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CBA: Task one

A Person of Commitment
2nd Year Religious Studies
There are four aims for todays lesson
by the end of this lesson you • Come to grips/be familiar with
will have… who/what makes an inspirational
• Understand what a CBA is and how it
impacts your learning.
• Identified and evaluate who you
might like to focus your CBA on.
• Justify your choice to a group of your
Lets Discuss: “What makes a person inspirational?”
What is a CBA?
• A CBA is a classroom based
assessment in which you will
complete two tasks that will
contribute to your overall grade for
Religious Studies.

• This years CBA is entitled “A

Person of Commitment”.
• Choose someone you are genuinely
How will I choose a interested in. This way the project will
be more enjoyable for you.
person to focus on?
• Remember! This person must have done
something that made a positive impact
on the world.

• We will now look at a document created

by “Junior Cycle for Teachers” which
outlines the ways in which you can
choose a person to focus your research
• There are three aspects to the “A Person of Commitment” project.
What’s this project 1. Enquiry.
all about? This assumes you will ask question such as “Why is the person worth
exploring” when choosing who to focus your project on.
2. Exploration.
This includes how you will find your information, if you can complete
any live interviews with people you know, what values or beliefs does
the person being research have, how can you link the persons values and
beliefs and lastly (but v. importantly) what positive impact has this
person made on the world.
3. Reflection and Action.
It is important to consider what you have learnt and gained throughout
the process, which we will be doing at the end.
Formats for my project!
• Your project can be created in a number of
different ways, for example you can write
in a blog post style, a letter, an interview
(audio or video recorded or written), an
essay, a performance or presentation.
• As well as this you can work in a group or
individually, groups can have no more than
three people.
The Website • I have created a website especially
dedicated to the completion CBA’s.
• This website contains many
resources, links and asynchronous
content which will help you greatly
throughout the process.
• Lets have a look,
• Homework for tonight is to fill out the planning worksheet that
has been given to you!

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