as following leads to secondary school.
Secondary school
O There are 3 types of secondary schools in Great
Britain: Grammar, Modern and Technical. As you
know in our country after primary school pupils
choose Basic school (5 to 10 forms) or there are
general schools which provide both development
primary and secondary (1 to 12 forms). Also there
are kind of higher school gymnasiums ( 9 to 12
forms) that usually have a higher reputation
Secondary education and
qualification in Lithuania
Lithuanian can stay at secondary school for 12
years but some of them leave it after 10 form.
These pupils usually go to vocational junior
colleges and trade schools where they can get
both secondary education and qualification. But
these schools are getting less popular now,
because more and more students want to study at
the Univeristy.
O In Britain after Grammar school children take
general, A or ordinary level exams which later
leads to colleges or universities. It‘s kind of
similar to our country when Lithuania‘s
children have to take also exams and go to
higher school.
Higher education (Universities
and Colleges)
O In both countries it takes 4 years to get
bachelors degree and 2 years to get masters
degree. Some students also receive loans,
which they have to pay back when they start
work. In Lithuania you need to pay loan back
within 15 years in small parts.
Education price
O In England, the most necessary goods for a
school are bought-in states, while in
Lithuania the books, exercises, pens and
other goods have to be bought by parents.
O Study costs are not much different, in both
countries, regular studies cost about 12
thousand euro.
Daily timetable in Britain
O Each school organizes its timetable differently.
Lessons might last 35, 40, 45, 55 or 60
minutes! For each subject, a student will attend
classes for about 5 hours a week, and is also
expected to undertake at least 6 hours private
study. Students will usually also attend classes
in General Studies, or Philosophy, or other
similar subjects. There will also be time given
to Physical Education or Sport, whether or not
these are taken as subjects for studying.
O In Britain for the Advanced Level programed
nearly all pupils (17-18 years old) study three
or, exceptionally, four subjects for two years
and take examinations in these only at the end
of the second year. They may also take one or
even two additional subjects for one year only
at Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level and take
examinations in these at the end of the year.
O In Lithuania, pupils need to learn a variety of
subjects.Spending time on unimportant
branches of science reduces the quality of
such sciences as mathematics, chemistry,
languages, etc. In eleventh class, pupils
choose subjects to study at level A, of which
12 will take exams
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