Azaad Parindey Lookbook

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2021 Lookbook

Four determined students take

flight after hijacking an aircraft in
order to fight for their rights to a
higher education and unveil the
truth behind the corrupted
education system in India.
Y During the school year of 1992 - students and graduates of Lucknow Arts
University struggle to maintain resources and provide the hardworking students

with a Master of Fine Arts Degree (MFA). However, it’s revealed that the college
N officials are avoiding making MFA’s readily available to their students in order to
prevent being replaced.

O Unable to gain a higher education and find stable jobs, some students take their
own life and in turn inspire other students to stage an andolan. During this time,

PP The Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) are brought onto campus to disperse
the students.

SS As police brutality ensues on campus, students; Rizwan, Ikka, Anand, Girish and
Panchratna initiate their plan of hijacking a plane and vocalizing their plights to
the governor.

II In the end, once the plane has landed - the party is imprisoned for their crimes and

are later granted bail - only to find that their efforts have not been in vain and
Lucknow College now grants students MFA Degrees.

Uttar Pradesh,

1992 - 1993
Themes & Tones
General Themes and tone

➔ Depression & Fear

➔ Perseverance
➔ Power
➔ Justice
➔ Power Shifts
➔ Hopelessness
➔ Capitalism
➔ Corruption
➔ Wealth
➔ Police Brutality
➔ Violence
➔ Inequity
➔ Unity & Solidarity
Character Profiles
Main Cast

Sehar Girish Panchratna
Character Profiles
Supporting Cast

Rizwan Ikka Anand


Sehar is an art school graduate and girlfriend to Girish.

Despite her talent, she is ultimately fired from her job for
not having an MFA degree. During their struggles and
hardships, Sehar stays by Girish’s side until he is
ultimately imprisoned for his crimes. Although her heart
belongs to Girish, she is left to marry another man.
Boyfriend to Sehar and a student at Lucknow University,
Girish does what he can to fight for his fellow students. He
actively voices his concerns and is active in his
community, contacting his superiors and rounding up
students to begin an andolan. When this fails, he gathers
his friends and plans a way to get the governor's attention
despite knowing the consequences.

Panchratna is an art student at Lucknow University. He
struggles to be the lone provider for his family and is
optimistic for his future career as a sculptor in Dubai.
Because of this, he is skeptical of Girish’s plans but
eventually gets forced in the middle when the PAC
members attack him. After having his hands broken, he is
forced to abandon his dreams and help Girish in his
Directors Statement
National award-winning director Sanjay Puran Singh
Chauhan made his debut with critically acclaimed
film Lahore. Lahore opened with rave reviews not
only in India but got applauds across the globe.

He is the writer of the upcoming mainstream film

titled ‘1983’ based on the historical victory of India in
the Cricket World Cup of 1983.

One of his projects titled ‘Chanda Mama Door Ke’

(Sci- Fi) is also in its pre-production.

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