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Stephen was looking at a photo.

Someone asked him, "Whose picture

are you looking at?" He replied: "I
don't have any brother or sister, but
this man's father is my father's son."
So, whose picture was Stephen
looking at?

The man in the photo is

Stephen's son.
It occurs once in a minute,
twice in a moment, but
never in an hour.

The letter M
Is it legal for a man to
marry his widow's

No, because he’s dead.

Week 3
Meeting 3, Lesson 3
“Everyone had to be
drunk on something to
keep moving on. “
Today, you will learn to:

1 2 3
Define thesis Identify the Formulate thesis
statement various techniques statement of the
in locating thesis texts.
Statement of
Table of contents

01 02
Types of thesis
What is thesis
statement statement
Definition and everything The obvious and the hidden

03 04
Formulating Exercises
thesis statement Comparing and contrasting
Writing and stuff thesis statements
Definition and general
It is a statement that
summarizes your topic and
declares your position on it

tells the reader how you will

interpret the significance of
the subject matter under
is a road map for the paper; in
other words, it tells the reader
what to expect from the rest
of the paper.
Thesis statement

It focuses your ideas into one or

It is the central idea of a two sentences. It should present
multiple-paragraph composition. the topic of your paper and also
It is one sentence summary that make a comment about your
guides, controls and unifies position in relation to the topic.
ideas when writing a paper. In Your thesis statement should tell
simple terms, all the other ideas your reader what the paper is
present in an easy revolve about and also help guide your
around the thesis statement. writing and keep your argument
Examples of thesis statements

Peanut butter and To make a peanut Schools should provide

jelly sandwiches are butter and jelly educational resources
the best type of sandwich, you must for low-income
sandwich because procure the students during the
they are versatile, ingredients, find a summers so that they
easy to make, and knife, and spread the don't forget what
taste good. condiments. they've learned
throughout the school
Implicit and
Explicit thesis statement

It might be near the

beginning of the work, but
it is included as a not always–some types of
sentence as part of the academic writing leave the
text. thesis until the conclusion.

directly states the

writer's main state clearly and in
idea/position and detail, leaving no room
provides a clear for confusion or doubt.
direction for the essay.
Implicit thesis statement

1 2 3

the primary point of

implied though not the reading is In literature, this is
plainly expressed conveyed indirectly, in also referred to as the
multiple locations theme of the work.
throughout the work.
Recognizing the explicit
All living things are made up of cells. Since humans are
alive, we are also made of cells. Cells make our body
tissue. Tissue makes our body organs. Organs make our
body systems. Cells are the building blocks of our

Here are 2 explicit questions to answer:

1. What are made of cells?
2. What is the main idea of the text?
Recognizing the explicit

All living things are made up of cells. Since humans are

alive, we are also made of cells. Cells make our body
tissue. Tissue makes our body organs. Organs make our
body systems. Cells are the building blocks of our
What is the
implied message
of this picture?
Even in the year 2012,
some people are under
assumption that it is a
woman’s role in life to
clean and take care of
the household.
This is an example of implicit
advertising as it implies a rivalry
between the mentioned car
manufacturers (Subaru, BMW and

The advertisement congratulates

and shoots down the efforts of the
other car manufacturers in one
sentence, which could be considered
as being quite patronizing and
Four Questions to Ask
When Formulating
Thesis Statement
Where is your Is your thesis
thesis statement? statement specific?

Is your thesis
statement too Is your thesis
general? statement clear?
1. Where is your
thesis statement?
You should provide a thesis
early in your essay -- in the
introduction, or in longer essays
in the second paragraph -- in
order to establish your position
and give your reader a sense of
Tips on how to write a successful thesis statement

Avoid burying a great Indicate the point of

thesis statement in the Be as clear and as your paper but avoid
middle of a paragraph specific as possible; sentence structures like,
or late in the paper. avoid vague words. “The point of my paper
2. Is your thesis statement
Your thesis statement should be as clear and
specific as possible. Normally you will continue to
refine your thesis as you revise your argument(s),
so your thesis will evolve and gain definition as
you obtain a better sense of where your argument
is taking you.
Tips on how to formulate specific thesis statement

Are there two large Would a subordinating

statements connected conjunction help (i.e.
loosely by a coordinating "through," "although,"
conjunction (i.e. "and," "because," "since") to
"but," "or," "for," "nor," signal a relationship
"so," "yet")? between the two sentences?

Or do the two If so, settle on one

statements imply a single focus and then
fuzzy unfocused proceed with further
thesis? development.
3. Is your thesis
Your thesis should betoo general
limited to what can be
accomplished in the specified number of
pages. Shape your topic so that you can get
straight to the "meat" of it. Being specific in
your paper will be much more successful than
writing about general things that do not say
much. Don't settle for three pages of just
skimming the surface.
There are serious objections to today's horror movies.

Because modern
cinematic techniques The pornographic Today's slasher
have allowed filmmakers violence in movies fail to
to get more graphic, "bloodbath" slasher deliver the
horror flicks have movies degrades both emotional catharsis
desensitized young men and women. that 1930s horror
American viewers to films did.
4. Is your thesis statement
Your thesis statement is no exception to your
writing: it needs to be as clear as possible. By
being as clear as possible in your thesis statement,
you will make sure that your reader understands
exactly what you mean.
Tips on how to write clear thesis statement

Unless you're writing a

technical report, avoid Avoid vague words
such as "interesting,” Avoid abstract
technical language.
Always avoid jargon, "negative," words such as
unless you are confident "exciting,” "unusual," "society,"
your audience will be and "difficult." “values,” or
familiar with it. “culture.”
These words tell the reader next to nothing if you do not
carefully explain what you mean by them. Never assume
that the meaning of a sentence is obvious. Check to see if
you need to define your terms (” socialism,"
"conventional," "commercialism," "society"), and then
decide on the most appropriate place to do so. Do not
assume, for example, that you have the same
understanding of what “society” means as your reader. To
avoid misunderstandings, be as specific as possible.
Compare the original thesis (not
specific and clear enough) with the
revised version (much more specific
and clear):
Although the timber wolf is
a timid and gentle animal, it
is being systematically "is, are, was, to be" or
exterminated. [if it's so "to do, to make"
timid and gentle -- why is it
being exterminated?]

Although the timber wolf is any great action verb you can
actually a timid and gentle concoct: "to generate," "to
animal, it is being systematically demolish," "to batter," "to
exterminated because people revolt," "to discover," "to
wrongfully believe it to be a flip," "to signify," "to
fierce and cold-blooded killer. endure..."
Use your own words in thesis
statements; avoid quoting. Crafting
an original, insightful, and
memorable thesis makes a distinct
impression on a reader. You will lose
credibility as a writer if you become
only a mouthpiece or a copyist; you
will gain credibility by grabbing the
reader with your own ideas and
A well-crafted
thesis statement
reflects well-
crafted ideas. It
signals a writer
who has
commitment, and
CREDITS: This presentation template was
created by Slidesgo, including icons by
Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik
Billanes, Lorna A. (2019). English for Academic and
Professional Purposes: Skills and Strategies for Academic
Discourse. Quezon, City: techFactors, Inc.
Buckley, J. (2004). Fit to Print: The Canadian Student’s
Guide to Essay Writing. (6th ed.) Toronto: Nelson. Hacker,
D. (2008). A Canadian Writer’s Reference. (4th ed.)
Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s
DepEd Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)

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