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• Utarid, Buha
• Kurir dewa yg gesit, lincah.
• Perioda revolusi paling kecil.
• Di kaki langit sebelah Barat setelah Mth terbenam.
• Di kaki langit sebelah Timur menjelang Mth terbit.
• Temperatur siang : 427 oC.
• Temperatur malam : -173 oC.
• Tidak punya atmosfer.
• Di permukaannya banyak kawah.
Mercout. Mercurius dari Mariner 10
mosaic of Mercury was constructed from photos taken by Mariner10 a
few hours before the spacecraft's closest and first encounter with the
planet on March 29
Six hours before the spacecraft flew past the planet
on March 29, 1974. These images were taken from a
distance of 5,380,000 kilometers
The picture was taken four hours before the time of closest approach
when Mariner was 198,000 kilometers from the planet. The largest craters
seen in this picture are about 100 kilometers in diameter.
Morth mercury
Antoniadi ridge
Caloris basin is 1,300 kilometers in diameter and is the largest know
structure on Mercury. It was formed from an impact of a projectile with
asteroid dimensions.
This image is a high resolution view of the Caloris Basin shown in the
previous image. It shows ridges and fractures that increase in size towards
the center of the basin (upper left)
This area is at the antipodal point from the large Caloris basin.
This image shows two prominent craters (upper right) with bright halos
on Mercury. The craters are about 40 kilometers in diameter. The halos
and rays cover other features on the surface indicating that they are some
of the youngest on Mercury
This image shows a double-ring basin which is 200 kilometers in
diameter. The floor contains smooth plains material.
The abundance and length of the thrust faults indicate that the
radius of Mercury decreased by 1-2 kilometers after the
solidification and impact cratering of the surface.
• Dewi Kecantikan, pemalu
• Zahara, Sita
• Orbitnya hampir melingkar (e:0,007)
• Tampak berayun, dari satu sisi Mth ke sisi lainnya.
• Satelit : Phosporus, ketika pagi.
Hesporus, ketika malam.
• Lamanya hari > tahun.
• Rotasinya berlawanan dgn rotasi planet lainnya.
• Tebal awannya sampai 40 km.
• Tekanan dipermukaan 100 kali tekanan atmosfir
Bumi. (efek rumah kaca).
• Temperatur 500 oC
Moon Rotasi
On the left is a mosaic of images acquired by the Mariner 10 spacecraft on February 5,
1974. The right image show a rendering of Venus from the Pioneer Venus and
Magellan radar images
It shows the thick cloud coverage that prevents optical observation of the
surface of Venus. Only through radar mapping is the surface revealed.
The hemispheric view of Venus, as revealed by more than a decade of
radar investigations culminating in the 1990-1994 Magellan mission. A
mosaic of the Magellan images (most with illumination from the west)
forms the image base.
This hemispheric view of Venus, as revealed by more than a decade of
radar investigations culminating in the 1990-1994 Magellan mission,. It
was processed to improve contrast and to emphasize small features, and
was color-coded to represent elevation
On February 10, 1990 the Galileo spacecraft acquired this image of
Venus. Only thick cloud cover can be seen
The interior characteristics of Venus are inferred from gravity field and
magnetic field measurements by Magellan and prior spacecraft. The crust is
shown as adark red, the mantle as a lighter orange-red, and the core yellow
Gula Mons and Crater Cunitz Eistla Regio - Rift Valley
Gula Mons, a 3 kilometer high The viewpoint is located 725 km
volcano, is located at approximately 22 southeast of Gula Mons. A rift valley,
degrees north latitude, 359 degrees east shown in the foreground, extends to
longitude. The impact crater Cunitz, the base of Gula Mons, a 3 km high
named for the astronomer and volcano. Sif Mons, a volcano with a
mathematician Maria Cunitz, is visible diameter of 300 km and a height of 2
in the center of the image. The crater is km, appears to the left of Gula Mons
48.5 km in diameter and is 215 km in the background.
from the viewer's position
Lakshmi Planum
Eistla Regio
The highland terrain is centered on a
The viewpoint is located 1,100 km
2.5 km to 4 km high plateau called
northeast of Gula Mons at an elevation
Lakshmi Planum which can be seen in
of 7.5 km. Lava flows extend for
the distance at the right. Here the
hundreds of km across the fractured
surface of the plateau drops
plains shown in the foreground, to the
precipitously into the bounding
base of Gula Mons. Sif Mons appears
lowlands, with steep slopes that exceed
to the right of Gula Mons. The distance
5% over 50 km
between Sif Mons and Gula Mons is
approximately 730 km.
Lihat Venus dari Marinir

Jelajah Rotasi:
Flight1 Magellan 5

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