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This template consists of various master slides, the brand colour palette and the brand typeface ‘Unilever Shilling’.
Please ensure the brand typeface is installed on your machine before proceeding.

Add a Slide: in Home Tab click New slide - choose one colour theme for your presentation. It is best to duplicate a slide rather than Copy > Paste. Always use Paste Special
and choose Unformatted text. Powerpoint does not automatically add page numbers and footers to slides (although duplicating will keep the footer and page number).

Cover: Slide templates include 2 cover versions. In Home Tab click New slide – choose from Cover Title options.

Brand Colour : only Unilever Blue, Orchid purple, Candy pink, Red sunset, Canary yellow and Jade green are the Unilever brand colours set as default in this document and
should be used.

Typeface: the brand typeface ‘Unilever Shilling’ is set as default .When inserting pages from other decks, update the typeface to ‘Unilever Shilling’ .

Header Footer: To update View > Header and Footer to set and apply the Footer text for the Document Title in the footer on the content slides and to set up the page
numbers. Click Apply when done.

Bullet Points: All bullet master slides incorporate built-in styles for bullets in all bullet or text boxes. Bullets only apply PPT default round bullets. To update bullet styles –
toggle between the Indent more and Indent less buttons in the Home bar, as shown. There are 5 bullet styles to choose from.

Chart:  To create a chart, click Insert – Chart

Content: To insert an image, video, or audio – choose Insert - choose Media. To change an existing image, right-click on image - Change Picture. Or delete and click
Picture icon to insert a new image in the home tab.

Bespoke PPT presentations: please contact U Studio for bespoke PPT presentations or bespoke assets for your presentation.

Please delete this slide before finishing your presentation.

Presentation title goes here 
and here over two lines
Subheading goes here
over two lines


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