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Human Resource Development

Unit 5

03/19/2021 Bhupindra Jung Basnet@NCC 1

Human Resource Development (HRD)
 It is concerned with increasing the competencies of human
resources in organizations.
 It focuses on the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes,
experiences and potential of employees to perform current and
future jobs effectively and efficiently.
“Human resource development aims at developing a variety of
competencies of employees and developing a culture in the
organization to utilize these competencies and contribute to
organizational growth.”- T.V. Rao

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Need for HRD
1. Improve competencies
2. Enhance effectiveness
3. Facilitate career development
4. Increase job satisfaction
5. Improve decision making
6. Manage change and conflicts
7. Succession planning
8. Environment adaptation
9. Supports team work

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1. Improve competencies
 HRD enhances knowledge, skills and abilities of employees to
perform current and future jobs effectively and efficiently.
 Training and development programs are provided by HRD to
improve employee’s competencies.
2. Enhance effectiveness
 HRD enhances effectiveness of an employee. It helps to improve
productivity and quality, properly utilize materials and equipment,
and reduce wastes and scrap.
3. Facilitate career development
 Career development involves personal improvement to achieve a
career plan. It matches career plan with the needs of organization.
 HRD provide career development opportunities to the employees
in the organization. Thus HRD facilitates career development of
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4. Increase job satisfaction
 HRD increases job satisfaction through positive attitude
towards jobs.
 Increased job satisfaction can be seen through employee
morale, reduced turnover and absent (absenteeism).
5. Improve decision making
 HRD improves decision making capabilities and creative
thinking of manager.
 Competent managers make effective decisions.

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6. Manage change and conflicts
 It also enables to overcome resistance for change by
improving the organizational climate.
 HRD also helps to manage conflicts through labor and
management relations.
7. Succession planning
 HRD increases the skill, knowledge and capabilities of
 Thus it facilitates managerial succession to higher level when
the need arises from internal sources.

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8. Environmental adaptation
 Organizations can be dynamic through the efforts and
competencies of their human resources.
 HRD enhances the ability of an organization to compete and
adapt to a changing competitive environment.
9. Supports team work
 HRD improves communication through free expression of
 It helps to build an environment of mutual trust, commitment
and cooperation.
 Thus, HRD supports team work.

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 Training is concerned with imparting (convey) specific job-
related skill to the employee.
 Training is arranged in order to provide basis knowledge and
skill for non- managerial employees.
 It is more present work oriented.
 It helps in bringing changes in knowledge, skills and attitude
of the employees.
“Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of
employee for doing a particular job”.- Flippo E. B.

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Training Needs Analysis (TNA) / Determining Training Needs
 Training needs refers to a gap between standard performance
and actual performance of employees in an organization.
 It is the gap between the existing capabilities of employees
and the requirement of the job.

Job Employee Training

Requirement Capabilities needs

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Steps of Analysis (Assessment) Training Needs
1. Determine Training Objectives
2. Select and Design Training Programs
3. Implement Training Programs
4. Evaluation Training Programs

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Levels of Training Need Analysis (Assessment)
 There are three levels of analysis for determining the training
 They are:
1. Organizational levels
2. Task level (operation level)
3. Individual level

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1. Organizational level
 At the organizational level, senior manager set the
organizational goal, and analyze training needs.
 Training needs at organizational level can be created by
changes in environment, objectives, strategies, structure,
product and productivity, growth and expansion of

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2. Task level (operation level)
 Task level is related to the skills, knowledge and attitudes
required for the performance of any job.
 At the task level, the manager (teams) specify how the
organization’s goals are going to be achieved and analyze
training needs.
 Training needs at task level can be created by job redesign,
new job, changes in work method, process and procedures etc

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3. Individual level
 At this level, training needs are determined from the difference
between desired performance and actual performance of
 Training need at individual level can be created by changes in
human resource plans, policies, practices and technology etc.

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Methods of Determining Training Needs
1. Management audit method
2. Task analysis method
3. Performance analysis method
4. Supervisory recommendations method
5. Training need survey method
a. Individual survey
b. Group survey
c. Competency survey

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1. Management audit method
 Management audit is systematic approach to evaluate the
performance of organizational level.
 Management audit should be conducted by independent
experts to assess training needs.
 External factors and internal factors are evaluated by
independent experts to assess training needs.

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2. Task analysis method
 Task analysis is detailed study of the job to identify the
specific skills required.
 Job description and job specification are helpful to determine
training needs.
 Observation, questionnaire and interview tools can be used to
obtain task related information.

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3. Performance analysis method
 Under this method, training needs are determined from the
difference between standards performance and actual
 Training needs are identified by organizational performance
analysis and employee performance analysis.
 Organizational performance analysis determines overall
organizational training needs.
 Employee performance analysis is to identify a current
employee’s training needs.
 The information obtained from performance analysis is used
to identify training needs.

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4. Supervisory recommendation method
 Supervisor is the most fit (the suitable) candidate to appraise
the performance of his or her subordinates.
 Thus, supervisors identify gaps in knowledge and skills, and
recommend training for the employees.

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5. Training needs survey method
 Training needs survey method consists of direct questioning to
collect (gather) opinion about training needs.
 This is used for employee level needs analysis.
 Individual survey, group survey and competency survey are
involved in survey method to determine training needs.
Survey can be three types:
a. Individual survey
b. Group survey
c. Competency survey

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a. Individual survey
 Each employee is asked to give opinion on training needs to
perform the job effectively.
 Questionnaire and interview instruments are used in individual
survey to determine training needs.
b. Group survey
 A group of current employees, former employee and supervisors
are asked to give opinion on training needs to perform the job
 Focus group discussion and brainstorming instruments are used in
group survey to determine training needs.
c. Competency survey
 Experts are asked to give opinion on desired competencies to
perform the jobs effectively.
 Delphi technique and conference instruments are used in
competency survey to determine training needs.
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Training Method

A. On-the- Job Training Method B. Off- The- Job Training Method

1. Apprenticeship (trainee/ 1. Lecture/ conference method

learner) training method 2. Simulation method
2. Internship training method
i. Computer modeling
3. Job instruction training (JIT)
ii. Vestibule training
i. Preparation 3. Programmed instruction method
ii. Presentation (self- instruction method)
iii. Practice 4. Experiential exercises method
iv. Follow-up
4. Job rotation

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1. Apprenticeship training method
 Under this method, Trainees (learner) are put under the
guidance and supervision of master worker or supervisor
 So that the trainees can learn required skills and knowledge by
working with the skilled workers.
 This training is suitable for plumber, electricians, nursing,
accountants. The duration of this training is generally two
years to five years.

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2. Internship training method
 Internship training is to convert theoretical knowledge into
practical experience.
 It is usually provided to professional and technical employee.
 It provides opportunities for students (trainee) to joint (bridge)
the gap from business theory to practice.

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3. Job instruction training (JIT) method
 Job instruction training method refers to step by step training
process to teach new skills.
 In this method, trainer gives instructions to the employees
about how to do the task successfully.
Job instruction training (JIT) includes four steps.
i. Preparation
ii. Presentation
iii. Practice (performance)
iv. Follow- up

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i. Preparation
 The trainees are prepared about the job requirements.
 They are made familiar with equipment, tools and materials.
ii. Presentation
 The trainer gives instruction to the trainees by telling,
showing, demonstrating and explaining about new knowledge
and skills needed for the job.
iii. Practice (performance)
 In the practice step, trainees try to perform the work.
 Errors are corrected by trainer and the trainer gives feedback
to the trainees to improve performance of job immediately.

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iv. Follow- up
 This is the last step of JIT under which the trainee is actually
placed in the job who can perform the job independently
without supervision.
4. Job rotation
 Under this method, employees are shifted to different jobs
after being perfect at one job.
 Form job rotation, employees get skills from every sectors.

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B. Off- the- job training methods
1. Lecture/ conference method
2. Simulation method
i. Computer modeling
ii. Vestibule training
3. Programmed instruction method (self- instruction method)
4. Experiential exercises method

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1. Lecture/ conference method
 Lecture method is a quick and simple way to present
knowledge to large groups of trainees.
 Under this method, a large number of trainees are kept in a
classroom and lecture is delivered to them by trainer. The
trainer discusses theoretical aspect of information related to
 A conference is a group meeting where the trainees are
encouraged by the trainer to develop the conceptual
knowledge and understanding.

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2. Simulation method
 It is the technique where the actual conditions are duplicated
in a specific job.
 Under this method, a trainees are placed in an artificial work
environment and they learn with the actual or simulated
equipments and they will use on the job but receive their
training off the job.
The techniques of simulation can be:
i. Computer modeling
ii. Vestibule training

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i. Computer modeling
 Computer modeling is a process of creating a simulated work
situation through computer programs which are similar work
 All instructions are provided by the computer. Trainees analyze
the situation for learning purposes on computer screen.
ii. Vestibule training (entrance hall, training center)
 This training takes place away from the work environment.
 This training refers to a system in which an artificial working
environment is created to provide training to the trainees with
actual machines and equipment.
 This training aims to provide basic skills and practices of the job
to the trainees.

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3. Programmed instruction method
 This is a method where training is offered without the
instruction (intervention) of a trainer.
 This a self- instruction method.
 Information is provided to trainee through programmed texts
book or training manuals.
 After reading this texts and manuals, the trainees (learner) get
answer of the question abut training. Feedback is provided
after each response.
 It is a step-by- step self learning method.

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4. Experiential exercise method
 Experiential exercises are usually short structured learning
from experiences where trainees learn by doing. Trainees learn
while training.
 Role play is also used in experiential exercises method.
 Under this method, a trainee is given a particular role to play
as like in actual work situation. The trainees are asked to act
out the given roles as in a stage play

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Evaluating Training Effectiveness
 Evaluating is a systematic and objective process to measure
effectiveness in achieving objectives.
 After the training is completed, the program should be
evaluated to identify how well the objectives have been
accomplished. This process is called evaluating training
 The effectiveness of training are measured in terms of
organization’s efficiency, productivity and effectiveness.

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Criteria for Evaluating Training Effectiveness
1. Reaction criteria
2. Learning criteria
3. Behavior criteria
4. Result criteria

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1. Reaction criteria
 Reactions are based on impression, opinions, attitudes of the
 Reaction criteria is related with the feeling of trainees about
the training and training content, process and methods.
 It is subjective rather than objective because every trainee is
free to react on his or her own way.
2. Learning criteria
 Learning criteria is concerned with the knowledge, skill and
attitudes acquired through the training experiences.
 The trainers assess the trainee’s learning by testing their new
knowledge, skill and attitudes.

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3. Behavior criteria
 It is concerned with changes job behavior that result after
 Behavior criteria measures what employees do on the job after
the training.
4. Result criteria
 It is concerned with improvements in job performance in
terms of productivity and quality.
 The training should fulfill the organizational needs such as
reduced turnover, high productivity, quality output and
improved labor relation.

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Process of Training Evaluation
1. Setting standards
2. Measuring actual outcomes
3. Finding deviations
4. Corrective actions

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1. Setting standards
 The first step of training evaluation is a setting standard for the
 Effective evaluation criterion has to be developed for training
 The evaluation criteria serve as the standard for measuring
training effectiveness. They can be in terms of reaction,
learning, behavior and results.
 Pre-test of trainees are also used in the standard.

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2. Measuring actual outcomes
 In the second step of training evaluation is measuring actual
 After completing training activities, the actual outcomes are
 Training reports provide information about outcomes.
3. Finding deviations
 In the third step of training evaluation process is finding
 The deviations are found from comparison between actual
outcomes and desired outcomes.
 The causes of deviation are identified and analyzed in this

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4. Corrective actions
 The last step in the process of training evaluation is corrective
 Corrective actions are taken to remove different between
actual outcomes and planned (desired) outcomes, to improve
the current performance and to plan future training programs.

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Methods for Evaluating Training Effectiveness
1. Observation method
2. Test- retest method
3. Pre- post performance method
4. Experimental- control group method
5. Trainee surveys method
6. Cost effectiveness analysis

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1. Observation method
 Under this method, direct observation takes place in order to
assess the changed knowledge, skills and attitudes of the
 During observation, the errors and mistakes in actual work
situation are carefully observed and recorded.
 Finally, the effectiveness of training can be evaluated through
the reaction of trainees.
 Trainees are closely observed during the delivery of training
programs by trained experts.

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2. Test-retest method
 Under this method, the trainees are given a test before the
conduction of training program to assess their existing level of
knowledge, skill and attitudes.
 After training program is completed, the trainees retake the
test and then the comparison is made between trainees 'level of
knowledge, skills and attitudes before and after the training
 Hence, the difference between test and retest scores determine
the effectiveness of training.

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3. Pre- Post Performance Method
 Under this method, each participant is evaluated before the
training on actual job performance.
 After training program is completed, the participant’s job
performance is reevaluated and then the increased job
performance of the trainees (participant) determine the
training effectiveness.

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4. Experimental- Control Group Method
 Under this method, participants are divided into two groups.
There are control group and experimental group.
 Members of the control group work on the job but they don’t
give (provide) training. Where as members of the
experimental group are given training at work.
 At the conclusion of training, the performance of these two
groups are reevaluated.
 If the training is really effective, the experimental group’s
performance will have improved substantially better than the
control group.

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5. Trainee surveys method
 Under trainee surveys method, the effectiveness of training is
evaluated by directly questioning to trainee and gathering
information and reactions given by the trainee about training
 The trainees are asked to fill a form the end of training which
consists questions about physical facilities, achievement of
training, behavioral changes.
 The feedback received from the participants are considered to
remove problems of current training program.

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6. Cost effectiveness analysis
 Cost effectiveness analysis measures total value of benefits
against total costs of training.
 It is process of determining the economic benefits of a training
program using accounting method, which involves
determining training costs and benefits,
 If the benefits of training exceed the cost of training, training
program will be the effectiveness.

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Management Development
 Management development is to improve managerial
performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes or
increasing skills.
 It largely depends on imparting knowledge rather than skills. It
provides general knowledge and attitudes which will be
helpful to employees in higher positions.
 It is a continuous process of developing managerial potential
by enhancing conceptual, interpersonal and decision making
skills. It is also known as executive development.
“Management development is future – oriented training, focusing
on personal growth of the employee.”-Decenzo and Robbins

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Techniques of Management Development
A. On- the – job management B. Off- the – job management
development development
1. Coaching Method 1. Lecture/ seminar method
2. Understudy Assignments 2. Simulation method
3. Job Rotation Method a. Case study
4. Planned Work Assignments b. Incident method
(Committee Assignments) c. Role play
5. Internship d. Management games
3. Behavior modeling method
a. Model study
b. Role play
c. Reinforcement
d. Skill transfer
4. Transactional analysis (TA) method
5. Sensitivity training method (T group) 50
Bhupindra Jung Basnet@NCC
A. On- the – job management development
i. Coaching method
 Under this method, an experienced manager takes an active
role to provide theoretical knowledge and managerial skill to
the trainee manager.
 The effective coach manager gives proper guidance and
instruction through advice, direction, suggestion and
ii. Understudy assignments
 Under this method, the trainee managers are given some work
under the supervision of their immediate senior managers
 The trainee managers can learn the job under the supervision
of senior manager.

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iii. Job rotation method
 Under this method, the trainee managers learn the nature and
principles of management by transferring from department to
department or from position to position.
 Job rotation means moving trainees manager from department
to department to enhance their skill, knowledge and
experience. Job rotation can be horizontal.

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iv. Planned work assignment (Committee Assignments)
 Under this technique, the trainee managers are grouped into a
committee and are assigned a subject to discuss and make
v. Internship
 Internship provide opportunities for trainee mangers to joint
(integrate) the gap theoretical knowledge with practical
 Learner managers are interned in organizations for a specified
period to work as employees to obtain experience.

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B. Off – the – job management development
1. Lecture/ seminar method
2. Simulation method
a. Case study
b. Incident method
c. Role play
d. Management games
3. Behavior modeling method
a. Model study
b. Role play
c. Reinforcement
d. Skill transfer
4. Transactional analysis (TA) method
5. Sensitivity training method (T group)
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1. Lecture /seminar method
 Lecture is a verbal presentation of information by an instructor
(trainer) to the trainee managers.
 Lecture is important method of providing behavioral
knowledge and managerial skills to the trainee manager.
 Seminars are formal presentation by the experts in which the
trainee manager are encouraged to discuss the subject matter.
 Audio- visual, equipments like films, overhead projectors,
slides and power point are used in lecture and seminar method.

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2. Simulation method
 Simulation is the technique where the actual work situations
are duplicated in the classroom or laboratory.
 Under this method, trainee managers are given opportunities
to learn in an off- the- job situation that are similar to actual
job conditions.
 Simulation method includes case study, incident method, role
play and management games.

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a. Case study
 A case is a written document to describe an actual situation.
 Under this study, the case is presented in a training program then
trainee managers analyze the case, diagnose the problem and
present their finding and solutions in a discussion with other
b. Incident method
 In the case study method, the entire problem is presented to the
trainee manager, whereas in the incident method, only a brief
incident is presented to provoke to the trainee manager
discussion in the class.
 Under this method, critical incident of the organization are
provided to the participants (manages) and then trainee manager
finds out the essential facts and make decisions through group
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c. Role play
 Under this method, the trainee managers play different roles
involving realistic behavior in imaginary situation.
d. Management games
 In these games, participants are divided into various teams
which are placed in competition with each other in resolving
some problems and information is supplied to all teams.
 It helps trainee manager to develop their problem- solving
skills, leadership skills and delegation in any managerial job.

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3. Behavior modeling method
 Behavior modeling is a method in which trainees are shown
good management techniques in video or film, are asked to
play roles in a simulated situation and then are given feedback
and praise by their supervisor.
It involves the following steps.
a. Model study
b. Role play
c. Reinforcement
d. Skill transfer

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a. Model study
 First, trainees watch film or video examples that show model’s
behavior effectively in a problem situation. This represents the
right way of doing something.
b. Role play
 Next steps, the trainees are given roles to play in a simulated
situation and they practice and rehearse the effective
c. Reinforcement
 Trainers positively reinforce the participants by providing
feedback about a trainee performance.
d. Skill transfer
 Finally, trainees are encouraged to transfer their new skills on
the job.

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4. Transactional analysis
 It is useful method for analyzing and understanding human
 In the practical application of this technique, managers
analyze their daily transactions with employees and identify
the ego states, such as the parent, the adult and child.
 The parent and child ego stages feel and react directly. The
adult state thinks before acting.
 It encourages manager to engage in adult ego stage behavior.

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5. Sensitivity training method (T group)
 It is a method of changing behavior through unstructured
group interaction in a free and open environment.
 In sensitivity training method, the participants are brought
together in an open environment for discussion and
 They express their ideas, feelings, beliefs and attitudes, which
provide managers with increased awareness of their own
behaviors as well as how others perceive them.

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Training and Development Practices in Nepalese Organizations
1. Training Needs Assessment
2. Training Methods
3. Training Institutions
4. Management Development
5. Effectiveness of Training
6. Training and Development Related Problem
7. Ineffective Implementation

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1. Training needs assessment
 Most of the Nepalese organizations lack comprehensive
training needs assessment. Training is not considered a
continuous activity.
 Training needs are not properly assessed by Nepalese
organization at organizational, task and individual level.
 The need of training is assessed through supervisory
recommendations in Nepalese organizations.
 In public sector organizations, training needs are identified
from the suggestions of line managers.
 Most Nepalese organizations lack training need surveys and
performance analysis to identify training needs.

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2. Training methods
 Nepalese organization use both on- the- job training as well as
off- the- job training method.
 On- the- job training method include apprenticeship training
and internship training for skills and professional jobs.
 Off- the- job training methods include lecture/ seminars/
conference method and workshops and also little use
experiential exercise for training.

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3. Training institutions
 In Nepal, there are very few training institutions involving in training
programs. Some of them are Nepal Administration Staff College,
Management Association of Nepal (MAN), Center for Economic
Development and Administration (CEDA), Labor Department, Nepal
Chamber of Commerce (NCC) and Federation of Nepalese Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), Nepal Academy for Tourism and
Hotel Management (NATHM).
 Nepal administration staff college provides off- the- job training to civil
 Center for economic development and administration (CEDA) provides
training programs to the university employees and others.
 Nepal Rastra Bank, Agricultural Development Bank, Commercial Bank
and other governments have their in-house training divisions and
 In banker’s training center, training is provided for the banking sector
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4. Management development
 In Nepalese organization use both on- the- job management
development as well as off- the-job management development.
 In on- the- job management development, coaching method
and understudy assignments are used to develop manager in
Nepalese organization.
 Job rotation is not effectively used. Planned work assignments
are little used.
 In off- the- job management development techniques, lecture/
seminar methods are used to develop managers in Nepalese
 Some private consulting firms and management association of
Nepal (MAN) conduct short-term programs for managers.

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5. Effectiveness of training
 In Nepalese organization the effectiveness of training is often
 The effectiveness of training is evaluated in term of reaction
and learning criteria.
 But behavior and results criteria are not use to evaluate
training effectiveness.
 Trainee surveys method is also used for effectiveness of

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6. Training and development related problem
 Training and development are lacking in most of the Nepalese
They are:
 Training policy is lacking
 Training function is poorly managed
 Defective trainee selection
 Unclear objectives selection
 Evaluation of training effectiveness is lacking
 Training facilities and programs are mostly kathmandu based
 Management development is neglected.

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7. Ineffective implementation
 The implementation of training and development are
ineffective and unreasonable in Nepalese organization.
 The problems with implementation side of training and
development are lack of necessary policies and procedures
systematic planning of training and development, adequate
budget for planning and development, monitoring system,
evaluation and motivation system.
 Due to such problems, the effective implementation and
evaluation of training and development is impossible in
Nepalese organizations.

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Thank you

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